
#Requires -Version 4.0
function Show-SqlServerUpdatesReport
   Returns information about deficit of installed updates at instance SQL Server.
    This command download information about the newest available updates for instance SQL Server.
    Next, it checks build number instance SQL Server in organization (mandatory parameter) and it will return updates required for installation.
    Show-SQLServerUpdatesReport can return report in HTML format.
    This function use Get-SQLServerUpdates for download information about availability updates for all edition SQL Server.
    Function Get-SQ ServerUpdates is a part of the module SQLServerUpdateModule. More about its function in help.
    Author: Mateusz Nadobnik,
    Requires: sysadmin access on SQL Servers
    SQLServerUpdates PowerShell module (,
    Copyright (C) 2017 Mateusz Nadobnik
    Show-SQLServerUpdates -Version '13.0.4422.0'
    Name :
    Product :
    VersionName : SQL Server 2014
    Edition :
    ProductLevel :
    Version : 12.0.4487.0
    Updates : {@{CumulativeUpdate=<a href="
                   l-server-2014-sp2">CU5</a>; ReleaseDate=2017/04/17; Build=12.0.5546; SupportEnds=2024/07/09; ServicePack
                   =}, @{CumulativeUpdate=<a href="
                   -sql-server-2014-sp2">CU4</a>; ReleaseDate=2017/02/21; Build=12.0.5540; SupportEnds=2024/07/09; ServiceP
                   ack=}, @{CumulativeUpdate=<a href="">CU3</a>; ReleaseDate=
                   2016/12/27; Build=12.0.5538; SupportEnds=2024/07/09; ServicePack=}, @{CumulativeUpdate=<a href="https://
         ">CU2</a>; ReleaseDate=2016/10/18; Build=12.0.5522; SupportEnds=20
                   24/07/09; ServicePack=}...}
    ToUpdate : True
    Returns information about deficit of installed updates for version builid SQL Server.
    Show-SQLServerUpdates -Version '12.0.4502' | Select -Expand Updates
    CumulativeUpdate : <a href="
    ReleaseDate : 2017/04/17
    Build : 12.0.5546
    SupportEnds : 2024/07/09
    ServicePack :
    CumulativeUpdate : <a href="
    ReleaseDate : 2017/02/21
    Build : 12.0.5540
    SupportEnds : 2024/07/09
    ServicePack :
   Returns information about deficit of installed updates for build number SQL Server. Expand properties Updates.
    Show-SQLServerUpdatesReport -ServerInstance it-mn-m\mssqlserver14, test-agsqlserver
    Name : it-mn-m\mssqlserver14
    Product : Microsoft SQL Server
    VersionName : SQL Server 2014
    Edition : Developer Edition (64-bit)
    ProductLevel : SP1
    Build : 12.0.4487.0
    Updates : {@{CumulativeUpdate=<a href="
                   l-server-2014-sp2">CU5</a>; ReleaseDate=2017/04/17; Build=12.0.5546; SupportEnds=2024/07/09; ServicePack
                   =}, @{CumulativeUpdate=<a href="
                   -sql-server-2014-sp2">CU4</a>; ReleaseDate=2017/02/21; Build=12.0.5540; SupportEnds=2024/07/09; ServiceP
                   ack=}, @{CumulativeUpdate=<a href="">CU3</a>; ReleaseDate=
                   2016/12/27; Build=12.0.5538; SupportEnds=2024/07/09; ServicePack=}, @{CumulativeUpdate=<a href="https://
         ">CU2</a>; ReleaseDate=2016/10/18; Build=12.0.5522; SupportEnds=20
                   24/07/09; ServicePack=}...}
    ToUpdate : True
    Returns information about deficit of installed updates for instance with parameter ServerInstance. This command returns objects.
    Show-SQLServerUpdatesReport -ServerInstance it-mn-m\mssqlserver14, test-agsqlserver -HTML -Path C:\temp\report.html
    Return information about deficit of installed updates for instances with parameter ServerInstance. This command returns report in the format html.
   Author: Mateusz Nadobnik
   Date: 16.07.2017
   Keywords: SQL Server, Updates, Get, Reports, Show
   Notes: - Without change.
 - issue repaired - HTML Report Has Duplicates the previous Servers available builds
                    Repaired syntax and change changed name variables "$object" to $ObjAllSserversWithUpdates
 - fixed problem with parameters in a pipeline
 - added warning

    [Obsolete('[Show-SQLServerUpdatesReport] Using the function Show-SQLServerUpdatesReport is deprecated. This function will be removed in version or before, use Invoke-SqlServerUpdatesScan and Export-SqlServerUpdatesScan instead.')]
        #The SQL Server instance
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ParameterSetName = 'Instance')]
        #Build number SQL Server, example 13.0.4422.0
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 1,
            ParameterSetName = 'Version')]
        #Return report HTML
        if ($HTML)
            #create a new ParameterAttribute Object
            $pathAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
            $pathAttribute.Mandatory = $true

            #create an attributecollection object for the attribute we just created.
            $attributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

            #add our custom attribute

            #add our paramater specifying the attribute collection
            $pathParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('Path', [string], $attributeCollection)

            #expose the name of our parameter
            $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
            $paramDictionary.Add('Path', $pathParam)
            return $paramDictionary
        [array]$ObjAllSserversWithUpdates = @()

        #Check path to file with report
        if ($HTML)
            #Check path
            if ($PSBoundParameters.Path -notmatch '[.]html')
                Write-Host "The path $($PSBoundParameters.Path) not contain file with extension html"

            if (-not (Test-Path (Split-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.Path)))
                Write-Host "Not correct path. The directory $(Split-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters.Path) not exist."

        if ($BuildNumber)
            #Create new object
            $ServerInstance = @{ } | Select-Object VersionMajor, Build, VersionName
            $ServerInstance.Build = $BuildNumber
            $ServerInstance.VersionName = Get-SQLServerFullName ([int]($BuildNumber.Split(".")[0]))
            #$ServerInstance.VersionName = Get-SQLServerVersion ([int]($BuildNumber.Split(".")[0]))
            $ServerInstance.VersionMajor = [int]($BuildNumber.Split(".")[0])

                Write-Verbose "Get update list for $($ServerInstance.VersionName)"
                $UpdateList = Get-SQLServerUpdates -Version $ServerInstance.VersionName
                Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
                exit 1
                Write-Verbose "Get update list for all SQL Server"
                $UpdateList = Get-SQLServerUpdates
                Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
                exit 1

        foreach ($SqlInstance in $ServerInstance)

            #Clear variables
            $ObjServer = @()
            $ObjUpdates = @()

            if (-not $BuildNumber)
                Write-Debug "[if (-not $BuildNumber)]:true"
                Write-Verbose "Run:Get-SQLServerVersion, Parameters :-ServerInstance $SqlInstance"
                $Instance = Get-SQLServerVersion -ServerInstance $SqlInstance
                Write-Verbose "Result:Get-SQLServerVersion $Instance"
                Write-Debug "[if (-not $BuildNumber)]:false"
                Write-Verbose "$SqlInstance"
                $Instance = $SqlInstance

            if ([int]($Instance.VersionMajor) -le 8)
                Write-Debug "[if ($($Instance.VersionMajor) -le 8)]:true"
                Write-Warning "Problem with connect or checked you server with SQL Server 2005 and earlier version"

            #Create new object
            $ObjServer = @{ } | Select-Object Name, Product, VersionName, Edition, ProductLevel, Build, Updates, ToUpdate
            $ObjServer.Name = $Instance.Name
            $ObjServer.Product = $Instance.Product
            $ObjServer.VersionName = $Instance.VersionName
            $ObjServer.Edition = $Instance.Edition
            $ObjServer.ProductLevel = $Instance.ProductLevel
            $ObjServer.Build = $Instance.Build

            # If check updates for SQL Server 2005
            if ([int]($Instance.VersionMajor) -eq 9)
                Write-Debug "[[int]($($Instance.VersionMajor)) -eq 9]:true"

                $ObjUpdate = @{ } | Select-Object CumulativeUpdate, ReleaseDate, Build, SupportEnds, ServicePack
                $ObjUpdate.CumulativeUpdate = ""
                $ObjUpdate.ReleaseDate = "2012/10/09"
                $ObjUpdate.Build = "9.00.5324"
                $ObjUpdate.SupportEnds = "2016/04/12 – out of support"
                $ObjUpdate.ServicePack = ""

                $ObjServer.Updates = $ObjUpdate
                $ObjServer.ToUpdate = $true

            if ([int]($Instance.VersionMajor) -ge 9)
                Write-Debug "[[int]($($Instance.VersionMajor)) -ge 9]:true"
                $UpdatesServer = $UpdateList | Where-Object Name -eq $Instance.VersionName

                # if SQL Server is latest Version
                if (([double](($Instance.Build) -Replace "\.(.|..)\.", "") -ge [double](($UpdatesServer[0].Build) -replace "\.(.|..)\.", "")) -or ($UpdatesServer[0].Build -eq "") -and ($UpdatesServer[0].Build -ne "various"))
                    Write-Debug "[([double](($($Instance.Build)) -Replace '\.(.|..)\.', '') -ge [double](($($UpdatesServer[0].Build)) -replace '\.(.|..)\.', ''))]:true"
                    $ObjUpdate = @{ } | Select-Object CumulativeUpdate, ReleaseDate, Build, SupportEnds, ServicePack
                    $ObjUpdate.CumulativeUpdate = $UpdatesServer[0].CumulativeUpdate
                    $ObjUpdate.ReleaseDate = $UpdatesServer[0].ReleaseDate
                    $ObjUpdate.Build = $UpdatesServer[0].Build
                    $ObjUpdate.SupportEnds = $UpdatesServer[0].SupportEnds
                    $ObjUpdate.ServicePack = $UpdatesServer[0].ServicePack

                    $ObjServer.Updates = $ObjUpdate
                    if (([double](($Instance.Build) -Replace "\.(.|..)\.", "") -ge [double](($UpdatesServer[0].Build) -replace "\.(.|..)\.", "")))
                        Write-Debug "[if (([double](($Instance.Build) -Replace '\.(.|..)\.', '') -ge [double](($($UpdatesServer[0].Build)) -replace '\.(.|..)\', '')))]:true"
                        Write-Verbose "Setting property: ToUpdate = false"
                        $ObjServer.ToUpdate = $false
                        Write-Verbose "Setting property: ToUpdate = true"
                        $ObjServer.ToUpdate = $true
                    #Issue - HTML Report Has Duplicates the previous Servers available builds
                    foreach ($Update in $UpdatesServer)
                        if ($Update.Build -ne "various")
                            Write-Debug "[if ($($Update.Build) -ne 'various')]:true"
                            if ([double](($Instance.Build) -Replace "\.(.|..)\.", "") -lt [double](($Update.Build) -replace "\.(.|..)\.", ""))
                                Write-Debug "[if ([double](($($Instance.Build)) -Replace '\.(.|..)\.', '') -lt [double](($($Update.Build)) -replace '\.(.|..)\.', ''))]:true"
                                $ObjUpdate = @{ } | Select-Object CumulativeUpdate, ReleaseDate, Build, SupportEnds, ServicePack
                                $ObjUpdate.CumulativeUpdate = $Update.CumulativeUpdate
                                $ObjUpdate.ReleaseDate = $Update.ReleaseDate
                                $ObjUpdate.Build = $Update.Build
                                $ObjUpdate.SupportEnds = $Update.SupportEnds
                                $ObjUpdate.ServicePack = $Update.ServicePack

                                # Save not installed update
                                $ObjUpdates += $ObjUpdate

                    $ObjServer.Updates = $ObjUpdates
                    $ObjServer.ToUpdate = $true
                # Add to array
                $ObjAllSserversWithUpdates += $ObjServer
        [string]$MessageBody = $null
        # Style CSS
        [string]$StyleCSS = "<style>
                                background: #fafafa;
                                color: #5a5a5a;
                                font-size: 38px;
                                line-height: 48px;
                                font-weight: 100;
                                font-weight: 700;
                            tr:nth-child(odd) td, tr:nth-child(odd) th
                                background-color: #f8f8f8;
                                padding: 8px;
                                line-height: 18px;
                                text-align: center;
                                vertical-align: top;
                                border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;
                            table td
                                padding: 8px;
                                line-height: 18px;
                                text-align: center;
                                vertical-align: top;
                                border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;
                                border-bottom: 5px solid rgba(225,7,7,.5);
                                border-collapse: collapse;
                                border-spacing: 0;
                                font-size: 14px;
                                line-height: 2;
                                margin: 0 0 20px;
                                width: 100%;
                                color: #e10707;
                                background: #fafafa;
                                color: #5a5a5a;
                                font-size: 38px;
                                line-height: 48px;
                                font-weight: 100;
                                font-weight: 700;
                            tr:nth-child(odd) td, tr:nth-child(odd) th
                                background-color: #f8f8f8;
                                padding: 8px;
                                line-height: 18px;
                                text-align: center;
                                vertical-align: top;
                                border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;
                            table td
                                padding: 8px;
                                line-height: 18px;
                                text-align: center;
                                vertical-align: top;
                                border-top: 1px solid #dddddd;
                                border-bottom: 5px solid rgba(225,7,7,.5);
                                border-collapse: collapse;
                                border-spacing: 0;
                                font-size: 14px;
                                line-height: 2;
                                margin: 0 0 20px;
                                width: 100%;
                                color: #e10707;

        $MessageBody += $StyleCSS

        $PostContent = "Author <a href='' target='_blank'>SQLServerUpdatesModule</a> - Mateusz Nadobnik</br>
                        Information about updates getting with site <a href='' target='_blank'></a>"

        #Header for report
        if ($ObjAllSserversWithUpdates.Name)
            $HeaderReport = ($ObjAllSserversWithUpdates.Name).ToUpper() -join ', '
        elseif ($BuildNumber)
            $HeaderReport = $BuildNumber

        #Prepare HTML
        if ($HTML -and $ObjAllSserversWithUpdates)
            Write-Verbose "Preparation of an HTML report"
            Write-Debug "[($HTML -and $ObjAllSserversWithUpdates)]:true"
            $MessageBody += "<h1>Updates Report - ($HeaderReport)</h1></br></br>"
            $MessageBody += (((($ObjAllSserversWithUpdates | Select-Object ToUpdate, @{L = "Name"; E = { ($_.Name).ToUpper() } }, Product, VersionName, Edition, ProductLevel, `
                            @{L = "Current Build"; E = { $_.Build } }, `
                            @{L = "Available Build"; E = { (($_.Updates).Build) -join " </br> " } }, `
                            @{L = "Cumulative Update"; E = { (($_.Updates).CumulativeUpdate) -join " </br> " } }, `
                            @{L = "Release Date"; E = { (($_.Updates).ReleaseDate) -join " </br> " } }, `
                            @{L = "Support Ends"; E = { "<b>$((($_.Updates).SupportEnds)-join " </br> ")</b>" } }, `
                            @{L = "ServicePack "; E = { (($_.Updates).ServicePack) -join "</br> " } } |
                            ConvertTo-Html -Title "Updates Report" -PostContent $PostContent).Replace("&lt;", "<")).Replace("&gt;", ">")).Replace("&quot;", """")).replace("<tr><td>True", "<tr><td class='toupdate'>True")
                Write-Verbose "Create file: $($PSBoundParameters.Path)"
                $MessageBody | Out-File $PSBoundParameters.Path
                Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
            return $ObjAllSserversWithUpdates