
Returns the Fixes from the SQL Server Diagnostic recommnendations API
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for the
Fixes in the Cumulative Updates returned from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
.PARAMETER Recommendations
The recommendation object from the API - Uses Get-SQLDiagRecommendations by default
The product or products that you want to filter by Get-SQLDiagProduct will show the options
The Feature Name or Area that you want to filter by Get-SQLDiagFeature will show the options
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the
Fixes in the Cumulative Updates returned from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
Get-SQLDiagFix -Product 'SQL Server 2012 SP3'
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes for
SQL Server 2012 SP3 in the Cumulative Updates returned from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
Get-SQLDiagFix -Feature 'Always On'
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes for the
Feature Area Always On in the Cumulative Updates returned from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
Get-SQLDiagFix 'Always On'
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes for the
Feature Area Always On in the Cumulative Updates returned from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
Get-SQLDiagFix -Product 'SQL Server 2012 SP3' -Feature 'Always On'
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes for the
Feature Area Always On for SQL Server 2012 SP3 in the Cumulative Updates returned from the SQL Server
Diagnostics Recommendations API
Get-SQLDiagProduct 2012 | Get-SQLDiagFix
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes for the
Feature Area Always On for products with 2012 in the name in the Cumulative Updates returned from
the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
Get-SQLDiagProduct SP1 | Get-SQLDiagFix
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes for the
Feature Area Always On for products with SP1 in the name in the Cumulative Updates returned from
the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
Get-SQLDiagProduct SP1 | Get-SQLDiagFix -Feature (Get-SQLDiagFeature -Feature AL)
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes for the
Feature Areas with AL in the name for products with SP1 in the name in the Cumulative Updates returned
from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
Get-SQLDiagProduct SP1 | Get-SQLDiagFix -Feature (Get-SQLDiagFeature -Feature AL) | Out-GridView
Returns the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes for the
Feature Areas with AL in the name for products with SP1 in the name in the Cumulative Updates returned
from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API and displays them in Out-GridView
Get-SQLDiagFix | Export-Csv -Path C:\temp\Fixes.csv
Exports the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes in the
Cumulative Updates returned from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API into a File
$Fixes = Get-SQLDiagFix | Out-DbaDataTable
Write-DbaDataTable -SqlServer $Server -Database $DB -InputObject $Fixes-Table Fixes -AutoCreateTable
Puts the Product Name, Feature Name/Area, KB Number, Title and URL for all of the Fixes in the
Cumulative Updates returned from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API into a
database table and creates the table - Requires dbatools
Get-SQLDiagProduct SP1 | Get-SQLDiagFix -Feature (Get-SQLDiagFeature -Feature AL) | Out-GridView -PassThru | ForEach-Object {Start-Process $_.UR}
Opens the URL for a Fix that the user chooses from Out-GridView which is populated with all of the Fixes for the
Feature Areas with AL in the name for products with SP1 in the name in the Cumulative Updates returned
from the SQL Server Diagnostics Recommendations API
    AUTHOR Rob Sewell @SQLDBAWithBeard
    DATE 03/07/2017

function Get-SQLDiagFix {
            Mandatory = $false)]
        [pscustomobject] $Recommendations = (Get-SQLDiagRecommendations),
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {Get-SQLDiagProduct})]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)]
    Begin {}
    Process {
        if ($Product -and $feature) {
            foreach ($P in $Product) {
                foreach ($recommendation in $recommendations.Recommendations | Where-Object {$_.Product -eq $P}) {
                    $ProductName = $recommendation.Product
                    foreach ($f in $feature) {
                        foreach ($fix in $recommendation.Content.RelevantFixes | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq $F}) {
                            $feat = $fix.Title
                            foreach ($kb in $fix.KbArticles) {
                                    Product = $ProductName
                                    Feature = $feat
                                    KB      = $kb.Rel
                                    Title   = $Kb.title
                                    URL     = $kb.Href
        elseif ($Product) {
            foreach ($P in $Product) {
                foreach ($recommendation in $recommendations.Recommendations | Where-Object {$_.Product -eq $P}) {
                    $ProductName = $recommendation.Product
                    foreach ($fix in $recommendation.Content.RelevantFixes) {
                        $feat = $fix.Title
                        foreach ($kb in $fix.KbArticles) {
                                Product = $ProductName
                                Feature = $feat
                                KB      = $kb.Rel
                                Title   = $Kb.title
                                URL     = $kb.Href
        elseif ($feature) {
            foreach ($recommendation in $recommendations.Recommendations) {
                $ProductName = $recommendation.Product
                foreach ($f in $feature) {
                    foreach ($fix in $recommendation.Content.RelevantFixes | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq $F}) {
                        $feat = $fix.Title
                        foreach ($kb in $fix.KbArticles) {
                                Product = $ProductName
                                Feature = $feat
                                KB      = $kb.Rel
                                Title   = $Kb.title
                                URL     = $kb.Href
        else {
            foreach ($recommendation in $recommendations.Recommendations) {
                $ProductName = $recommendation.Product
                foreach ($fix in $recommendation.Content.RelevantFixes) {
                    $feat = $fix.Title
                    foreach ($kb in $fix.KbArticles) {
                            Product = $ProductName
                            Feature = $feat
                            KB      = $kb.Rel
                            Title   = $Kb.title
                            URL     = $kb.Href
    End {}