
function Get-FileRestoreMove
    Given a set of files to restore, generates the necessary RelocateFiles object for the given path
    Function to generate the SQL restore syntax to move all the data and log files in a SQL Server backup to a new destination during restore
    Get-FileRestoreMove -Backups $Backups -Destination 'c:\backups'
  .PARAMETER BackupsObject
    A list of SQL backups, as provided by Get-RestoreSet
  .PARAMETER DestinationPath
    The path to which the db should be restored.


    Write-Verbose "Entering Get-FileRestoreMove"
    $outbackups = @()
    if ($DestinationPath.substring($DestinationPath.length-1,1) -ne '\'){
        $DestinationPath = $DestinationPath+'\'
  foreach ($backup in $BackupsObject){
    $RelocateFile = @()
    foreach ($file in $backup.files){
        $rf = new-object -typename Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.RelocateFile
        $rf.LogicalFileName = $file.LogicalName
        $rf.PhysicalFileName = $DestinationPath+(Split-Path $file.PhysicalName -Leaf)
        $RelocateFile+= $rf
    #$Backup | add-member -name Relocate -value $RelocateFile -MemberType NoteProperty
    $backup.relocatefile = $RelocateFile
    $outbackups += $backup
    remove-variable relocatefile
  Write-Verbose "Get-FileRestoreMove - Leaving"