
Returns the Products avaiable in the SQL Server Diagnostic API
Enables you to search for the products that are available in the SQL Server Diagnostic API
.PARAMETER Recommendations
The recommendation object from the API - Uses Get-SQLDiagRecommendations by default
The search for the product you do not need to enter wildcards
Returns all of the Product Names in the SQL Server Diagnostic API
Get-SQLDiagRecommendations | Get-SQLDiagProduct
Returns all of the Product Names in the SQL Server Diagnostic API
Get-SQLDiagProduct -Product 2012
Returns all of the Product Names in the SQL Server Diagnostic API with 2012 in the name
Get-SQLDiagProduct -Product SP1
Returns all of the Product Names in the SQL Server Diagnostic API with SP1 in the name
Get-SQLDiagProduct SP1
Returns all of the Product Names in the SQL Server Diagnostic API with SP1 in the name
$product = Get-SQLDiagProduct -Product 2016
Get-SQLDiagLatestCU -Product $product
Returns Product Name, Cumulative Update Name and Date created for products with 2016 in the name from the
SQL Server Diagnostic API
    AUTHOR Rob Sewell @SQLDBAWithBeard
    DATE 30/06/2017

function Get-SQLDiagProduct {
            Mandatory = $false)]
        [pscustomobject]$Recommendations = (Get-SQLDiagRecommendations),
            ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0,
            Mandatory = $false)]
        Write-Verbose -Message "Getting All the Products from the API"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Got the Products from the API"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Getting the products from the API filtered by $Product"
        $recommendations.Recommendations.Product | Where-Object {$_ -like "*$($Product)*"}
        Write-Verbose -Message "Got the Products from the API"