
Write-Host -Object "Running $PSCommandpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\constants.ps1"
if ($env:appveyor1) {
    $PSDefaultParameterValues["*-SPR*:Site"] = $script:onlinesite
    $PSDefaultParameterValues["*-SPR*:Credential"] = $script:onlinecred
Describe "Online Integration Tests" -Tag "IntegrationTests" {
    BeforeAll {
        if ($env:appveyor) {
            $env:psmodulepath = "$env:psmodulepath; C:\projects; C:\projects\SPReplicator"
        } else {
            $ENV:PSModulePath = "$($ENV:PSModulePath):/home/runner/.local/share/powershell/:/home/runner/work/SPReplicator/SPReplicator"
            $script:mylist = "My Actions List"
            $script:filename = "/tmp/$script:mylist.xml"
            $script:onlinesite = "https://netnerds.sharepoint.com/"
            $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $env:CLIENTSECRET -AsPlainText -Force
            $script:onlinecred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($env:CLIENTID, $secpasswd)
            $PSDefaultParameterValues["Connect-SPRSite:AuthenticationMode"] = "AppOnly"
            Import-Module /home/runner/work/SPReplicator/SPReplicator/SPReplicator/SPReplicator.psd1
        $oldconfig = Get-SPRConfig -Name location
        $null = Set-SPRConfig -Name location -Value Online
        $null = Connect-SPRSite -Site $script:onlinesite -Credential $script:onlinecred
        $thislist = Get-SPRList -Site $script:onlinesite -Credential $script:onlinecred -List $script:mylist, "Sample test create new list $ENV:USER" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null
        $null = $thislist | Remove-SPRList -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null
        $originallists = Get-SPRList | Where-Object Title -ne "SPRLog" | Where-Object Title -notmatch "Sample" | Where-Object Title -notmatch "Action"
        $originalwebs = Get-SPRWeb
        $originalusers = Get-SPRUser
    AfterAll {
        $thislist = Get-SPRList -Site $script:onlinesite -Credential $script:onlinecred -List $script:mylist -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null
        $null = $thislist | Remove-SPRList -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null
        $results = Set-SPRConfig -Name location -Value $oldconfig.Value
        Remove-Item -Path $script:filename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null

    Context "Connect-SPRSite" {
        It "Connects to a site" {
            $results = Connect-SPRSite -Site $script:onlinesite -Credential $script:onlinecred -ErrorVariable erz -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable warn -EnableException
            $erz | Should -Be $null
            $results.Url | Should -match sharepoint.com
            $results.RequestTimeout | Should -Be 180000

    if ($erz -or $warn) {
        throw "no more, test failed"

    Context "Get-SPRConnectedSite" {
        It "Gets connected site information" {
            $results = Get-SPRConnectedSite
            $results.Url | Should -match sharepoint.com
            $results.RequestTimeout | Should -Be 180000

    Context "Get-SPRWeb" {
        It "Gets a web" {
            $results = Get-SPRWeb | Select-Object -First 1
            $results.Url | Should -match sharepoint.com
            $results.RecycleBinEnabled | Should -Not -Be $null

    Context "Get-SPRListTemplate" {
        It "Gets all template info" {
            $results = Get-SPRListTemplate
            $results.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 10
        It "Gets specific template info by id" {
            $results = Get-SPRListTemplate -Id 100 | Select-Object -First 1
            $results.Id | Should -Be 100
        It "Gets specific template info by name" {
            $results = Get-SPRListTemplate -Name 'Custom List'
            $results.Name.Count | Should -Be 1
            $results.Name | Should -Be 'Custom List'

    Context "New-SPRList" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = New-SPRList -Title $script:mylist -Description "My List Description" -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Creates a new list named $script:mylist" {
            $results = New-SPRList -Title $script:mylist -Description "My List Description"
            $results.Title | Should -Be $script:mylist
            $results.GetType().Name | Should -Be 'List'
            $results.Description | Should -Be "My List Description"
        It "Does not create a duplicate list named $script:mylist" {
            $results = New-SPRList -Title $script:mylist -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3>$null
            $results | Should -Be $null

    Context "Get-SPRList" {
        $script:spsite = $null
        It "Gets a list named $script:mylist with a basetype GenericList" {
            $results = Get-SPRList -List $script:mylist
            $results.Title | Should -Be $script:mylist
            $results.BaseType | Should -Be 'GenericList'
        It "Gets a list named $script:mylist and doesn't require a Site since Connect-SPRSite was used" {
            $results = Get-SPRList -List $script:mylist
            $results.Title | Should -Be $script:mylist

    Context "Add-SPRColumn" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = Add-SPRColumn -List $script:mylist -ColumnName TestColumn -Description "One column" -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Adds a column named TestColumn" {
            $results = Add-SPRColumn -List $script:mylist -ColumnName TestColumn -Description "One column"
            $results.List | Should -Be $script:mylist
            $results.Name | Should -Be TestColumn
            $results.DisplayName | Should -Be TestColumn
            $results.Description | Should -Be "One column"
        It "Supports piping" {
            $results = Get-SPRList -List $script:mylist | Add-SPRColumn -ColumnName Scoopty -DisplayName PipedColumnSample
            $results.List | Should -Be $script:mylist
            $results.Name | Should -Be Scoopty
            $results.DisplayName | Should -Be PipedColumnSample
            $results.Description.Length | Should -Be 0
        It "Supports xml" {
            $xml = "<Field Type='URL' Name='EmployeePicture' StaticName='EmployeePicture' DisplayName='Employee Picture' Format='Image'/>"
            $results = Get-SPRList -List $script:mylist | Add-SPRColumn -Xml $xml
            $results.DisplayName | Should -Be 'Employee Picture'
            $results.Type | Should -Be 'Hyperlink or Picture'
            $results.List | Should -Be $script:mylist

    Context "Get-SPRColumnDetail" {
        It "Gets a list named $script:mylist with a basetype GenericList" {
            $results = Get-SPRColumnDetail -List $script:mylist
            $results.Name.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 10
            $results.Name | Should -Contain 'TestColumn'
            $results.Name | Should -Contain 'Scoopty'
            $results.DisplayName | Should -Contain 'PipedColumnSample'
        It "Gets a list named $script:mylist and doesn't require a Site since Connect-SPRSite was used" {
            $results = Get-SPRColumnDetail -List $script:mylist
            $results.Name.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 10

    Context "Add-SPRListItem" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $object = @()
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data'; }
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello2'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data2'; }
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello3'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data3'; }
            $results = Add-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -InputObject $object -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Adds generic objects to list" {
            $object = @()
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data'; }
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello2'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data2'; }
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello3'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data3'; }
            $results = Add-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -InputObject $object
            $results.Title | Should -Be 'Hello', 'Hello2', 'Hello3'
            $results.TestColumn | Should -Be 'Sample Data', 'Sample Data2', 'Sample Data3'
        It "Adds datatable results to list and doesn't require Site since we used connect earlier" {
            if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne "Core" -and $env:COMPUTERNAME -eq "workstationx") {
                $dt = Invoke-DbaSqlQuery -SqlInstance sql2017 -Query "Select Title = 'Hello SQL', TestColumn = 'Sample SQL Data'"
            } else {
                $dt = New-Object System.Data.Datatable
                [void]$dt.Rows.Add("Hello SQL", "Sample SQL Data")
            $results = $dt | Add-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist
            $results.Title | Should -Be 'Hello SQL'
            $results.TestColumn | Should -Be 'Sample SQL Data'
        It "Quietly adds new objects to list $script:mylist" {
            $object = @()
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Sup'; TestColumn = 'Sample Sup'; }
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Sup2'; TestColumn = 'Sample Sup2'; }
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Sup3'; TestColumn = 'Sample Sup3'; }
            $results = Add-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -InputObject $object -Quiet
            $results | Should -Be $null
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Sup'
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Sup2'
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Sup3'
            $results.TestColumn | Should -Contain 'Sample Sup3'
        It "Autocreates new list and adds new items as user System Account" {
            $newList = "Sample test create new list $ENV:USER"
            $object = @()
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data'; }
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello2'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data2'; }
            $object += [pscustomobject]@{ Title = 'Hello3'; TestColumn = 'Sample Data3'; }
            $results = $object | Add-SPRListItem -List $newList -AutoCreateList -AsUser 'System Account'
            $results.Title | Should -Be 'Hello', 'Hello2', 'Hello3'
            $results.TestColumn | Should -Be 'Sample Data', 'Sample Data2', 'Sample Data3'
            $results.Author | Should -Be 'System Account', 'System Account', 'System Account'
            $results = Get-SPRList -List $newList
            $results | Should -Not -Be $null
            Remove-SPRList -List $newList -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

    Context "Get-SPRListItem" {
        It "Gets data from $script:mylist" {
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist
            $results.Title.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 1
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Hello SQL'
            $results.TestColumn | Should -Contain 'Sample SQL Data'
            $script:id = $results[0].Id

        It "Gets one data based on ID ($script:id)" {
            if (-not $script:id) {
                $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist
                $script:id = $results[0].Id
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -Id $script:id
            $results.Title.Count | Should -Be 1
            $results.Id | Should -Be $script:id

    Context "Get-SPRListView" {
        It "Returns at least one view with some xml" {
            $results = Get-SPRListView -List $script:mylist
            $results.List.Title | Should -Be $script:mylist
            $results.ViewQuery | Should -Not -Be $null
        It "Throws if a view doesn't exist" {
            $null = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -View DoesntExist -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable warning 3>$null
            $warning | Should -Match "invalid"
        It "Works" {
            $view = Get-SPRListView -List $script:mylist | Where-Object DefaultView | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Title
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -View $view
            $results.Title | Should -Not -Be $null

    Context "Export-SPRListItem" {
        It "Gets data from $script:mylist" {
            if ((Test-Path $script:filename)) {
                Remove-Item $script:filename
            $result = Export-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -Path $script:filename
            $result.FullName | Should -Be $script:filename

    Context "Copy-SPRFile" {
        if ($env:appveyor) {
            if ((Test-Path $script:filename)) {
                Remove-Item $script:filename
            It "Supports WhatIf" {
                InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
                $results = Export-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -Path $script:filename | Copy-SPRFile -Destination (Split-Path $script:filename) -WhatIf
                $results | Should -Be $null
                Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
            It "Successfully copies a file" {
                $result = Export-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -Path $script:filename | Copy-SPRFile -Destination (Split-Path $script:filename)
                $result.FullName | Should -Be $script:filename

    Context "Import-SPRListItem" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = Import-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -Path $script:filename -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Imports data from $script:filename" {
            $count = (Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist).Title.Count
            $results = Import-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -Path $script:filename
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Hello SQL'
            (Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist).Title.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan $count

    Context "Add-SPRListItem" {
        It "Imports data from $script:filename" {
            $count = (Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist).Title.Count
            $results = Import-PSFCliXml -Path $script:filename | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Data | Add-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist
            (Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist).Title.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan $count
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Hello SQL'

    Context "Update-SPRListItem" {
        (Import-PSFCliXml -Path $script:filename) | Export-Clixml -Path $script:filename
        (Get-Content $script:filename).replace('Hello SQL', 'ScooptyScoop') | Set-Content $script:filename
        (Get-Content $script:filename).replace('Sample SQL Data', 'ScooptyData') | Set-Content $script:filename
        $updates = Import-CliXml -Path $script:filename | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Data

        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Update-SPRListItem -UpdateObject $updates -Confirm:$false -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Updates data from $script:filename" {
            # Replace a value to update
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Update-SPRListItem -UpdateObject $updates -Confirm:$false
            $results.Title.Count | Should -Be 1
            $results.Title | Should -Be 'ScooptyScoop'
            $results.TestColumn | Should -Be 'ScooptyData'
        It "Doesn't update the other rows" {
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'ScooptyScoop'
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Hello'
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Hello2'
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'Hello3'

    Context "Get-SPRUser" {
        It "Gets users from $script:onlinesite" {
            $results = Get-SPRUser
            $results.Title | Should -Contain 'System Account'
            $results.Title.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 2

    Context "Select-SPRObject" {
        It "Gets data from $script:mylist and excludes other data" {
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Select-SPRObject -Property 'Title as Test1234'
            $results | Get-Member -Name Title | Should -Be $null
            $results | Get-Member -Name Test1234 | Should -Not -Be $null
            $results.Test1234 | Should -Contain 'ScooptyScoop'

    Context "Update-SPRListItemAuthorEditor" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Select-Object -First 1 | Update-SPRListItemAuthorEditor -Identity 'System Account' -Confirm:$false -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Updates author/editor for a single item on $script:mylist" {
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Select-Object -First 1 | Update-SPRListItemAuthorEditor -Identity 'System Account' -Confirm:$false
            $results.Author | Should -Be 'System Account'
            $results.Editor | Should -Be 'System Account'
        It "Doesn't update other things" {
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist
            $results.Author | Should -Contain (Get-SPRUser | Where-Object LoginName -eq (Get-SPRConnectedSite).CurrentUser).Title

    Context "Set-SPRListFieldValue" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Select-Object -Last 1 | Set-SPRListFieldValue -Column Title -Value ABC -Confirm:$false -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force

        $current = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist

        It "Updates a single column on $script:mylist" {
            $pre = $current | Select-Object -Last 1
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Select-Object -Last 1 | Set-SPRListFieldValue -Column Title -Value ABC -Confirm:$false
            $pre.Author | Should -Be $results.Author
            $post = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Select-Object -Last 1
            $post.Title | Should -Be 'ABC'
            $pre.TestColumn | Should -Be $post.TestColumn
        It "Doesn't update other things" {
            $pre = $current | Select-Object -First 1
            $post = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Select-Object -First 1
            $pre.Author | Should -Be $post.Author
            $pre.Title | Should -Be $post.Title
            $pre.TestColumn | Should -Be $post.TestColumn

    Context "New-SPRLogList" {
        It "Creates a new log list" {
            $results = New-SprLogList -Title "SPReplicator $ENV:USER" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($results) {
                $columns = $results | Get-SPRColumnDetail | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
                $columns | Should -Contain "FinishTime"
                $columns | Should -Contain "ItemCount"
                $columns | Should -Contain "Result"
                $columns | Should -Contain "Type"
                $columns | Should -Contain "Duration"
                $columns | Should -Contain "RunAs"
                $columns | Should -Contain "Message"
                $columns | Should -Contain "URL"
                $results.Title | Should -Be "SPReplicator $ENV:USER"
                $results.BaseType | Should -Be "GenericList"
                $results | Remove-SPRList -Confirm:$false

    Context "Remove-SPRListItem" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Where-Object Id -in $script:id | Remove-SPRListItem -Confirm:$false -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Removes specific data from $script:mylist" {
            $row = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -Id $script:id
            $row | Should -Not -Be $null
            $results = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Where-Object Id -in $script:id | Remove-SPRListItem -Confirm:$false
            $results.Site | Should -Not -Be $null
            $row = Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist -Id $script:id  3> $null
            $row | Should -Be $null

    Context "Clear-SPRListItems" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = Clear-SPRListItems -List $script:mylist -Confirm:$false -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Removes data from $script:mylist" {
            $results = Clear-SPRListItems -List $script:mylist -Confirm:$false
            Get-SPRListItem -List $script:mylist | Should -Be $null
            Get-SPRList -List $script:mylist | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ItemCount | Should -Be 0

    Context "Remove-SPRList" {
        It "Supports WhatIf" {
            InModuleScope SPReplicator { Mock Test-PSFShouldProcess { $null } }
            $results = Get-SPRList -List 'My List', $script:mylist | Remove-SPRList -Confirm:$false -WhatIf
            $results | Should -Be $null
            Import-Module SPReplicator -Force
        It "Removes $script:mylist" {
            $results = Get-SPRList -List 'My List', $script:mylist | Remove-SPRList -Confirm:$false
            Get-SPRList -List $script:mylist | Should -Be $null
    Context "Get-SPRConfig" {
        It "Gets some configs" {
            $results = Get-SPRConfig
            $results.location | Should -Not -Be $null
    Context "Set-SPRConfig" {
        It "Sets some configs" {
            $script:currentconfig = Get-SPRConfig
            $results = Set-SPRConfig -Name location -Value Online
            $results.Value | Should -Be 'Online'
            $results = Get-SPRConfig
            ($results | Where-Object Name -eq location).Value | Should -Be 'Online'
    $thislist = Get-SPRList -Site $script:onlinesite -Credential $script:onlinecred -List $script:mylist, "SPReplicator $ENV:USER" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null
    $null = $thislist | Remove-SPRList -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null
    Remove-Item -Path $script:filename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

if (-not $IsLinux) {
    Describe "Online Final Tests" -Tag "Finaltests" {
        Context "Checking to ensure all original data has remained" {
            $nowlists = Get-SPRList | Where-Object Title -ne "SPRLog"
            $nowwebs = Get-SPRWeb
            $nowusers = Get-SPRUser
            $originalsum = $originallists.ItemCount | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
            $nowlistssum = $nowlists.ItemCount | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum

            It "Site has the same number of webs as before" {
                $originalwebs.Count | Should -Be $nowwebs.Count

            It "Site has the same number of lists as before" {
                # well, since github runs it too, give it some leeway
                $originallists.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual ($nowlists.Count - 2)

            It "Site has the same number of users as before" {
                # well, since github runs it too, give it some leeway
                $originalusers.Count | Should -BeGreaterOrEqual ($nowusers.Count - 2)

            It "Lists still have $originalsum items" {
                #$originalsum | Should -Be $nowlistssum
                $originalsum | Should -BeGreaterThan 0

            foreach ($web in $originalwebs) {
                It "$($web.Title) currently exists" {
                    $nowwebs.Title | Should -contain $web.Title

            foreach ($list in $originallists) {
                It "$($list.Title) currently exists" {
                    $nowlists.Title | Should -contain $list.Title

            foreach ($user in $originalusers) {
                It "$($user.Title) currently exists" {
                    $nowusers.Title | Should -contain $user.Title
        $thislist = Get-SPRList -Site $script:onlinesite -Credential $script:onlinecred -List $script:mylist, "SPReplicator $ENV:USER" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null
        $null = $thislist | Remove-SPRList -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue 3> $null
        Remove-Item -Path $script:filename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue