
Returns the Features avaialble from teh SQL Server Diagnostic Recommendations API
This will connect to to the SQL Server Diagnostic Recommendations API and return the
unique list of features for some or all of the Products
.PARAMETER Recommendations
The recommendation object from the API - Use Get-SQLDiagRecommendations by default
The product or products that you want to filter by Get-SQLDiagProduct will show the options
Wildcard case insensitive search for feature name
This will return a unique list of all of the Feature Areas that have fixes from the SQL Server Diagnostic API
Get-SQLDiagFeature -Feature Always
This will return a unique list of all of the Feature Areas that have fixes from the SQL Server Diagnostic API
with a name including Always (case insensitive)
Get-SQLDiagFeature -Product 'SQL Server 2012 SP3'
This will return a unique list of all of the Feature Areas that have fixes for the product SQL Server 2012 SP3
from the SQL Server Diagnostic API
Get-SQLDiagProduct 2016 | Get-SQLDiagFeature
This will return a unique list of all of the Feature Areas that have fixes for products with 2016 in the name
from the SQL Server Diagnostic API
Get-SQLDiagProduct 2016 | Get-SQLDiagFeature Always
This will return a unique list of all of the Feature Areas that have fixes for products with 2016 in the name
and features with Always in the name (case insensitive) from the SQL Server Diagnostic API
    AUTHOR Rob Sewell @SQLDBAWithBeard
    DATE 30/06/2017

function Get-SQLDiagFeature {
            Mandatory = $false)]
        [pscustomobject] $Recommendations = (Get-SQLDiagRecommendations),
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {Get-SQLDiagProduct})]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
        # Define empty features array
        $features = @()
    # If no product grab all of the features and add them to the features array if not already there
    if (!($Product)) {
        foreach ($recommendation in $recommendations.Recommendations) {
            foreach ($fix in $recommendation.Content.RelevantFixes) {
                $feat = $fix.Title
                if ($features -notcontains $feat) {
                    $Features += $Feat
    else {
         # If product grab all of the features for that product and add them to the features array if not already there
        foreach ($P in $Product) {
            foreach ($recommendation in $recommendations.Recommendations) {
                $Products = $recommendation.Product
                if ($products -notcontains $p) {continue}
                foreach ($fix in $recommendation.Content.RelevantFixes) {
                    $feat = $fix.Title
                    if ($features -notcontains $feat) {
                        $Features += $Feat

        ## if feature search return only features that match the search term alphabetically
        if ($Feature) {
            $features | Where-Object {$_ -like "*$($Feature)*"} | Sort-Object
        ## otherwise return the lot alphabetically
        else {
            $features | Sort-Object