
function Format-SQLSelectRowByKeyQuery

    Returns a MS SQL query to select a row by primary/secondary key formatted as a string.
   This is intended to be used as a help to build queries for Invoke-SQLCommand, which is part of the SQLServer PowerShell module.
  .PARAMETER TableName
    Name of SQL table.
  .PARAMETER PrimaryKeyName
    SQL table primary key column name. This does not need to be the actual primary key, just the name of the parameter on which you would like to select.
  .PARAMETER PrimaryKeyValue
    Primary key value to match.
  .PARAMETER SecondaryKeyName
    SQL table secondary key column name. This does not need to be the actual secondary key, just the name of the secondary parameter on which you would like to select.
  .PARAMETER SecondaryKeyValue
    Secondary key value to match.
    This example will return a formatted SQL query to select rows from MYDBTable where MyColumn1 = MyValue1.
    Format-SQLSelectRowByKeyQuery -TableName 'MYDBTable' -PrimaryKeyName 'MyColumn1' -PrimaryKeyValue 'MyValue1'
    This example will return a formatted SQL query to select rows from MYDBTable where MyColumn1 = MyValue1 and MyColumn2 = MyValue2.
    Format-SQLSelectRowByKeyQuery -TableName 'MYDBTable' -PrimaryKeyName 'MyColumn1' -PrimaryKeyValue 'MyValue1' -SecondaryKeyName 'MyColumn2' -SecondaryKeyValue 'MyValue2'





        Write-Verbose "Formatting SQL select row by key query..."

        if ($SecondaryKeyName -and !($SecondaryKeyValue))
            Write-Error "Secondary key name was specified but no secondary key value was provided!"
        if ($SecondaryKeyName)
            Write-Verbose "Secondary key specified."
            $SelectRowByKeyQuery = "SELECT * FROM $TableName WHERE $PrimaryKeyName = '$PrimaryKeyValue' AND $SecondaryKeyName = '$SecondaryKeyValue'"
            $SelectRowByKeyQuery = "SELECT * FROM $TableName WHERE $PrimaryKeyName = '$PrimaryKeyValue'"

        Write-Verbose "Finished formatting query."
        Write-Output $SelectRowByKeyQuery


function Format-SQLInsertRowQuery

    Returns a MS SQL query to insert a row formatted as a string.
   This is intended to be used as a help to build queries for Invoke-SQLCommand, which is part of the SQLServer PowerShell module.
  .PARAMETER TableName
    Name of SQL table.
    System.Data.DataRow for which to format SQL insert query.
    This example will return a formatted SQL query to insert $row into MYDBTable.
    Format-SQLInsertRowQuery -TableName 'MYDBTable' -DataRow $row


        Write-Verbose "Formatting SQL Insert Row Query..."
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Columns = @()
        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Values = @()
        foreach ($Property in ($DataRow | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object Name).Name)
            $Columns.Add($(Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString $Property -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores)) | Out-Null

            if ($DataRow.Item($Property).GetType().Name -eq 'DateTime')
                $Values.Add($DataRow.Item($Property).GetDateTimeFormats('G')[-3]) | Out-Null
            elseif ($DataRow.Item($Property).GetType().Name -eq 'String')
                $Values.Add($DataRow.Item($Property).Replace("'","''")) | Out-Null
                $Values.Add($DataRow.Item($Property)) | Out-Null


        $ColumnString = "($($Columns -join ', '))"
        $ValueString = $($Values -join "', '")

        $InsertRowQuery = "INSERT INTO $TableName $ColumnString VALUES ('$ValueString')"
        Write-Verbose "Finished formatting query."
        Write-Output $InsertRowQuery


function Format-SQLUpdateRowByKeyQuery

    Returns a MS SQL query to update a row by primary/secondary key formatted as a string.
   This is intended to be used as a help to build queries for Invoke-SQLCommand, which is part of the SQLServer PowerShell module.
  .PARAMETER TableName
    Name of SQL table.
  .PARAMETER PrimaryKeyName
    SQL table primary key column name. This does not need to be the actual primary key, just the name of the parameter on which you would like to select.
    System.Data.DataRow for which to format SQL insert query.
  .PARAMETER SecondaryKeyName
    SQL table secondary key column name. This does not need to be the actual secondary key, just the name of the secondary parameter on which you would like to select.
    This example will return a formatted SQL query to update rows from MYDBTable where MyColumn1 = MyValue1 with the values stored in $row.
    Format-SQLUpdateRowByKeyQuery -TableName 'MYDBTable' -PrimaryKeyName 'MyColumn1' -DataRow $row
    This example will return a formatted SQL query to update rows from MYDBTable where MyColumn1 = MyValue1 and MyColumn2 = MyValue2 with the values stored in $row.
    Format-SQLUpdateRowByKeyQuery -TableName 'MYDBTable' -PrimaryKeyName 'MyColumn1' -SecondaryKeyName 'MyColumn2' -DataRow $row




        Write-Verbose "Formatting SQL update row by key query..."
        $ColumnValueString = ""

        if ($SecondaryKeyName)
            Write-Verbose "Secondary key specified."

            foreach ($Property in ($DataRow | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object Name).Name)
                if ($Property -eq $PrimaryKeyName)
                    $PrimaryKeyValue = $DataRow.Item($Property)
                    Write-Verbose "Primary key value: $PrimaryKeyValue"
                elseif ($Property -eq $SecondaryKeyName)
                    $SecondaryKeyValue = $DataRow.Item($Property)
                    Write-Verbose "Secondary key value: $SecondaryKeyValue"
                    if ($DataRow.Item($Property).GetType().Name -eq 'DateTime')
                        $ColumnValueString += " $(Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString $Property -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores) = '$($DataRow.Item($Property).GetDateTimeFormats('G')[-3])',"
                    elseif ($DataRow.Item($Property).GetType().Name -eq 'String')
                        $ColumnValueString += " $(Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString $Property -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores) = '$($DataRow.Item($Property).Replace("'","''"))',"
                        $ColumnValueString += " $(Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString $Property -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores) = '$($DataRow.Item($Property))',"
            foreach ($Property in ($DataRow | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object Name).Name)
                if ($Property -eq $PrimaryKeyName)
                    $PrimaryKeyValue = $DataRow.Item($Property)
                    Write-Verbose "Primary key value: $PrimaryKeyValue"
                    if ($DataRow.Item($Property).GetType().Name -eq 'DateTime')
                        $ColumnValueString += " $(Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString $Property -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores) = '$($DataRow.Item($Property).GetDateTimeFormats('G')[-3])',"
                    elseif ($DataRow.Item($Property).GetType().Name -eq 'String')
                        $ColumnValueString += " $(Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString $Property -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores) = '$($DataRow.Item($Property).Replace("'","''"))',"
                        $ColumnValueString += " $(Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString $Property -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores) = '$($DataRow.Item($Property))',"

        $SetString = "$($ColumnValueString.TrimEnd(',').TrimStart(' '))"

        if ($SecondaryKeyName)
            $UpdateRowByKeyQuery = "UPDATE $TableName SET $SetString WHERE $PrimaryKeyName = '$PrimaryKeyValue' AND $SecondaryKeyName = '$SecondaryKeyValue'"
            $UpdateRowByKeyQuery = "UPDATE $TableName SET $SetString WHERE $PrimaryKeyName = '$PrimaryKeyValue'"

        Write-Verbose "Finished formatting query."
        Write-Output $UpdateRowByKeyQuery


function Format-SQLCreateTableQuery

    Returns a MS SQL query to create a new table formatted as a string.
   This is intended to be used as a help to build queries for Invoke-SQLCommand, which is part of the SQLServer PowerShell module.
  .PARAMETER TableName
    Name of SQL table to create.
  .PARAMETER DataTable
    System.Data.DataTable to use for base table schema.
  .PARAMETER PrimaryKeyName
    SQL table primary key column name.
    This example will return a formatted SQL query to create a SQL table names MyNewTable with the same schema as $datatable.
    Format-SQLCreateTableQuery -TableName "MyNewTable" -DataTable $DataTable
    This example will return a formatted SQL query to create a SQL table names MyNewTable with the same schema as $datatable with a primary key called document_guid.
    Format-SQLCreateTableQuery -TableName "MyNewTable" -DataTable $DataTable -PrimaryKeyName 'document_guid'



        Write-Verbose "Formatting SQL create table query..."
        $ColumnsString = ""

        foreach ($Column in $DataTable.Columns)

            if ($Column.MaxLength -eq -1)
                $SQLMaxLength = 'Max'
                $SQLMaxLength = $Column.MaxLength

            switch ($Column.DataType.Name)   
                {$SQLDataType = 'Bit' }  
                {$SQLDataType = 'VarBinary'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'VarBinary'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'DateTime'}
                {$SQLDataType = 'Decimal'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'Float'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'UniqueIdentifier'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'SmallInt'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'Int'}
                #{$SQLDataType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlDataType]::Numeric}
                {$SQLDataType = 'BigInt'}
                #{$SQLDataType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlDataType]::Numeric}
                {$SQLDataType = 'SmallInt'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'Int'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'BigInt'}  
                {$SQLDataType = 'Decimal'} 
                {$SQLDataType = "VarChar($SQLMaxLength)"}
            $ColumnsString += " $(Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString $column.ColumnName -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores) $SQLDataType,"
        if ($PrimaryKeyName)
            Write-Verbose "Primary key specified."
            $CreateTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE $TableName ($($ColumnsString.TrimStart(' ')) PRIMARY KEY ($PrimaryKeyName))"
            $CreateTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE $TableName ($($ColumnsString.TrimEnd(',').TrimStart(' ')))"

        Write-Verbose "Finished formatting query."
        Write-Output $CreateTableQuery


function Format-SQLSelectTableInformationQuery

    Returns a MS SQL query to get table information formatted as a string.
   This is intended to be used as a help to build queries for Invoke-SQLCommand, which is part of the SQLServer PowerShell module.
  .PARAMETER TableName
    Name of SQL table to search for.
  .PARAMETER SchemaName
    Schema to search in for SQL table.
    This example will search for a table named MyTable.
    Format-SQLSelectTableInformationQuery -TableName "MyTable"
    This example will search for a table named MyTable in the schema dbo.
    Format-SQLSelectTableInformationQuery -TableName "MyTable" -SchemaName 'dbo'



        Write-Verbose "Formatting SQL select table information query..."
        if ($SchemaName)
            $SelectTableInformationQUery = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$TableName' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = '$SchemaName'"
            $SelectTableInformationQUery = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$TableName'"
        Write-Verbose "Finished formatting query."
        Write-Output $SelectTableInformationQUery


function Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString

    Removes all characters from string that are not a-z or 0-9.
   Strips all special characters from an input string, returning a clean string.
  .PARAMETER InputString
    Value of string to clean.
  .PARAMETER ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores
    If activated, spaces in the input string will be replaced with underscores. Otherwise spaces will be removed.
    This example will remove special characters and spaces from the input string.
    Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString "Cool Column Name!?!#@$%^&*()_+\|}{○<>??/€$¥£¢\^$.|?*+()[{0123456789"
    Output: CoolColumnName_0123456789
    This example will remove special characters from the input string and replace spaces with underscores.
    Remove-SpecialCharactersFromString -InputString "Cool Column Name!?!#@$%^&*()_+\|}{○<>??/€$¥£¢\^$.|?*+()[{0123456789" -ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores
    Output: Cool_Column_Name_0123456789



        Write-Verbose "Removing special characters..."
        if ($ReplaceSpacesWithUnderscores)
            $CleanString = $InputString.replace(' ','_') -replace '[\W]', ''
            $CleanString = $InputString -replace '[\W]', ''
        Write-Verbose "Finished removing special characters."
        Write-Output $CleanString