
function Find-SdtKeywordInSQLDBATools
The function returns all searches for a keyword in all the scripts that are part of SQLDBATools module
The function returns all searches for a keyword in all the scripts that are part of SQLDBATools module
.PARAMETER KeywordsToSearch
Enter the keywork to search in all the scripts
Find-SdtKeywordInSQLDBATools -KeywordsToSearch SQLDBATools
This will display result whenever SQLDBATools keyword is found in any script
'Clear-Host' | Find-SdtKeywordInSQLDBATools | ogv
This will dislay result whenever any of the words in array are found inside scripts

    Param (

    # =========================================================
    # Iterate through all files
    # Get content of Each file
    # Find keyword 'Clear-Host' inside them
    # =========================================================

    Write-Verbose "Finding path for SQLDBATools Module";
    $modulePath = ((Get-Module -ListAvailable SQLDBATools).Path | Split-Path);

    Write-Verbose "Filtering files with extension *.ps1 & *.psm1";
    $fileExtension = @('.ps1','.psm1');

    $files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $modulePath | 
                Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false -and $_.Extension -in $fileExtension};

    # -Verbose
    if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) {
        Write-Verbose "Below are the files found (`$files):- ";
        $files | ft -AutoSize;

    $SearchResults = @();
    if($files.Count -gt 0) {
        $SearchResult = $files | Select-String -Pattern $KeywordToSearch;
        Write-Verbose "Passing `$searchResult to Output pipeline.";
        $SearchResult | Write-Output;
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "No files found to search";