
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Address">
                A base class for <see cref="T:MsgKit.Sender"/>, <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient"/>, <see cref="T:MsgKit.Receiving"/>
                and <see cref="T:MsgKit.Representing"/>
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Address._addressType">
                The messaging user's e-mail address type
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Address.Email">
                The E-mail address
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Address.DisplayName">
                The displayname for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Address.Email"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressType">
                Returns the messaging user's e-mail address type. Use <see cref="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressTypeString"/>
                when this property returns <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType.Unknown"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressTypeString">
                Returns the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType"/> as a string
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Address.#ctor(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email" /></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressType" /></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Appointment">
                Inherits from Email, because it has quite a few of the same fields
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Appointment.Location">
                Holds the location for the Appointment
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Appointment.AllDay">
                This property specifies whether or not the event is an all-day event, as
                specified by the user. A value of <c>true</c> indicates that the event is an all-day
                event, in which case the start time and end time must be midnight so that the
                duration is a multiple of 24 hours and is at least 24 hours. A value of <c>false</c>
                or the absence of this property indicates the event is not an all-day event. The
                client or server must not infer the value as TRUE when a user happens to create an
                event that is 24 hours, even if the event starts and ends at midnight.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Appointment.MeetingStart">
                Holds meeting information for the appointment
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Appointment.MeetingEnd">
                The end of the meeting
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Appointment.#ctor(MsgKit.Sender,MsgKit.Representing,System.String,System.Boolean)">
                Sends an appointment with sender, representing, subject, draft.
            <param name="sender"> Contains sender name and email. </param>
            <param name="representing">Contains who this appointment is representing. </param>
            <param name="subject"> Contains the subject for this appointment. </param>
            <param name="draft"> Is this a draft?</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Appointment.#ctor(MsgKit.Sender,System.String,System.Boolean)">
                Used to send without the representing structure.
            <param name="sender"></param>
            <param name="subject"></param>
            <param name="draft"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Appointment.WriteToStorage">
                Writes all the properties that are part of the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Appointment"/> object either as <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/>'s
                or <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/>'s to the <see cref="P:OpenMcdf.CompoundFile.RootStorage"/>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Appointment.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
                Saves the message to the given <paramref name="stream" />
            <param name="stream"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Appointment.Save(System.String)">
                Saves the message to the given <paramref name="fileName" />
            <param name="fileName"></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Attachments">
                Contains a list of <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment" /> objects that are added to a <see cref="T:MsgKit.Message" />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachments.CheckAttachmentFileName(System.String,System.String)">
                Checks if the <paramref name="fileName" /> already exists in this object
            <param name="fileName"></param>
            <param name="contentId"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachments.WriteToStorage(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment" /> objects to the given <paramref name="rootStorage" />
                and it will set all the needed properties
            <param name="rootStorage">The root <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage" /></param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment"/> objects and it's <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachments.Add(System.String,System.Int64,System.Boolean,System.String)">
                Add's an <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment" /> by <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_BY_VALUE" /> (default)
            <param name="fileName">The file to add with it's full path</param>
            <param name="renderingPosition">Indicates how an attachment should be displayed in a rich text message</param>
            <param name="isInline">Set to true to add the attachment inline</param>
            <param name="contentId">The id for the inline attachment when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">Raised when the <paramref name="fileName" /> could not be found</exception>
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKAttachmentExists">Raised when an attachment with the same name already exists</exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                Raised when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true and
                <paramref name="contentId" /> is null, white space or empty
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachments.Add(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.Int64,System.Boolean,System.String)">
                Add's an <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment" /> stream by <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_BY_VALUE" /> (default)
            <param name="stream">The stream to the attachment</param>
            <param name="fileName">The name for the attachment</param>
            <param name="renderingPosition">Indicates how an attachment should be displayed in a rich text message</param>
            <param name="isInline">Set to true to add the attachment inline</param>
            <param name="contentId">The id for the inline attachment when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Raised when the stream is null</exception>
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKAttachmentExists">Raised when an attachment with the same name already exists</exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                Raised when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true and
                <paramref name="contentId" /> is null, white space or empty
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachments.AddLink(System.IO.FileInfo,System.Int64,System.Boolean,System.String)">
                Add's an <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment" /> by <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_BY_REF_ONLY" /> as a link
            <param name="file">The <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/></param>
            <param name="renderingPosition">Indicates how an attachment should be displayed in a rich text message</param>
            <param name="isInline">Set to true to add the attachment inline</param>
            <param name="contentId">The id for the inline attachment when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">Raised when the <paramref name="file" /> could not be found</exception>
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKAttachmentExists">Raised when an attachment with the same name already exists</exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                Raised when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true and
                <paramref name="contentId" /> is null, white space or empty
                Universal naming convention (UNC) names are recommended for fully-qualified paths, which should be used with
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_BY_REF_ONLY" />.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Attachment">
                This class represents an attachment
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.Stream">
                The stream to the attachment
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.FileName">
                The filename of the attachment
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.Type">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.RenderingPosition">
                Indicates how an attachment should be displayed in a rich text message. It can be set to an
                offset in characters, with the first character of the message content as stored in the <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_W" />
                (PidTagBody) property being offset 0, or to -1 (0xFFFFFFFF), indicating that the attachment should
                not be rendered within the message text at all.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.IsInline">
                True when the attachment is inline
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.ContentId">
                The content id for an inline attachment
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.IsContactPhoto">
                Returns <c>true</c> when the attachment is a contact photo
                Only valid when the message is a contact card, otherwise always <c>false</c>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.CreationTime">
                Tthe date and time when the attachment was created
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Attachment.LastModificationTime">
                The date and time when the attachment was last modified
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachment.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.DateTime,System.DateTime,MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType,System.Int64,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
                Creates a new attachment object and sets all its properties
            <param name="stream">The stream to the attachment</param>
            <param name="fileName">The attachment filename with it's full path</param>
            <param name="creationTime">The date and time when the attachment was created</param>
            <param name="lastModificationTime">The date and time when the attachment was last modified</param>
            <param name="type">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType"/></param>
            <param name="renderingPosition">Indicates how an attachment should be displayed in a rich text message</param>
            <param name="isInline">True when the attachment is inline</param>
            <param name="contentId">The id for the attachment when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true</param>
            <param name="isContactPhoto">Set to <c>true</c> when the attachment is a contact photo</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                Raised when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true and
                <paramref name="contentId" /> is null, white space or empty
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachment.#ctor(System.IO.FileInfo,MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType,System.Int64,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
                Creates a new attachment object and sets all its properties
            <param name="file">The <see cref="T:System.IO.FileInfo"/></param>
            <param name="type">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType"/></param>
            <param name="renderingPosition">Indicates how an attachment should be displayed in a rich text message</param>
            <param name="isInline">True when the attachment is inline</param>
            <param name="contentId">The id for the attachment when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true</param>
            <param name="isContactPhoto">Set to <c>true</c> when the attachment is a contact photo</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                Raised when <paramref name="isInline" /> is set to true and
                <paramref name="contentId" /> is null, white space or empty
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachment.GetShortFileName(System.String)">
                This method will convert a long filename to a short dos 8.3 one
            <param name="fileName">The long filename</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Attachment.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.Int32)">
                Writes all the string and binary <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream" /> to the
                given <paramref name="storage" />
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage" /></param>
            <param name="index">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment"/> index</param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment"/> object and it's <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Converter">
                This class exposes some methods to convert MSG to EML and vice versa
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Converter.ConvertEmlToMsg(System.String,System.String)">
                Converts an EML file to MSG format
            <param name="emlFileName">The EML (MIME) file</param>
            <param name="msgFileName">The MSG file</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Converter.ConvertMsgToEml(System.String,System.String)">
                Converts an MSG file to EML format
            <param name="msgFileName">The MSG file</param>
            <param name="emlFileName">The EML (MIME) file</param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.AppointmentState">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentStateFlags"/> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AppointmentState.asfMeeting">
                This flag indicates that the object is a meeting object or a meeting-related object.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AppointmentState.asfReceived">
                This flag indicates that the represented object was received from someone else.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AppointmentState.asfCanceled">
                This flag indicates that the meeting object represented by the object has been canceled.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AppointmentState.mtgInfo">
                Full update.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AppointmentState.mtgOutOfDate">
                A newer meeting request or meeting update was received after this one.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AppointmentState.mtgDelegatorCopy">
                This is set on the delegator’s copy when a delegate handles meeting-related objects.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentFlags">
                Contains a bitmask of flags for an attachment.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentFlags.ATT_INVISIBLE_IN_HTML">
                Indicates that this attachment is not available to HTML rendering applications and should be ignored in
                Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) processing.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentFlags.ATT_INVISIBLE_IN_RTF">
                Indicates that this attachment is not available to applications rendering in Rich Text Format (RTF) and should be
                ignored by MAPI.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentFlags.ATT_MHTML_REF">
                The Attachment object is referenced and rendered within the HTML body of the associated Message object.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MeetingType">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidMeetingType"/> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MeetingType.mtgEmpty">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MeetingType.mtgRequest">
                nitial meeting request.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MeetingType.mtgFull">
                Full update.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MeetingType.mtgInfo">
                Full update.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MeetingType.mtgOutOfDate">
                A newer meeting request or meeting update was received after this one.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MeetingType.mtgDelegatorCopy">
                This is set on the delegator’s copy when a delegate handles meeting-related objects.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType">
                The type of the attachment
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.NO_ATTACHMENT">
                There is no attachment
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_BY_VALUE">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN" /> property contains the attachment data
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_BY_REFERENCE">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME_W" /> or <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME_W" />
                property contains a fully qualified path identifying the attachment to recipients with access to a common file server
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_BY_REF_RESOLVE">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME_W" /> or <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME_W" />
                property contains a fully qualified path identifying the attachment
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_BY_REF_ONLY">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME_W" /> or <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME_W" />
                property contains a fully qualified path identifying the attachment
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_EMBEDDED_MSG">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ" /> (PidTagAttachDataObject) property contains an embedded object
                that supports the IMessage interface
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AttachmentType.ATTACH_OLE">
                The attachment is an embedded OLE object
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MapiAccess">
                Contains a bitmask of flags indicating the operations that are available to the client for the object.
                This property is read-only for the client. It must be a bitwise OR of zero or more values from the following table.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiAccess.MAPI_ACCESS_MODIFY">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiAccess.MAPI_ACCESS_READ">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiAccess.MAPI_ACCESS_DELETE">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiAccess.MAPI_ACCESS_CREATE_HIERARCHY">
                Create subfolders in the folder hierarchy
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiAccess.MAPI_ACCESS_CREATE_CONTENTS">
                Create content messages
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiAccess.MAPI_ACCESS_CREATE_ASSOCIATED">
                Create associated content messages
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType">
                Contains the type of an object.
                The object type contained in this property corresponds to the primary interface available for an object accessible
                through the OpenEntry interface. It is usually obtained by consulting the lpulObjType parameter returned by the
                appropriate OpenEntry method. When the interface is obtained in other ways, call IMAPIProp::GetProps to obtain the
                value for this property.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_ABCONT">
                Address book container object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_ADDRBOOK">
                Address book object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_ATTACH">
                Message attachment object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_DISTLIST">
                Distribution list object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_FOLDER">
                Folder object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_FORMINFO">
                Form object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_MAILUSER">
                Messaging user object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_MESSAGE">
                Message object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_PROFSECT">
                Profile section object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_SESSION">
                Session object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_STATUS">
                Status object
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType.MAPI_STORE">
                Message store object
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageEditorFormat">
                Specifies the format for an editor to use to display a message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageEditorFormat.EDITOR_FORMAT_DONTKNOW">
                The format for the editor to use is unknown.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageEditorFormat.EDITOR_FORMAT_PLAINTEXT">
                The editor should display the message in plain text format.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageEditorFormat.EDITOR_FORMAT_HTML">
                The editor should display the message in HTML format.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageEditorFormat.EDITOR_FORMAT_RTF">
                The editor should display the message in Rich Text Format.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat">
                The messageformat to use
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat.TextOnly">
                Send a plain text message body.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat.HtmlOnly">
                Send an HTML message body.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat.TextAndHtml">
                Send a multipart / alternative body with both plain text and HTML.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex">
                Contains a number that indicates which icon to use when you display a group of e-mail objects.
                This property, if it exists, is a hint to the client. The client may ignore the value of this property.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.NewMail">
                New mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.Post">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.Other">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.ReadMail">
                Read mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.UnreadMail">
                Unread mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.SubmittedMail">
                Submitted mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.UnsentMail">
                Unsent mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.ReceiptMail">
                Receipt mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.RepliedMail">
                Replied mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.ForwardedMail">
                Forwarded mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.RemoteMail">
                Remote mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.DeliveryReceipt">
                Delivery receipt
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.ReadReceipt">
                Read receipt
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.NondeliveryReport">
                Non delivery report
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.NonReadReceipt">
                Non read receipt
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.RecallSMail">
                Recall S mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.RecallFMail">
                Recall F mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.TrackingMail">
                Tracking mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.OutOfOfficeMail">
                Out of office mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.RecallMail">
                Recall mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.TrackedMail">
                Tracked mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.Contact">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.DistributionList">
                Distribution list
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.StickyNoteBlue">
                Sticky note blue
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.StickyNoteGreen">
                Sticky note green
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.StickyNotePink">
                Sticky note pink
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.StickyNoteYellow">
                Sticky note yellow
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.StickyNoteWhite">
                Sticky note white
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.SingleInstanceAppointment">
                Single instance appointment
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.RecurringAppointment">
                Recurring appointment
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.SingleInstanceMeeting">
                Single instance meeting
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.RecurringMeeting">
                Recurring meeting
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.MeetingRequest">
                Meeting request
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.Accept">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.Decline">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.Tentativly">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.Cancellation">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.InformationalUpdate">
                Informational update
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.TaskTask">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.UnassignedRecurringTask">
                Unassigned recurring task
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.AssigneesTask">
                Assignee's task
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.AssignersTask">
                Assigner's task
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.TaskRequest">
                Task request
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.TaskAcceptance">
                Task acceptance
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.TaskRejection">
                Task rejection
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalConversation">
                Journal conversation
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalEmailMessage">
                Journal e-mail message
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalMeetingRequest">
                Journal meeting request
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalMeetingResponse">
                Journal meeting response
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalTaskRequest">
                Journal task request
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalTaskResponse">
                Journal task response
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalNote">
                Journal note
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalFax">
                Journal fax
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalPhoneCall">
                Journal phone call
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalLetter">
                Journal letter
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalMicrosoftOfficeWord">
                Journal Microsoft Office Word
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalMicrosoftOfficeExcel">
                Journal Microsoft Office Excel
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalMicrosoftOfficePowerPoint">
                Journal Microsoft Office PowerPoint
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalMicrosoftOfficeAccess">
                Journal Microsoft Office Access
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalDocument">
                Journal document
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalMeeting">
                Journal meeting
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalMeetingCancellation">
                Journal meeting cancellation
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.JournalRemoteSession">
                Journal remote session
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType">
                Contains the messaging user's e-mail address type, such as SMTP.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType.Unknown">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType.Ex">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType.Smtp">
                Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType.Fax">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType.Mhs">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType.Profs">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType.X400">
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientFlags">
                Specifies a bit field that describes the recipient status.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientFlags.RecipSendable">
                The recipient is a Sendable Attendee. This flag is only used in the dispidApptUnsendableRecips
                (PidLidAppointmentUnsendableRecipients) property.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientFlags.RecipOrganizer">
                The RecipientRow on which this flag is set represents the meeting Organizer.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientFlags.RecipExceptionalResponse">
                Indicates that the attendee gave a response for the exception on which this RecipientRow resides. This flag is only
                used in a RecipientRow of an exception embedded message object of the organizer’s meeting object.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientFlags.RecipExceptionalDeleted">
                Indicates that although the RecipientRow exists, it should be treated as if the corresponding recipient does not.
                This flag is only used in a RecipientRow of an exception embedded message object of the organizer’s meeting object.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientFlags.RecipOriginal">
                Indicates the recipient is an original attendee. This flag is only used in the dispidApptUnsendableRecips property.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType">
                An integer that specifies the type of calendar that is used. The acceptable values for the calendar type are listed
                in the following table.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.Default">
                The default value for the calendar type is Gregorian.
                If the value of the PatternType field is HjMonth, HjMonthNth, or HjMonthEnd and the value of the CalendarType field
                is Default, this recurrence uses the Hijri calendar.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_GREGORIAN">
                Gregorian (localized) calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_GREGORIAN_US">
                Gregorian (U.S.) calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_JAPAN">
                Japanese Emperor era calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_TAIWAN">
                Taiwan calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_KOREA">
                Korean Tangun era calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_HIJRI">
                Hijri (Arabic Lunar) calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_THAI">
                Thai calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_HEBREW">
                Hebrew lunar calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_GREGORIAN_ME_FRENCH">
                Gregorian Middle East French calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_GREGORIAN_ARABIC">
                Gregorian Arabic calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_GREGORIAN_XLIT_ENGLISH">
                Gregorian transliterated English calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_GREGORIAN_XLIT_FRENCH">
                Gregorian transliterated French calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_LUNAR_JAPANESE">
                Japanese lunar calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_CHINESE_LUNAR">
                Chinese lunar calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_SAKA">
                Saka era calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_LUNAR_ETO_CHN">
                Lunar ETO Chinese calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_LUNAR_ETO_KOR">
                Lunar ETO Korean calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_LUNAR_ROKUYOU">
                Lunar Rokuyou calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_LUNAR_KOREAN">
                Korean lunar calendar
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType.CAL_UMALQURA">
                Um Al Qura calendar
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFrequency">
                The value and meaning of the FirstDateTime field for each type of recurrence frequency are specified in the
                following table. For details about how the value is calculated, see section
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFrequency.Daily">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFrequency.Weekly">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFrequency.Monthly">
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay">
            An integer that specifies the day on which the calendar week begins. The default value is Sunday (0x00000000).
            This field MUST be set to one of the values listed in the following table.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay.Sunday">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay.Monday">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay.Tuesday">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay.Wednesday">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay.Thursday">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay.Friday">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay.Saturday">
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType">
                PatternType (2 bytes): An integer that specifies the type of recurrence pattern. The valid recurrence pattern types
                are listed in the following table.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType.Day">
                The event has a daily recurrence.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType.Week">
                The event has a weekly recurrence.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType.Month">
                The event has a monthly recurrence.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType.MonthEnd">
                The event has a month-end recurrence.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType.MonthNth">
                The event has an every nth month pattern.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType.HjMonth">
                The event has a monthly recurrence in the Hijri calendar. For this value in the PatternType field, the value of the
                CalendarType field MUST be set to 0x0000.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType.HjMonthNth">
                The event has an every nth month pattern in the Hijri calendar. For this value in the PatternType field, the value
                of the CalendarType field MUST be set to 0x0000.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType.HjMonthEnd">
                The event has a month end recurrence in the Hijri calendar. For this value in the PatternType field, the value of
                the CalendarType field MUST be set to 0x0000.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternRecurrenceRangeType">
                EndType (4 bytes): An integer that specifies the ending type for the recurrence. This field MUST be set to one of
                the values listed in the following table.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternRecurrenceRangeType.EndAfterDate">
                End after date
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternRecurrenceRangeType.EndAfterNoccurences">
                End after N occurrences
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternRecurrenceRangeType.NeverEnd">
                Never end
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.TaskAcceptanceState">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAcceptanceState" /> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskAcceptanceState.NotAssigned">
                The task is not assigned.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskAcceptanceState.Unknow">
                The task’s acceptance status is unknown.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskAcceptanceState.Accepted">
                The task assignee accepted the task. This value is set when the client processes a task acceptance.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskAcceptanceState.Refused">
                The task assignee rejected the task. This value is set when the client processes a task rejection.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.TaskHistory">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskHistory" /> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskHistory.NoChange">
                No changes were made.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskHistory.Accepted">
                The task assignee accepted this Task object.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskHistory.Rejected">
                The task assignee rejected this Task object.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskHistory.Modified">
                Another property was changed.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskHistory.DueDateModified">
                The PidLidTaskDueDate property(section changed.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskHistory.Assigned">
                The Task object has been assigned to a task assignee.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMode">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskMode" /> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMode.NotAssigned">
                The Task object is not assigned.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMode.Requests">
                The Task object is embedded in a task request.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMode.Accepted">
                The Task object has been accepted by the task assignee.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMode.Rejected">
                The Task object was rejected by the task assignee.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMode.Update">
                The Task object is embedded in a task update.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMode.SelfDelegation">
                The Task object was assigned to the task assigner (self-delegation).
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMultipleRecipients">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskMultipleRecipients" /> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMultipleRecipients.Sent">
                The Task object has multiple primary recipients.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskMultipleRecipients.Received">
                Although the "Sent" flag was not set, the client detected that the Task object has multiple primary recipients.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.TaskOwnership">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskOwnership" /> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskOwnership.NotAssigned">
                The Task object is not assigned.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskOwnership.Assigner">
                The Task object is the task assigner's copy of the Task object.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskOwnership.Assignee">
                The Task object is the task assignee's copy of the Task object.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.TaskState">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskState" /> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskState.NotFound">
                This task was created to correspond to a task that was embedded in a task rejection but could not be found locally.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskState.NotAssigned">
                The task is not assigned.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskState.AssigneeCopy">
                The task is the task assignee’s copy of an assigned task.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskState.AssignerCopy">
                The task is the task assigner’s copy of an assigned task.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskState.AssignerCopyRejected">
                The task is the task assigner’s copy of a rejected task.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.TaskStatus">
                Valid values for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskStatus" /> property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskStatus.NotStarted">
                The user has not started work on the Task object. If the property is set to this value, the value of the
                PidLidPercentComplete property (section MUST be 0.0.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskStatus.InProgress">
                The user's work on this Task object is in progress. If the property is set to this value, the value of the
                PidLidPercentComplete property MUST be greater than 0.0 and less than 1.0.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskStatus.Completed">
                The user's work on this Task object is complete. If the property is set to this value, the value of the
                PidLidPercentComplete property MUST be 1.0, the value of the PidLidTaskDateCompleted property (section
                MUST be the current date, and the value of the PidLidTaskComplete property (section MUST be 0x01.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskStatus.Waiting">
                The user is waiting on somebody else.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.TaskStatus.Deferred">
                The user has deferred work on the Task object.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags">
                Contains a bitmask of flags that indicate the origin and current state of a message.
                This property is a nontransmittable message property exposed at both the sending and receiving ends of a
                transmission, with different values depending upon the client application or store provider involved. This property
                is initialized by the client or message store provider when a message is created and saved for the first time and
                then updated periodically by the message store provider, a transport provider, and the MAPI spooler as the message
                is processed and its state changes.
                This property exists on a message both before and after submission, and on all copies of the received
                message. Although it is not a recipient property, it is exposed differently to each recipient according to whether
                it has been read or modified by that recipient.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_READ">
                The message is marked as having been read. This can occur as the result of a call at any time to
                IMessage::SetReadFlag or IMAPIFolder::SetReadFlags. Clients can also set this flag by calling a message's
                IMAPIProp::SetProps method before the message has been saved for the first time. This flag is ignored if the
                ASSOCIATED flag is set.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_UNMODIFIED">
                The outgoing message has not been modified since the first time that it was saved; the incoming message has not
                been modified since it was delivered.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_SUBMIT">
                The message is marked for sending as a result of a call to IMessage::SubmitMessage. Message store providers set
                this flag; the client has read-only access.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_UNSENT">
                The message is still being composed. It is saved, but has not been sent. The client or provider has read/write
                access to this flag until the first IMAPIProp::SaveChanges call and read-only thereafter. If a client doesn't set
                this flag by the time the message is sent, the message store provider sets it when IMessage::SubmitMessage is
                called. Typically, this flag is cleared after the message is sent.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_HASATTACH">
                The message has at least one attachment. This flag corresponds to the message's PR_HASATTACH (PidTagHasAttachments)
                property. The client has read-only access to this flag.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_FROMME">
                The messaging user sending was the messaging user receiving the message. The client or provider has read/write
                access to this flag until the first IMAPIProp::SaveChanges call and read-only thereafter. This flag is meant to be
                set by the transport provider.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_ASSOCIATED">
                The message is an associated message of a folder. The client or provider has read-only access to this flag. The
                READ flag is ignored for associated messages, which do not retain a read/unread state.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_RESEND">
                The message includes a request for a resend operation with a nondelivery report. The client or provider has
                read/write access to this flag until the first IMAPIProp::SaveChanges call and read-only thereafter.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_NOTIFYREAD">
                A read report needs to be sent for the message. The client or provider has read-only access to this flag.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_NOTIFYUNREAD">
                A nonread report needs to be sent for the message. The client or provider has read-only access to this flag.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_EVERREAD">
                The message has been read at least once. This flag is set or cleared by the server whenever the MSGFLAG_READ flag
                is set or cleared.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_ORIGIN_X400">
                The incoming message arrived over an X.400 link. It originated either outside the organization or from a source the
                gateway cannot consider trusted. The client should display an appropriate message to the user. Transport providers
                set this flag; the client has read-only access.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_ORIGIN_INTERNET">
                The incoming message arrived over the Internet. It originated either outside the organization or from a source the
                gateway cannot consider trusted. The client should display an appropriate message to the user. Transport providers
                set this flag; the client has read-only access.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFlags.MSGFLAG_ORIGIN_MISC_EXT">
                The incoming message arrived over an external link other than X.400 or the Internet. It originated either outside
                the organization or from a source the gateway cannot consider trusted. The client should display an appropriate
                message to the user. Transport providers set this flag; the client has read-only access.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass">
                The MessageClass element is an optional element that specifies the message class of this e-mail message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.Unknown">
                The message type is unknown
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Note">
                Normal e-mail message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Note_SMIME">
                The message is encrypted and can also be signed.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Note_SMIME_MultipartSigned">
                The message is clear signed.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Note_Receipt_SMIME">
                The message is a secure read receipt.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Post">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Octel_Voice">
                Octel voice message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Voicenotes">
                Electronic voice notes.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Sharing">
                Shared message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_NDR">
                Non-delivery report for a standard message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_DR">
                Delivery receipt for a standard message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_DELAYED">
                Delivery receipt for a delayed message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_IPNRN">
                Read receipt for a standard message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_IPNNRN">
                Non-read receipt for a standard message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_SCHEDULE_MEETING_REQUEST_NDR">
                Non-delivery report for a meeting request.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_SCHEDULE_MEETING_RESP_POS_NDR">
                Non-delivery report for a positive meeting response (accept).
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_SCHEDULE_MEETING_RESP_TENT_NDR">
                Non-delivery report for a Tentative meeting response.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_SCHEDULE_MEETING_CANCELED_NDR">
                Non-delivery report for a cancelled meeting notification.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_SMIME_NDR">
                Non-delivery report for a Secure MIME (S/MIME) encrypted and opaque-signed message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_SMIME_DR">
                Delivery receipt for an S/MIME encrypted and opaque-signed message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_SMIME_MULTIPARTSIGNED_NDR">
                Non-delivery report for an S/MIME clear-signed message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.REPORT_IPM_NOTE_SMIME_MULTIPARTSIGNED_DR">
                Delivery receipt for an S/MIME clear-signed message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Appointment">
                An appointment
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass.IPM_Task">
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageImportance">
                Contains the relative priority of a message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageImportance.IMPORTANCE_LOW">
                The message has low importance.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageImportance.IMPORTANCE_NORMAL">
                The message has normal importance.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageImportance.IMPORTANCE_HIGH">
                The message has high importance.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessagePriority">
                Contains a value that indicates the message sender's opinion of the importance of a message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessagePriority.PRIO_NONURGENT">
                The message is not urgent.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessagePriority.PRIO_NORMAL">
                The message has normal priority.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessagePriority.PRIO_URGENT">
                The message is urgent.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask">
                This property discloses the capabilities of a message store to client applications planning to send it a message.
                The flags can facilitate decisions by a client or another store, such as whether to send PR_BODY (PidTagBody) or
                only <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_COMPRESSED" /> (PidTagRtfCompressed). A client should never set
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK" /> an attempt returns MAPI_E_COMPUTED.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_ANSI_OK">
                The message store supports properties containing ANSI (8-bit) characters.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_ATTACH_OK">
                The message store supports attachments (OLE or non-OLE) to messages.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_CATEGORIZE_OK">
                The message store supports categorized views of tables.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_CREATE_OK">
                The message store supports creation of new messages.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_ENTRYID_UNIQUE">
                Entry identifiers for the objects in the message store are unique, that is, never reused during the life of the
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_HTML_OK">
                The message store supports HTML messages, stored in the <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HTML" /> (PidTagBodyHtml)
                property. Note that STORE_HTML_OK is not defined in versions of MAPIDEFS.H that are included with Microsoft Exchange
                2000 Server and earlier. If your development environment uses a MAPIDEFS.H file that does not include STORE_HTML_OK,
                use the value 0x00010000 instead.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_ITEMPROC">
                In a wrapped PST store, indicates that when a new message arrives at the store, the store does rules and spam
                filter processing on the message separately. The store calls IMAPISupport::Notify, setting fnevNewMail in the
                NOTIFICATION structure that is passed as a parameter, and then passes the details of the new message to the
                listening client. Subsequently, when the listening client receives the notification, it does not process rules on
                the message.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_LOCALSTORE">
                This flag is reserved and should not be used.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_MODIFY_OK">
                The message store supports modification of its existing messages.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_MV_PROPS_OK">
                The message store supports multivalued properties, guarantees the stability of value order in a multivalued
                property throughout a save operation, and supports instantiation of multivalued properties in tables.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_NOTIFY_OK">
                The message store supports notifications.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_OLE_OK">
                The message store supports OLE attachments. The OLE data is accessible through an IStorage interface, such as that
                available through the PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ (PidTagAttachDataObject) property
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_PUBLIC_FOLDERS">
                The folders in this store are public (multi-user), not private (possibly multi-instance but not multi-user).
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_PUSHER_OK">
                The MAPI Protocol Handler will not crawl the store, and the store is responsible to push any changes through
                notifications to the indexer to have messages indexed.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_READONLY">
                All interfaces for the message store have a read-only access level.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_RESTRICTION_OK">
                The message store supports restrictions.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_RTF_OK">
                The message store supports Rich Text Format (RTF) messages, usually compressed, and the store itself keeps
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_W" /> and <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_COMPRESSED" /> synchronized.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_SEARCH_OK">
                The message store supports search-results folders.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_SORT_OK">
                The message store supports sorting views of tables.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_SUBMIT_OK">
                The message store supports marking a message for submission.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_UNCOMPRESSED_RTF">
                The message store supports storage of RTF messages in uncompressed form. An uncompressed RTF stream is identified
                by the value dwMagicUncompressedRTF in the stream header. The dwMagicUncompressedRTF value is defined in the
                RTFLIB.H file
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_UNICODE_OK">
                The message store supports properties containing Unicode characters.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType">
                The recipient type
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.Originator">
                The recipient is the message originator
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.To">
                The recipient is a primary (To) recipient. Clients are required to handle primary recipients. All other types are optional.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.Cc">
                The recipient is a carbon copy (CC) recipient, a recipient that receives a message in addition to the primary recipients.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.Bcc">
                The recipient is a blind carbon copy (BCC) recipient. Primary and carbon copy recipients are unaware of the existence of BCC recipients.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.Resource">
                The recipient is a resource (e.g. a room)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.Room">
                The recipient is a room (uses PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE_EXE) needs Exchange 2007 or higher
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType">
                An integer representing the type of the object. It MUST be one of the values from the following table.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.LocalMailUser">
            A local mail user
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.DistributionList">
            A distribution list
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.BulletinBoardOrPublicFolder">
            A bulletinboard or public folder
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.AutomatedMailBox">
            An automated mailbox
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.OrganizationalMailBox">
            An organiztional mailbox
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.PrivateDistributionList">
            A private distribtion list
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.RemoteMailUser">
            A remote mail user
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.Container">
            A container
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.Template">
            A template
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.OneOffUser">
            One off user
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.AddressBookEntryIdType.Search">
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyKind">
                Kind (1 byte): The possible values for the Kind field are in the following table.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyKind.Lid">
                The property is identified by the LID field (numerical named property)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyKind.Name">
                The property is identified by the Name field (string named property)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyKind.NotAssociated">
                The property does not have an associated PropertyName field.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags">
                Flags used to set on a <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_MANDATORY">
                If this flag is set for a property, that property MUST NOT be deleted from the .msg file
                (irrespective of which storage it is contained in) and implementations MUST return an error
                if any attempt is made to do so. This flag is set in circumstances where the implementation
                depends on that property always being present in the .msg file once it is written there.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_READABLE">
                If this flag is not set on a property, that property MUST NOT be read from the .msg file
                and implementations MUST return an error if any attempt is made to read it. This flag is
                set on all properties unless there is an implementation-specific reason to prevent a property
                from being read from the .msg file.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_WRITABLE">
                If this flag is not set on a property, that property MUST NOT be modified or deleted and
                implementations MUST return an error if any attempt is made to do so. This flag is set in
                circumstances where the implementation depends on the properties being writable.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType">
                The type of a property in the properties stream
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_UNSPECIFIED">
                Any: this property type value matches any type; a server MUST return the actual type in its response. Servers
                MUST NOT return this type in response to a client request other than NspiGetIDsFromNames or the
                RopGetPropertyIdsFromNamesROP request ([MS-OXCROPS] section (PT_UNSPECIFIED)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_NULL">
                None: This property is a placeholder. (PT_NULL)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_SHORT">
                2 bytes; a 16-bit integer (PT_I2, i2, ui2)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_LONG">
                4 bytes; a 32-bit integer (PT_LONG, PT_I4, int, ui4)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_FLOAT">
                4 bytes; a 32-bit floating point number (PT_FLOAT, PT_R4, float, r4)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_DOUBLE">
                8 bytes; a 64-bit floating point number (PT_DOUBLE, PT_R8, r8)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_APPTIME">
                8 bytes; a 64-bit floating point number in which the whole number part represents the number of days since
                December 30, 1899, and the fractional part represents the fraction of a day since midnight (PT_APPTIME)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_ERROR">
                4 bytes; a 32-bit integer encoding error information as specified in section 2.4.1. (PT_ERROR)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_BOOLEAN">
                1 byte; restricted to 1 or 0 (PT_BOOLEAN. bool)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_OBJECT">
                The property value is a Component Object Model (COM) object, as specified in section (PT_OBJECT)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_I8">
                8 bytes; a 64-bit integer (PT_LONGLONG, PT_I8, i8, ui8)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_LONGLONG">
                8 bytes; a 64-bit integer (PT_LONGLONG, PT_I8, i8, ui8)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_UNICODE">
                Variable size; a string of Unicode characters in UTF-16LE format encoding with terminating null character
                (0x0000). (PT_UNICODE, string)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_STRING8">
                Variable size; a string of multibyte characters in externally specified encoding with terminating null
                character (single 0 byte). (PT_STRING8) ... ANSI format
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_SYSTIME">
                8 bytes; a 64-bit integer representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601
                (PT_SYSTIME, time, datetime,, datetime.rfc1123, Date, time,
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_CLSID">
                16 bytes; a GUID with Data1, Data2, and Data3 fields in little-endian format (PT_CLSID, UUID)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_SVREID">
                Variable size; a 16-bit COUNT field followed by a structure as specified in section (PT_SVREID)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_SRESTRICT">
                Variable size; a byte array representing one or more Restriction structures as specified in section 2.12.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_ACTIONS">
                Variable size; a 16-bit COUNT field followed by that many rule (4) action (3) structures, as specified in
                [MS-OXORULE] section 2.2.5. (PT_ACTIONS)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_BINARY">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many bytes. (PT_BINARY)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_SHORT">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_SHORT values. (PT_MV_SHORT, PT_MV_I2, mv.i2)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_LONG">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_LONG values. (PT_MV_LONG, PT_MV_I4, mv.i4)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_FLOAT">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_FLOAT values. (PT_MV_FLOAT, PT_MV_R4, mv.float)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_DOUBLE">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_DOUBLE values. (PT_MV_DOUBLE, PT_MV_R8)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_CURRENCY">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_CURRENCY values. (PT_MV_CURRENCY, mv.fixed.14.4)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_APPTIME">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_APPTIME values. (PT_MV_APPTIME)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_LONGLONG">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_LONGLONGvalues. (PT_MV_I8, PT_MV_I8)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_TSTRING">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_UNICODE values. (PT_MV_UNICODE)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_UNICODE">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_UNICODE values. (PT_MV_UNICODE)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_STRING8">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_STRING8 values. (PT_MV_STRING8, mv.string)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_SYSTIME">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_SYSTIME values. (PT_MV_SYSTIME)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_CLSID">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_CLSID values. (PT_MV_CLSID, mv.uuid)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_BINARY">
                Variable size; a COUNT field followed by that many PT_MV_BINARY values. (PT_MV_BINARY, mv.bin.hex)
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowDisplayType" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType.NoType">
                No type is set
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType.X500Dn">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType.MsMail">
                Ms mail
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType.Smtp">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType.Fax">
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType.ProfessionalOfficeSystem">
                Professional office system
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType.PersonalDistributionList1">
                Personal distribution list 1
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType.PersonalDistributionList2">
                Personal distribution list 2
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType">
                An enumeration. This field MUST be present when the Type field
                of the RecipientFlags field is set to X500DN(0x1) and MUST NOT be present otherwise.This
                value specifies the display type of this address.Valid values for this field are specified in the
                following table.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType.MessagingUser">
                A messaging user
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType.DistributionList">
                A distribution list
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType.Forum">
                A forum, such as a bulletin board service or a public or shared folder
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType.AutomatedAgent">
                An automated agent
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType.AddressBook">
                An Address Book object defined for a large group, such as helpdesk, accounting, coordinator, or
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType.PrivateDistributionList">
                A private, personally administered distribution list
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType.RemoteAddressBook">
                An Address Book object known to be from a foreign or remote messaging system
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKAttachment">
            Raised when an attachment exception occurs
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKAttachmentExists">
            Raised when an attachment with the same name already exists
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKPropertyNotFound">
                Raised when a property is not found
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">
                Raised when a property is invalid
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.Conversion">
                This class contains conversion related helper methods
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Conversion.ObjectToByteArray(System.Object)">
                Converts an object to an byte array
            <param name="obj">The object to convert</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Conversion.ByteArrayToObject(System.Byte[])">
                Converts a byte array to an Object
            <param name="array">The byte array</param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.Crc32Calculator">
            This class is used to calculate CRC32. Of a byte buffer.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.EmailAddress">
                This class contains E-mail related helper methods
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.EmailAddress.IsEmailAddressValid(System.String)">
            Return true when the E-mail address is valid
            <param name="emailAddress"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.EmailAddress.RemoveSingleQuotes(System.String)">
            Removes trailing en ending single quotes from an E-mail address when they exist
            <param name="email"></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.Exception">
                This class contains exception related helper methods
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Exception.GetInnerException(System.Exception)">
            Get the complete inner exception tree
            <param name="e">The exception object</param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager">
            This class contains file management functions that are not available in the .NET framework
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.MaxPath">
            The max path length in Windows
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.CheckForBackSlash(System.String)">
            Check if there is a backslash at the end of the string and if not add it
            <param name="line"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.ValidateLongFileName(System.String,System.Int32)">
            Validates the length of <paramref name="fileName"/>, when this is longer then <see cref="F:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.MaxPath"/> chars it will be truncated.
            <param name="fileName">The filename with path</param>
            <param name="extraTruncateSize">Optional extra truncate size, when not used the filename is truncated until it fits</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Raised when no path or file name is given in the <paramref name="fileName"/></exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">Raised when it is not possible to truncate the <paramref name="fileName"/></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.GetExtension(System.String)">
            Returns the extension of the specified <paramref name="path"/> string
            <param name="path">The path of the file</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Raised when no path is given</exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(System.String)">
            Returns the file name of the specified <paramref name="path"/> string without the extension
            <param name="path">The path of the file</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.GetDirectoryName(System.String)">
            Returns the directory information for the specified <paramref name="path"/> string
            <param name="path">The path of a file or directory</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.FileExistsMakeNew(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
            Checks if a file already exists and if so adds a number until the file is unique
            <param name="fileName">The file to check</param>
            <param name="validateLongFileName">When true validation will be performed on the max path lengt</param>
            <param name="extraTruncateSize"></param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Raised when no path or file name is given in the <paramref name="fileName"/></exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.IO.PathTooLongException">Raised when it is not possible to truncate the <paramref name="fileName"/></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.RemoveInvalidFileNameChars(System.String)">
            Removes illegal filename characters
            <param name="fileName"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.FileManager.GetFileSizeString(System.Double)">
            Gives the size of a file in Windows format (GB, MB, KB, Bytes)
            <param name="bytes">Filesize in bytes</param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.Mapi">
                This class contains MAPI related helper methods
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Mapi.GenerateSearchKey(System.String,System.String)">
                A search key is used to compare the data in two objects. An object's search key is stored in its
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SEARCH_KEY" /> (PidTagSearchKey) property. Because a search key
                represents an object's data and not the object itself, two different objects with the same data can have the same
                search key. When an object is copied, for example, both the original object and its copy have the same data and the
                same search key. Messages and messaging users have search keys. The search key of a message is a unique identifier
                of the message's data. Message store providers furnish a message's <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SEARCH_KEY" />
                property at message creation time.The search key of an address book entry is computed from its address type(
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ADDRTYPE_W" /> (PidTagAddressType)) and address
                (<see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W" /> (PidTagEmailAddress)). If the address book entry is writeable,
                its search key might not be available until the address type and address have been set by using the
                IMAPIProp::SetProps method and the entry has been saved by using the IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method.When these
                address properties change, it is possible for the corresponding search key not to be synchronized with the new
                values until the changes have been committed with a SaveChanges call. The value of an object's record key can be
                the same as or different than the value of its search key, depending on the service provider. Some service providers
                use the same value for an object's search key, record key, and entry identifier.Other service providers assign unique
                values for each of its objects identifiers.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Mapi.GenerateRecordKey">
                A record key is used to compare two objects. Message store and address book objects must have record keys, which
                are stored in their <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECORD_KEY" /> (PidTagRecordKey) property. Because a record key
                identifies an object and not its data, every instance of an object has a unique record key. The scope of a record
                key for folders and messages is the message store. The scope for address book containers, messaging users, and
                distribution lists is the set of top-level containers provided by MAPI for use in the integrated address book.
                Record keys can be duplicated in another resource. For example, different messages in two different message stores
                can have the same record key. This is different from long-term entry identifiers; because long-term entry
                identifiers contain a reference to the service provider, they have a wider scope.A message store's record key is
                similar in scope to a long-term entry identifier; it should be unique across all message store providers. To ensure
                this uniqueness, message store providers typically set their record key to a value that is the combination of their
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MDB_PROVIDER" /> (PidTagStoreProvider) property and an identifier that is unique to the
                message store.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Mapi.GenerateInstanceKey">
                This property is a binary value that uniquely identifies a row in a table view. It is a required column in most
                tables. If a row is included in two views, there are two different instance keys. The instance key of a row may
                differ each time the table is opened, but remains constant while the table is open. Rows added while a table is in
                use do not reuse an instance key that was previously used.
                message store.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Mapi.GenerateEntryId">
                The PR_ENTRYID property contains a MAPI entry identifier used to open and edit properties of a particular MAPI
                The PR_ENTRYID property identifies an object for OpenEntry to instantiate and provides access to all of its
                properties through the appropriate derived interface of IMAPIProp. PR_ENTRYID is one of the base address properties
                for all messaging users. The PR_ENTRYID for CEMAPI always contains long-term identifiers. <br/>
                - Required on folder objects <br/>
                - Required on message store objects <br/>
                - Required on status objects <br/>
                - Changed in a copy operation <br/>
                - Unique within entire world
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.MimeTypes">
            A mapping of file name extensions to the corresponding MIME-type.
            A mapping of file name extensions to the corresponding MIME-type.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Helpers.MimeTypes.mimeTypes">
            A dictionary of mimetypes
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.MimeTypes.GetMimeType(System.String)">
            Gets the MIME-type of the file.
            Gets the MIME-type of the file based on the file extension.
            <returns>The MIME-type.</returns>
            <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
                <paramref name="fileName"/> is <c>null</c>.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.RtfCompressor">
            Used to compress RTF using LZFu by Microsoft. Can be viewed in the [MS-OXRTFCP].pdf document.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.RtfCompressor.CompressionPositions">
            Holder for compression positions, aren't relevent to other parts of the project thus inside of RTFCompressor class.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.RtfCompressor.FindLongestMatch(System.Byte[],System.IO.BinaryReader,System.Int32)">
            Helper function
            <param name="initialDictionary">Part of the MS-OXRTFCP spec. </param>
            <param name="streamReader">BinaryReader which is pointing at the input data. </param>
            <param name="writeOffset">Write offset</param>
            <returns> CompressionPositions class containing DictionaryOffset, LongestMatchLength, WriteOffset</returns>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.RtfCompressor.Compress(System.Byte[])">
            Takes in data, compresses it using LZFu. Returns the data as a byte array.
            <param name="data">Byte array containing data to be compressed.</param>
            <returns>Byte array containing the data that is compressed.</returns>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Storage.Copy(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
            Copies the given <paramref name="source"/> to the given <paramref name="destination"/>
            <param name="source"></param>
            <param name="destination"></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.StreamUtility">
                This class contains stream related helper methods
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.StreamUtility.ToByteArray(System.IO.Stream)">
                Returns the stream as an byte array
            <param name="input"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.StreamUtility.Eos(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
                Returns true when the end of the <see cref="P:System.IO.BinaryReader.BaseStream" /> has been reached
            <param name="binaryReader"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.StreamUtility.ReadLineAsBytes(System.IO.Stream)">
            Read a line from the stream.
            A line is interpreted as all the bytes read until a CRLF or LF is encountered.<br/>
            CRLF pair or LF is not included in the string.
            <param name="stream">The stream from which the line is to be read</param>
            <returns>A line read from the stream returned as a byte array or <see langword="null"/> if no bytes were readable from the stream</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="stream"/> is <see langword="null"/></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.StreamUtility.ReadLineAsAscii(System.IO.Stream)">
            Read a line from the stream. <see cref="M:MsgKit.Helpers.StreamUtility.ReadLineAsBytes(System.IO.Stream)"/> for more documentation.
            <param name="stream">The stream to read from</param>
            <returns>A line read from the stream or <see langword="null"/> if nothing could be read from the stream</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="stream"/> is <see langword="null"/></exception>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Helpers.Strings">
                This class contains string related helper methods
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Strings.ReadNullTerminatedString(System.IO.BinaryReader,System.Boolean)">
                Reads from the <paramref name="binaryReader"/> until a null terminated char is read
            <param name="binaryReader"></param>
            <param name="unicode"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Strings.ReadNullTerminatedAsciiString(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
                Reads from the <paramref name="binaryReader"/> until a null terminated char is read
            <param name="binaryReader">The <see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryReader" /></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Strings.ReadNullTerminatedUnicodeString(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
                Reads from the <paramref name="binaryReader"/> until a null terminated char is read
            <param name="binaryReader">The <see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryReader" /></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Strings.WriteNullTerminatedString(System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.String,System.Boolean)">
                Writes the given <paramref name="str"/> to the <paramref name="binaryWriter"/>
            <param name="binaryWriter"></param>
            <param name="str">The string to write</param>
            <param name="unicode"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Strings.WriteNullTerminatedAsciiString(System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.String)">
                Writes the given <paramref name="str"/> to the <paramref name="binaryWriter"/>
            <param name="binaryWriter"></param>
            <param name="str">The string to write</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Strings.WriteNullTerminatedUnicodeString(System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.String)">
                Writes the given <paramref name="str"/> to the <paramref name="binaryWriter"/>
            <param name="binaryWriter"></param>
            <param name="str">The string to write</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Helpers.Strings.GetEscapedRtf(System.String)">
            Returns the <paramref name="str"/> as an escaped RTF string
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Message">
                The base class for all the different types of Outlook MSG files
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Message.CompoundFile">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Message.CompoundFile" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Message.Class">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageClass"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Message.ClassAsString">
                Returns <see cref="F:MsgKit.Message.Class"/> as a string that is written into the MSG file
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Message.IconIndex">
                Contains a number that indicates which icon to use when you display a group
                of e-mail objects. Default set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.MessageIconIndex.NewMail" />
                This property, if it exists, is a hint to the client. The client may ignore the
                value of this property.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Message.MessageSize">
                The size of the message
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Message.TopLevelProperties">
                The <see cref="F:MsgKit.Message.TopLevelProperties"/>
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Message.NamedProperties">
                The <see cref="F:MsgKit.Message.NamedProperties"/>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Message.#ctor">
                Creates this object and sets all it's properties
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Message.Save(System.String)">
                Saves the message to the given <paramref name="fileName" />
            <param name="fileName"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Message.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
                Saves the message to the given <paramref name="stream" />
            <param name="stream"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Message.Dispose">
                Disposes this object and all its resources
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Email">
                A class used to make a new Outlook E-mail MSG file
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Email.SubjectPrefixRegex">
                The <see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex" /> to find the prefix in a subject
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Email._recipients">
                The E-mail <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Recipients" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Email._attachments">
                The E-mail <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Attachments" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Email._subject">
                The subject of the E-mail
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Sender">
                Returns the sender of the E-mail from the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Recipients" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Representing">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Sender"/>.
                These properties are examples of the address properties for the messaging user who is being represented by the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Receiving" /> user. They must be set by the incoming transport provider, which is also responsible for
                authorization or verification of the delegate. If no messaging user is being represented, these properties should
                be set to the e-mail address contained in the PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS (PidTagReceivedByEmailAddress) property.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Recipients">
                Returns the E-mail <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Recipients" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Receiving">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user who receives the message.
                These properties are examples of the address properties for the messaging user who receives the message. They must
                be set by the incoming transport provider.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.ReceivingRepresenting">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user who is represented by the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Receiving"/> user.
                These properties are examples of the address properties for the messaging user who is being represented by the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Receiving" /> user. They must be set by the incoming transport provider, which is also responsible for
                authorization or verification of the delegate. If no messaging user is being represented, these properties should
                be set to the e-mail address contained in the PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS (PidTagReceivedByEmailAddress) property.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.SubjectPrefix">
                Returns the subject prefix of the E-mail
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Subject">
                Returns or sets the subject of the E-mail
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.SubjectNormalized">
                Returns the normalized subject of the E-mail
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Priority">
                Returns or sets the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessagePriority"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Importance">
                Returns or sets the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageImportance"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.BodyText">
                Returns or sets the text body of the E-mail
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.BodyHtml">
                Returns or sets the html body of the E-mail
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.BodyRtf">
                The compressed RTF body part
                When not set then the RTF is generated from <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.BodyHtml"/> (when this property is set)
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.BodyRtfCompressed">
                Returns or set to <c>true</c> when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.BodyRtf"/> is compressed
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Attachments">
                The E-mail <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Attachments" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.SentOn">
                Returns or sets the UTC date and time the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Sender"/> has submitted the
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Message"/>
                This property has to be set to UTC datetime. When not set then the current date
                and time is used
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.ReceivedOn">
                Returns the UTC date and time when the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Message"/> was received
                This property has to be set to UTC datetime
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.InternetMessageId">
                Returns or sets the Internet Message Id
                Corresponds to the message ID field as specified in [RFC2822].<br/><br/>
                If set then this value will be used, when not set the value will be read from the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.TransportMessageHeaders"/> when this property is set
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.InternetReferences">
                Returns or set the the value of a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) message's References header field
                If set then this value will be used, when not set the value will be read from the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.TransportMessageHeaders"/> when this property is set
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.InReplyToId">
                Returns or sets the original message's PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID (PidTagInternetMessageId) property value
                If set then this value will be used, when not set the value will be read from the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.TransportMessageHeaders"/> when this property is set
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.TransportMessageHeaders">
                Returns or sets the transport message headers. These are only present when
                the message has been sent outside an Exchange environment to another mailserver
                <c>null</c> will be returned when not present
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.Draft">
                Returns <c>true</c> when the message is set as a draft message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Email.MessageEditorFormat">
                Specifies the format for an editor to use to display a message.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Email.#ctor(MsgKit.Sender,System.String,System.Boolean)">
                Creates this object and sets all the needed properties
            <param name="sender">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Sender"/> of the E-mail</param>
            <param name="subject">The subject of the E-mail</param>
            <param name="draft">Set to <c>true</c> to save the E-mail as a draft message</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Email.#ctor(MsgKit.Sender,MsgKit.Representing,System.String,System.Boolean)">
                Creates this object and sets all the needed properties
            <param name="sender">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Email.Sender"/> of the E-mail</param>
            <param name="representing">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Representing"/> sender of the E-mail</param>
            <param name="subject">The subject of the E-mail</param>
            <param name="draft">Set to <c>true</c> to save the E-mail as a draft message</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Email.SetSubject">
                These properties are computed by message store or transport providers from the PR_SUBJECT (PidTagSubject)
                and PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX (PidTagSubjectPrefix) properties in the following manner. If the PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX
                is present and is an initial substring of PR_SUBJECT, PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT and associated properties are
                set to the contents of PR_SUBJECT with the prefix removed. If PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX is present, but it is not
                an initial substring of PR_SUBJECT, PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX is deleted and recalculated from PR_SUBJECT using
                the following rule: If the string contained in PR_SUBJECT begins with one to three non-numeric characters
                followed by a colon and a space, then the string together with the colon and the blank becomes the prefix.
                Numbers, blanks, and punctuation characters are not valid prefix characters. If PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX is not
                present, it is calculated from PR_SUBJECT using the rule outlined in the previous step.This property then
                is set to the contents of PR_SUBJECT with the prefix removed.
                When PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX is an empty string, PR_SUBJECT and PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT are the same. Ultimately,
                this property should be the part of PR_SUBJECT following the prefix. If there is no prefix, this property
                becomes the same as PR_SUBJECT.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Email.WriteToStorage">
                Writes all the properties that are part of the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Email"/> object either as <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/>'s
                or <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/>'s to the <see cref="P:OpenMcdf.CompoundFile.RootStorage"/>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Email.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
                Saves the message to the given <paramref name="stream" />
            <param name="stream"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Email.Save(System.String)">
                Saves the message to the given <paramref name="fileName" />
            <param name="fileName"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Email.Dispose">
                Disposes all the attachment streams
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Base64">
                Utility class for dealing with Base64 encoded strings
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Base64.Decode(System.String)">
                Decodes a base64 encoded string into the bytes it describes
            <param name="base64Encoded">The string to decode</param>
            <returns>A byte array that the base64 string described</returns>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Base64.Decode(System.String,System.Text.Encoding)">
                Decodes a Base64 encoded string using a specified <see cref="T:System.Text.Encoding" />
            <param name="base64Encoded">Source string to decode</param>
            <param name="encoding">The encoding to use for the decoded byte array that <paramref name="base64Encoded" /> describes</param>
            <returns>A decoded string</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                If <paramref name="base64Encoded" /> or <paramref name="encoding" /> is
                <see langword="null" />
            <exception cref="T:System.FormatException">If <paramref name="base64Encoded" /> is not a valid base64 encoded string</exception>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodedWord">
                Utility class for dealing with encoded word strings<br />
                <br />
                EncodedWord encoded strings are only in ASCII, but can embed information
                about characters in other character sets.<br />
                <br />
                It is done by specifying the character set, an encoding that maps from ASCII to
                the correct bytes and the actual encoded string.<br />
                <br />
                It is specified in a format that is best summarized by a BNF:<br />
                <c>"=?" character_set "?" encoding "?" encoded-text "?="</c><br />
                Here <c>ISO-8859-1</c> is the character set.<br />
                <c>Q</c> is the encoding method (quoted-printable). <c>B</c> is also supported (Base 64).<br />
                The encoded text is the <c>=2D</c> part which is decoded to a space.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodedWord.Decode(System.String)">
                Decode text that is encoded with the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodedWord" /> encoding.<br />
                <br />
                This method will decode any encoded-word found in the string.<br />
                All parts which is not encoded will not be touched.<br />
                <br />
                From <a href="">RFC 2047</a>:<br />
             Generally, an "encoded-word" is a sequence of printable ASCII
             characters that begins with "=?", ends with "?=", and has two "?"s in
             between. It specifies a character set and an encoding method, and
             also includes the original text encoded as graphic ASCII characters,
             according to the rules for that encoding method.
                Example:<br />
                <c>=?ISO-8859-1?q?this=20is=20some=20text?= other text here</c>
                See <a href="">RFC 2047 section 2</a> "Syntax of encoded-words"
                for more details
            <param name="encodedWords">Source text. May be content which is not encoded.</param>
            <returns>Decoded text</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="encodedWords" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder">
                Utility class used by OpenPop for mapping from a characterSet to an <see cref="T:System.Text.Encoding" />.<br />
                <br />
                The functionality of the class can be altered by adding mappings
                using <see cref="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.AddMapping(System.String,System.Text.Encoding)" /> and by adding a <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.FallbackDecoder" />.<br />
                <br />
                Given a characterSet, it will try to find the Encoding as follows:
                <list type="number">
                            If a mapping for the characterSet was added, use the specified Encoding from there. Mappings
                            can be added using <see cref="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.AddMapping(System.String,System.Text.Encoding)" />.
                            Try to parse the characterSet and look it up using <see cref="M:System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(System.Int32)" />
                            for codepages or <see cref="M:System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(System.String)" /> for named encodings.
                            If an encoding is not found yet, use the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.FallbackDecoder" /> if defined. The
                            <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.FallbackDecoder" /> is user defined.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.#cctor">
                Initialize the EncodingFinder
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.Reset">
                Used to reset this static class to facilite isolated unit testing.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.FindEncoding(System.String)">
                Parses a character set into an encoding.
            <param name="characterSet">The character set to parse</param>
            <returns>An encoding which corresponds to the character set</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="characterSet" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.AddMapping(System.String,System.Text.Encoding)">
                Puts a mapping from <paramref name="characterSet" /> to <paramref name="encoding" />
                into the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder" />'s internal mapping Dictionary.
            <param name="characterSet">The string that maps to the <paramref name="encoding" /></param>
            <param name="encoding">The <see cref="T:System.Text.Encoding" /> that should be mapped from <paramref name="characterSet" /></param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="characterSet" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="encoding" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.FallbackDecoderDelegate">
                Delegate that is used when the EncodingFinder is unable to find an encoding by
                using the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.EncodingMap" /> or general code.<br />
                This is used as a last resort and can be used for setting a default encoding or
                for finding an encoding on runtime for some <paramref name="characterSet" />.
            <param name="characterSet">The character set to find an encoding for.</param>
            <returns>An encoding for the <paramref name="characterSet" /> or <see langword="null" /> if none could be found.</returns>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.FallbackDecoder">
                Last resort decoder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodingFinder.EncodingMap">
                Mapping from charactersets to encodings.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable">
                Used for decoding Quoted-Printable text.<br />
                This is a robust implementation of a Quoted-Printable decoder defined in
                <a href="">RFC 2045</a> and
                <a href="">RFC 2047</a>.<br />
                Every measurement has been taken to conform to the RFC.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable.DecodeEncodedWord(System.String,System.Text.Encoding)">
                Decodes a Quoted-Printable string according to <a href="">RFC 2047</a>.<br />
                RFC 2047 is used for decoding Encoded-Word encoded strings.
            <param name="toDecode">Quoted-Printable encoded string</param>
            <param name="encoding">Specifies which encoding the returned string will be in</param>
            <returns>A decoded string in the correct encoding</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                If <paramref name="toDecode" /> or <paramref name="encoding" /> is
                <see langword="null" />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable.DecodeContentTransferEncoding(System.String)">
                Decodes a Quoted-Printable string according to <a href="">RFC 2045</a>.<br />
                RFC 2045 specifies the decoding of a body encoded with Content-Transfer-Encoding of quoted-printable.
            <param name="toDecode">Quoted-Printable encoded string</param>
            <returns>A decoded byte array that the Quoted-Printable encoded string described</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="toDecode" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable.Rfc2047QuotedPrintableDecode(System.String,System.Boolean)">
                This is the actual decoder.
            <param name="toDecode">The string to be decoded from Quoted-Printable</param>
            <param name="encodedWordVariant">
                If <see langword="true" />, specifies that RFC 2047 quoted printable decoding is used.<br />
                This is for quoted-printable encoded words<br />
                <br />
                If <see langword="false" />, specifies that RFC 2045 quoted printable decoding is used.<br />
                This is for quoted-printable Content-Transfer-Encoding
            <returns>A decoded byte array that was described by <paramref name="toDecode" /></returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="toDecode" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
            <remarks>See <a href="">RFC 2047 section 4.2</a> for RFC details</remarks>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable.WriteAllBytesToStream(System.IO.Stream,System.Byte[])">
                Writes all bytes in a byte array to a stream
            <param name="stream">The stream to write to</param>
            <param name="toWrite">The bytes to write to the <paramref name="stream" /></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable.RemoveIllegalControlCharacters(System.String)">
                RFC 2045 states about robustness:<br />
            Control characters other than TAB, or CR and LF as parts of CRLF pairs,
            must not appear. The same is true for octets with decimal values greater
            than 126. If found in incoming quoted-printable data by a decoder, a
            robust implementation might exclude them from the decoded data and warn
            the user that illegal characters were discovered.
                Control characters are defined in RFC 2396 as<br />
                <c>control = US-ASCII coded characters 00-1F and 7F hexadecimal</c>
            <param name="input">String to be stripped from illegal control characters</param>
            <returns>A string with no illegal control characters</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="input" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable.RemoveCarriageReturnAndNewLinewIfNotInPair(System.String)">
                This method will remove any \r and \n which is not paired as \r\n
            <param name="input">String to remove lonely \r and \n's from</param>
            <returns>A string without lonely \r and \n's</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="input" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable.DecodeEqualSignNotLongEnough(System.String)">
                RFC 2045 says that a robust implementation should handle:<br />
            An "=" cannot be the ultimate or penultimate character in an encoded
            object. This could be handled as in case (2) above.
                Case (2) is:<br />
            An "=" followed by a character that is neither a
            hexadecimal digit (including "abcdef") nor the CR character of a CRLF pair
            is illegal. This case can be the result of US-ASCII text having been
            included in a quoted-printable part of a message without itself having
            been subjected to quoted-printable encoding. A reasonable approach by a
            robust implementation might be to include the "=" character and the
            following character in the decoded data without any transformation and, if
            possible, indicate to the user that proper decoding was not possible at
            this point in the data.
            <param name="decode">
                The string to decode which cannot have length above or equal to 3
                and must start with an equal sign.
            <returns>A decoded byte array</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="decode" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
                Thrown if a the <paramref name="decode" /> parameter has length above 2 or does not
                start with an equal sign.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.QuotedPrintable.DecodeEqualSign(System.String)">
                This helper method will decode a string of the form "=XX" where X is any character.<br />
                This method will never fail, unless an argument of length not equal to three is passed.
            <param name="decode">The length 3 character that needs to be decoded</param>
            <returns>A decoded byte array</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="decode" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
                Thrown if a the <paramref name="decode" /> parameter does not have length 3 or does
                not start with an equal sign.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2231Decoder">
                This class is responsible for decoding parameters that has been encoded with:<br />
                <list type="bullet">
                        <b>Continuation</b><br />
                        This is where a single parameter has such a long value that it could
                        be wrapped while in transit. Instead multiple parameters is used on each line.<br />
                        <br />
                        <b>Example</b><br />
                        From: <c>Content-Type: text/html; boundary="someVeryLongStringHereWhichCouldBeWrappedInTransit"</c><br />
                        <c>Content-Type: text/html; boundary*0="someVeryLongStringHere" boundary*1="WhichCouldBeWrappedInTransit"</c>
                        <br />
                        <b>Encoding</b><br />
                        Sometimes other characters then ASCII characters are needed in parameters.<br />
                        The parameter is then given a different name to specify that it is encoded.<br />
                        <br />
                        <b>Example</b><br />
                        From: <c>Content-Disposition attachment; filename="specialCharsÆØÅ"</c><br />
                        To: <c>Content-Disposition attachment; filename*="ISO-8859-1'en-us'specialCharsC6D8C0"</c><br />
                        This encoding is almost the same as <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodedWord" /> encoding, and is used to decode the value.
                        <br />
                        <b>Continuation and Encoding</b><br />
                        Both Continuation and Encoding can be used on the same time.<br />
                        <br />
                        <b>Example</b><br />
                        From: <c>Content-Disposition attachment; filename="specialCharsÆØÅWhichIsSoLong"</c><br />
                            Content-Disposition attachment; filename*0*="ISO-8859-1'en-us'specialCharsC6D8C0";
                        <br />
                        This could also be encoded as:<br />
                            Content-Disposition attachment; filename*0*="ISO-8859-1'en-us'specialCharsC6D8C0";
                        <br />
                        Notice that <c>filename*1</c> does not have an <c>*</c> after it - denoting it IS NOT encoded.<br />
                        There are some rules about this:<br />
                        <list type="number">
                            <item>The encoding must be mentioned in the first part (filename*0*), which has to be encoded.</item>
                                No other part must specify an encoding, but if encoded it uses the encoding mentioned in the
                                first part.
                            <item>Parts may be encoded or not in any order.</item>
                        <br />
                More information and the specification is available in
                <see href="">RFC 2231</see>.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2231Decoder.Decode(System.String)">
                Decodes a string of the form:<br />
                <c>value0; key1=value1; key2=value2; key3=value3</c><br />
                The returned List of key value pairs will have the key as key and the decoded value as value.<br />
                The first value0 will have a key of <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.<br />
                <br />
                If continuation is used, then multiple keys will be merged into one key with the different values
                decoded into on big value for that key.<br />
                Example:<br />
                will have key and value of:<br></br>
            <param name="toDecode">The string to decode.</param>
            <returns>A list of decoded key value pairs.</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="toDecode" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2231Decoder.DecodePairs(System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair{System.String,System.String}})">
                Decodes the list of key value pairs into a decoded list of key value pairs.<br />
                There may be less keys in the decoded list, but then the values for the lost keys will have been appended
                to the new key.
            <param name="pairs">The pairs to decode</param>
            <returns>A decoded list of pairs</returns>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2231Decoder.DecodeSingleValue(System.String,System.String@)">
                This will decode a single value of the form: <c>ISO-8859-1'en-us'%3D%3DIamHere</c><br />
                Which is basically a <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodedWord" /> form just using % instead of =<br />
                Notice that 'en-us' part is not used for anything.<br />
                <br />
                If the single value given is not on the correct form, it will be returned without
                being decoded and <paramref name="encodingUsed" /> will be set to <see langword="null" />.
            <param name="encodingUsed">
                The encoding used to decode with - it is given back for later use.<br />
                <see langword="null" /> if input was not in the correct form.
            <param name="toDecode">The value to decode</param>
                The decoded value that corresponds to <paramref name="toDecode" /> or if
                <paramref name="toDecode" /> is not on the correct form, it will be non-decoded.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="toDecode" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2231Decoder.DecodeSingleValue(System.String,System.String)">
                This will decode a single value of the form: %3D%3DIamHere
                Which is basically a <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodedWord" /> form just using % instead of =
            <param name="valueToDecode">The value to decode</param>
            <param name="encoding">The encoding used to decode with</param>
            <returns>The decoded value that corresponds to <paramref name="valueToDecode" /></returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="valueToDecode" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="encoding" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime">
                Class used to decode RFC 2822 Date header fields.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.CustomDateTimeFormats">
                Custom DateTime formats - will be tried if cannot parse the dateInput string using the default method
                Specified using formats at
                One format per string in the array
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.StringToDate(System.String)">
                Converts a string in RFC 2822 format into a <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object
            <param name="inputDate">The date to convert</param>
                A valid <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object, which represents the same time as the string that was converted.
                If <paramref name="inputDate" /> is not a valid date representation, then <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> is
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="inputDate" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
                If the <paramref name="inputDate" /> could not be parsed into a
                <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.AdjustTimezone(System.DateTime,System.String)">
                Adjust the <paramref name="dateTime" /> object given according to the timezone specified in the
                <paramref name="dateInput" />.
            <param name="dateTime">The date to alter</param>
            <param name="dateInput">The input date, in which the timezone can be found</param>
            <returns>An date altered according to the timezone</returns>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.MatchEvaluator(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match)">
                Convert timezones in older formats to [+-]dddd format.
            <param name="match">The match that was found</param>
            <returns>The string to replace the matched string with</returns>
                RFC 2822:
                4.3. Obsolete Date and Time
                The syntax for the obsolete date format allows a 2 digit year in the
                date field and allows for a list of alphabetic time zone
                specifications that were used in earlier versions of this standard.
                It also permits comments and folding white space between many of the
                obs-day-of-week = [CFWS] day-name [CFWS]
                obs-year = [CFWS] 2*DIGIT [CFWS]
                obs-month = CFWS month-name CFWS
                obs-day = [CFWS] 1*2DIGIT [CFWS]
                obs-hour = [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]
                obs-minute = [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]
                obs-second = [CFWS] 2DIGIT [CFWS]
                obs-zone = "UT" / "GMT" / ; Universal Time
                Resnick Standards Track [Page 31]
                RFC 2822 Internet Message Format April 2001
                ; North American UT
                ; offsets
                "EST" / "EDT" / ; Eastern: - 5/ - 4
                "CST" / "CDT" / ; Central: - 6/ - 5
                "MST" / "MDT" / ; Mountain: - 7/ - 6
                "PST" / "PDT" / ; Pacific: - 8/ - 7
                %d65-73 / ; Military zones - "A"
                %d75-90 / ; through "I" and "K"
                %d97-105 / ; through "Z", both
                %d107-122 ; upper and lower case -- imported lower and upper
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.ExtractDateTime(System.String)">
                Extracts the date and time parts from the <paramref name="dateInput" />
            <param name="dateInput">The date input string, from which to extract the date and time parts</param>
                The extracted date part or <see langword="DateTime.MinValue" /> if <paramref name="dateInput" /> is not
                recognized as a valid date.
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="dateInput" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.StripCommentsAndExcessWhitespace(System.String)">
                Strips and removes all comments and excessive whitespace from the string
            <param name="input">The input to strip from</param>
            <returns>The stripped string</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="input" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.FixSpecialCases(System.String)">
                Converts date time string in very wrong date time format:
                Tue Feb 18 10:23:30 2014 (MSK)
                Feb 18 2014 10:23:30 MSK
            <param name="inputDate">The date to convert</param>
            <returns>The corrected string</returns>
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.RegexOldTimezoneFormats">
                Timezone formats that aren't +-hhmm, e.g. UTC, or K. See MatchEvaluator method for conversions
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Rfc2822DateTime.RegexNewTimezoneFormats">
                Matches any +=hhmm timezone offset, e.g. +0100
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.SizeParser">
                Thanks to for inspiration
                This class can convert from strings like "104 kB" (104 kilobytes) to bytes.
                It does not know about differences such as kilobits vs kilobytes.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Utility">
                Contains common operations needed while decoding.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Utility.RemoveQuotesIfAny(System.String)">
                Remove quotes, if found, around the string.
            <param name="text">Text with quotes or without quotes</param>
            <returns>Text without quotes</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="text" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.Utility.SplitStringWithCharNotInsideQuotes(System.String,System.Char)">
                Split a string into a list of strings using a specified character.<br />
                Everything inside quotes are ignored.
            <param name="input">A string to split</param>
            <param name="toSplitAt">The character to use to split with</param>
            <returns>A List of strings that was delimited by the <paramref name="toSplitAt" /> character</returns>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding">
                <see cref="T:System.Enum" /> that describes the ContentTransferEncoding header field
            <remarks>See <a href="">RFC 2045 section 6</a> for more details</remarks>
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding.SevenBit">
                7 bit Encoding
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding.EightBit">
                8 bit Encoding
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable">
                Quoted Printable Encoding
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding.Base64">
                Base64 Encoding
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding.Binary">
                Binary Encoding
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderExtractor">
                Utility class that divides a message into a body and a header.<br />
                The header is then parsed to a strongly typed <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader" /> object.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderExtractor.GetHeaders(System.String)">
                Extract the headers from the given headers string and gives it back
                as a MessageHeader object
            <param name="headersString">The string with the header information</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderExtractor.ExtractHeaders(System.String)">
                Method that takes a full message and extract the headers from it.
            <param name="messageContent">
                The message to extract headers from. Does not need the body part. Needs the empty headers
                end line.
            <returns>A collection of Name and Value pairs of headers</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="messageContent" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderExtractor.IsMoreLinesInHeaderValue(System.IO.TextReader)">
                Check if the next line is part of the current header value we are parsing by
                peeking on the next character of the <see cref="T:System.IO.TextReader" />.<br />
                This should only be called while parsing headers.
            <param name="reader">The reader from which the header is read from</param>
            <returns><see langword="true" /> if multi-line header. <see langword="false" /> otherwise</returns>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderExtractor.SeparateHeaderNameAndValue(System.String)">
                Separate a full header line into a header name and a header value.
            <param name="rawHeader">The raw header line to be separated</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="rawHeader" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderFieldParser">
                Class that can parse different fields in the header sections of a MIME message.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderFieldParser.ParseContentTransferEncoding(System.String)">
                Parses the Content-Transfer-Encoding header.
            <param name="headerValue">The value for the header to be parsed</param>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding" /></returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="headerValue" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
                If the <paramref name="headerValue" /> could not be parsed to a
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding" />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderFieldParser.ParseImportance(System.String)">
                Parses an ImportanceType from a given Importance header value.
            <param name="headerValue">The value to be parsed</param>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Net.Mail.MailPriority" />. If the <paramref name="headerValue" /> is not recognized, Normal is returned.</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="headerValue" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderFieldParser.ParseContentType(System.String)">
                Parses a the value for the header Content-Type to
                a <see cref="T:System.Net.Mime.ContentType" /> object.
            <param name="headerValue">The value to be parsed</param>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Net.Mime.ContentType" /> object</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="headerValue" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderFieldParser.ParseContentDisposition(System.String)">
                Parses a the value for the header Content-Disposition to a <see cref="T:System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition" /> object.
            <param name="headerValue">The value to be parsed</param>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition" /> object</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="headerValue" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderFieldParser.ParseId(System.String)">
                Parses an ID like Message-Id and Content-Id.<br />
                Example:<br />
                <c>&lt;;</c><br />
                into<br />
            <param name="headerValue">The id to parse</param>
            <returns>A parsed ID</returns>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.HeaderFieldParser.ParseMultipleIDs(System.String)">
                Parses multiple IDs from a single string like In-Reply-To.
            <param name="headerValue">The value to parse</param>
            <returns>A list of IDs</returns>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader">
                Class that holds all headers for a message<br />
                Headers which are unknown the the parser will be held in the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.UnknownHeaders" /> collection.<br />
                <br />
                This class cannot be instantiated from outside the library.
                See <a href="">RFC 4021</a> for a large list of headers.<br />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.#ctor(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
                Parses a <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection" /> to a MessageHeader
            <param name="headers">The collection that should be traversed and parsed</param>
            <returns>A valid MessageHeader object</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="headers" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ParseHeaders(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
                Parses a <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection" /> to a <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader" />
            <param name="headers">The collection that should be traversed and parsed</param>
            <returns>A valid <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader" /> object</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="headers" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ParseHeader(System.String,System.String)">
                Parses a single header and sets member variables according to it.
            <param name="headerName">The name of the header</param>
            <param name="headerValue">The value of the header in unfolded state (only one line)</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                If <paramref name="headerName" /> or <paramref name="headerValue" /> is
                <see langword="null" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.UnknownHeaders">
                All headers which were not recognized and explicitly dealt with.<br />
                This should mostly be custom headers, which are marked as X-[name].<br />
                <br />
                This list will be empty if all headers were recognized and parsed.
                If you as a user, feels that a header in this collection should
                be parsed, feel free to notify the developers.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ContentDescription">
                A human readable description of the body<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Content-Description header was present in the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ContentId">
                ID of the content part (like an attached image). Used with MultiPart messages.<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Content-ID header field was present in the message.
            <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.MessageId">For an ID of the message</see>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Keywords">
                Message keywords<br />
                <br />
                The list will be empty if no Keywords header was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.DispositionNotificationTo">
                A List of emails to people who wishes to be notified when some event happens.<br />
                These events could be email:
                <list type="bullet">
                The list will be empty if no Disposition-Notification-To header was present in the message
            <remarks>See <a href="">RFC 3798</a> for details</remarks>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Received">
                This is the Received headers. This tells the path that the email went.<br />
                <br />
                The list will be empty if no Received header was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Importance">
                Importance of this email.<br />
                <br />
                The importance level is set to normal, if no Importance header field was mentioned or it contained
                unknown information. This is the expected behavior according to the RFC.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ContentTransferEncoding">
                This header describes the Content encoding during transfer.<br />
                <br />
                If no Content-Transfer-Encoding header was present in the message, it is set
                to the default of <see cref="F:MsgKit.Mime.Header.ContentTransferEncoding.SevenBit">SevenBit</see> in accordance to
                the RFC.
            <remarks>See <a href="">RFC 2045 section 6</a> for details</remarks>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Cc">
                Carbon Copy. This specifies who got a copy of the message.<br />
                <br />
                The list will be empty if no Cc header was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Bcc">
                Blind Carbon Copy. This specifies who got a copy of the message, but others
                cannot see who these persons are.<br />
                <br />
                The list will be empty if no Received Bcc was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.To">
                Specifies who this mail was for<br />
                <br />
                The list will be empty if no To header was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.From">
                Specifies who sent the email<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no From header field was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ReplyTo">
                Specifies who a reply to the message should be sent to<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Reply-To header field was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.InReplyTo">
                The message identifier(s) of the original message(s) to which the
                current message is a reply.<br />
                <br />
                The list will be empty if no In-Reply-To header was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.References">
                The message identifier(s) of other message(s) to which the current
                message is related to.<br />
                <br />
                The list will be empty if no References header was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Sender">
                This is the sender of the email address.<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Sender header field was present in the message
                The RFC states that this field can be used if a secretary
                is sending an email for someone she is working for.
                The email here will then be the secretary's email, and
                the Reply-To field would hold the address of the person she works for.<br />
                RFC states that if the Sender is the same as the From field,
                sender should not be included in the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ContentType">
                The Content-Type header field.<br />
                <br />
                If not set, the ContentType is created by the default "text/plain; charset=us-ascii" which is
                defined in <a href="">RFC 2045 section 5.2</a>.<br />
                If set, the default is overridden.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ContentDisposition">
                Used to describe if a MessagePart" is to be displayed or to be though of as an attachment.<br />
                Also contains information about filename if such was sent.<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Content-Disposition header field was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Date">
                The Date when the email was sent.<br />
                This is the raw value. <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.DateSent" /> for a parsed up <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> value of this field.<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="DateTime.MinValue" /> if no Date header field was present in the message or if the date could not be
            <remarks>See <a href="">RFC 5322 section 3.6.1</a> for more details</remarks>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.DateSent">
                The Date when the email was sent.<br />
                This is the parsed equivalent of <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Date" />.<br />
                Notice that the <see cref="T:System.TimeZone" /> of the <see cref="T:System.DateTime" /> object is in UTC and has NOT been converted
                to local <see cref="T:System.TimeZone" />.
            <remarks>See <a href="">RFC 5322 section 3.6.1</a> for more details</remarks>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.MessageId">
                An ID of the message that is SUPPOSED to be in every message according to the RFC.<br />
                The ID is unique.<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Message-ID header field was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.MimeVersion">
                The Mime Version.<br />
                This field will almost always show 1.0<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Mime-Version header field was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.ReturnPath">
                A single <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" /> with no username inside.<br />
                This is a trace header field, that should be in all messages.<br />
                Replies should be sent to this address.<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Return-Path header field was present in the message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.MessageHeader.Subject">
                The subject line of the message in decoded, one line state.<br />
                This should be in all messages.<br />
                <br />
                <see langword="null" /> if no Subject header field was present in the message
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.Received">
                Class that hold information about one "Received:" header line.<br />
                <br />
                Visit these RFCs for more information:<br />
                <see href="">RFC 5321 section 4.4</see><br />
                <see href="">RFC 4021 section 3.6.7</see><br />
                <see href="">RFC 2822 section 3.6.7</see><br />
                <see href="">RFC 2821 section 4.4</see><br />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.Received.#ctor(System.String)">
                Parses a Received header value.
            <param name="headerValue">The value for the header to be parsed</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="headerValue" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.Received.ParseDictionary(System.String)">
                Parses the Received header name-value-list into a dictionary.
            <param name="headerValue">The full header value for the Received header</param>
            <returns>A dictionary where the name-value-list has been parsed into</returns>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.Received.Date">
                The date of this received line.
                Is <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" /> if not present in the received header line.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.Received.Names">
                A dictionary that contains the names and values of the
                received header line.<br />
                If the received header is invalid and contained one name
                multiple times, the first one is used and the rest is ignored.
                If the header lines looks like:
            from (localMachine []) by (Postfix)
                then the dictionary will contain two keys: "from" and "by" with the values
                " (localMachine [])" and " (Postfix)".
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.Received.Raw">
                The raw input string that was parsed into this class.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress">
                This class is used for RFC compliant email addresses.<br />
                <br />
                The class cannot be instantiated from outside the library.
                The <seealso cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.MailAddress" /> does not cover all the possible formats
                for <a href="">RFC 5322 section 3.4</a> compliant email addresses.
                This class is used as an address wrapper to account for that deficiency.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.ToString">
                A string representation of the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" /> object
            <returns>Returns the string representation for the object</returns>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.Address">
                The email address of this <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" /><br />
                It is possibly string.Empty since RFC mail addresses does not require an email address specified.
                Example header with email address:<br />
                To: <c>Test</c><br />
                Address will be <c></c><br />
                Example header without email address:<br />
                To: <c>Test</c><br />
                Address will be <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.DisplayName">
                The display name of this <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" /><br />
                It is possibly <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" /> since RFC mail addresses does not require a display name to be
                Example header with display name:<br />
                To: <c>Test</c><br />
                DisplayName will be <c>Test</c>
                Example header without display name:<br />
                To: <c></c><br />
                DisplayName will be <see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.Raw">
                This is the Raw string used to describe the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" />.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.MailAddress">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.MailAddress" /> associated with the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" />.
                The value of this property can be <see lanword="null" /> in instances where the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.MailAddress" /> cannot
                represent the address properly.<br />
                Use <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.HasValidMailAddress" /> property to see if this property is valid.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.HasValidMailAddress">
                Specifies if the object contains a valid <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.MailAddress" /> reference.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.#ctor(System.Net.Mail.MailAddress,System.String)">
                Constructs an <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" /> object from a <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.MailAddress" /> object.<br />
                This constructor is used when we were able to construct a <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.MailAddress" /> from a string.
            <param name="mailAddress">The address that <paramref name="raw" /> was parsed into</param>
            <param name="raw">The raw unparsed input which was parsed into the <paramref name="mailAddress" /></param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
                If <paramref name="mailAddress" /> or <paramref name="raw" /> is
                <see langword="null" />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.#ctor(System.String)">
                When we were unable to parse a string into a <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.MailAddress" />, this constructor can be
                used. The Raw string is then used as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.DisplayName" />.
            <param name="raw">The raw unparsed input which could not be parsed</param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="raw" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.ParseMailAddress(System.String)">
                Parses an email address from a MIME header<br />
                <br />
                Examples of input:
                <c>Eksperten mailrobot &lt;;</c><br />
                <c>"Eksperten mailrobot" &lt;;</c><br />
                <c>&lt;;</c><br />
                <c></c><br />
                <br />
                It might also contain encoded text, which will then be decoded.
            <param name="input">The value to parse out and email and/or a username</param>
            <returns>A <see cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" /></returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="input" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
                <see href="">RFC 5322 section 3.4</see> for more details on email
                syntax.<br />
                <see cref="M:MsgKit.Mime.Decode.EncodedWord.Decode(System.String)">For more information about encoded text</see>.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress.ParseMailAddresses(System.String)">
                Parses input of the form<br />
                <c>Eksperten mailrobot &lt;;, ...</c><br />
                to a list of RFCMailAddresses
            <param name="input">The input that is a comma-separated list of EmailAddresses to parse</param>
            <returns>A List of <seealso cref="T:MsgKit.Mime.Header.RfcMailAddress" /> objects extracted from the <paramref name="input" /> parameter.</returns>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="input" /> is <see langword="null" /></exception>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.NamedPropertyMapping">
                A process that converts PropertyName structures to property IDs and vice-versa. Named properties can be referred to
                by their PropertyName. However, before accessing the property on a specific message store, named properties need to
                be mapped to property IDs that are valid for that message store. The reverse is also true. When properties need to
                be copied across message stores, property IDs that are valid for the source message store need to be mapped to
                their PropertyName structures before they can be sent to the destination message store.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags">
                A class that holds all the known named mapi tags
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAttendeeCriticalChange">
                Specifies the date and time at which the meeting-related object was sent
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWhere">
                Contains the value of the PidLidLocation property (section 2.159) from the associated
                Meeting object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidGlobalObjectId">
                Contains the value of the PidLidGlobalObjectId property (section 2.142) for an object
                that represents an Exception object to a recurring series, where the Year, Month, and Day fields are
                all zero.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidIsSilent">
                Indicates whether the user did not include any text in the body of the Meeting Response
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidIsRecurring">
                Specifies whether the object is associated with a recurring series.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidRequiredAttendees">
                Identifies required attendees for the appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOptionalAttendees">
                Specifies optional attendees.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidResourceAttendees">
                Identifies resource attendees for the appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDelegateMail">
                Indicates whether a delegate responded to the meeting request.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidIsException">
                Indicates whether the object represents an exception (including an orphan instance).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSingleInvite">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTimeZone">
                Contains a stream that maps to the persisted format of a TZREG structure, which describes the time zone to be used
                for the start and end time of a recurring appointment or meeting request.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidStartRecurrenceDate">
                Identifies the start date of the recurrence pattern.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidStartRecurrenceTime">
                Identifies the start time of the recurrence pattern.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEndRecurrenceDate">
                Identifies the end date of the recurrence range
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEndRecurrenceTime">
                Identifies the end time of the recurrence range.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDayInterval">
                Identifies the day interval for the recurrence pattern.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWeekInterval">
                Identifies the number of weeks that occur between each meeting
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidMonthInterval">
                Indicates the monthly interval of the appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidYearInterval">
                Indicates the monthly interval of the appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidMonthOfYearMask">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOldRecurrenceType">
                Indicates the month of the year in which the appointment or meeting occurs.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOwnerCriticalChange">
                Specifies the date and time at which a Meeting Request object was sent by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidCalendarType">
                Contains the value of the CalendarType field from the PidLidAppointmentRecur
                property(section 2.22).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAllAttendeesList">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidCleanGlobalObjectId">
                Contains the value of the PidLidGlobalObjectId property (section 2.142) for an object
                that represents an Exception object to a recurring series, where the Year, Month, and Day fields are
                all zero.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentMessageClass">
                Indicates the message class of the Meeting object to be generated from the Meeting
                Request object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidMeetingType">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOldLocation">
                Indicates the type of Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOldWhenStartWhole">
                Indicates the original value of the PidLidAppointmentStartWhole property (section2.29) before a meeting update.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOldWhenEndWhole">
                Indicates the original value of the PidLidAppointmentEndWhole property (section2.14) before a meeting update.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFileUnder">
                Specifies the name under which to file a contact when displaying a list of contacts.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFileUnderId">
                Specifies how to generate and recompute the value of the PidLidFileUnder property
                (section 2.132) when other contact name properties change.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidContactItemData">
                Specifies the visible fields in the application's user interface that are used to help display
                the contact information.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReferredBy">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDepartment">
                This property is ignored by the server and is set to an empty string by the client
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidHasPicture">
                Specifies whether the attachment has a picture.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidHomeAddress">
                Specifies the complete address of the home address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWorkAddress">
                Specifies the complete address of the work address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOtherAddress">
                Specifies the complete address of the contact’s other address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPostalAddressId">
                Specifies the complete address of the other address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidContactCharacterSet">
                Specifies the character set used for this contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAutoLog">
                Specifies the character set used for a Contact object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFileUnderList">
                Specifies a list of possible values for the PidLidFileUnderId property (section 2.133)
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmailList">
                The value of this property is ignored.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAddressBookProviderEmailList">
                Specifies which electronic address properties are set on the Contact object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAddressBookProviderArrayType">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidHtml">
                Specifies the state of the electronic addresses of the contact and represents a set of bit
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidYomiFirstName">
                Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the given name of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidYomiLastName">
                Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the surname of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidYomiCompanyName">
                Specifies the phonetic pronunciation of the company name of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidBusinessCardDisplayDefinition">
                Contains user customization details for displaying a contact as a business card.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidBusinessCardCardPicture">
                Contains the image to be used on a business card.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWorkAddressStreet">
                Specifies the street portion of the work address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWorkAddressCity">
                Specifies the city or locality portion of the work address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWorkAddressState">
                Specifies the state or province portion of the work address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWorkAddressPostalCode">
            Specifies the postal code (ZIP code) portion of the work address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWorkAddressCountry">
                Specifies the country code portion of the work address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWorkAddressPostOfficeBox">
                 Specifies the post office box portion of the contact's work address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDistributionListChecksum">
                Specifies the 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) polynomial checksum, as
                specified in [ISO/IEC8802-3], calculated on the value of the PidLidDistributionListMembers
                property(section 2.96).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidBirthdayEventEntryId">
                Specifies the EntryID of an optional Appointment object that represents the birthday of
                the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAnniversaryEventEntryId">
                Specifies the EntryID of the Appointment object that represents an anniversary of
                the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidContactUserField1">
                Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidContactUserField2">
                Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidContactUserField3">
                Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidContactUserField4">
                Contains text used to add custom text to a business card representation of a Contact
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDistributionListName">
                Specifies the name of the personal distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDistributionListOneOffMembers">
                Specifies the list of one-off EntryIDs corresponding to the members of the personal
                distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDistributionListMembers">
                Specifies the 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) polynomial checksum, as
                specified in [ISO/IEC8802-3], calculated on the value of PidLidDistributionListMembers(section 2.91)
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidInstantMessagingAddress">
                Specifies the contact's instant messaging address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDistributionListStream">
                Specifies the list of EntryIds and one-off EntryIds corresponding to the members of
                the personal distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail1DisplayName">
                Specifies the user-readable display name for the email address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail1AddressType">
                Specifies the address type of an electronic address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail1EmailAddress">
                Specifies the email address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail1OriginalDisplayName">
                Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail1OriginalEntryId">
                Specifies the EntryID of the object corresponding to this electronic address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail1RichTextFormat">
                Returns true when the E-mail is stored in RTF format
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail1EmailType">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail2DisplayName">
                Specifies the user-readable display name for the e-mail address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail2EntryId">
                Specifies the EntryID of the object corresponding to this electronic address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail2AddressType">
                Specifies the address type of an electronic address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail2EmailAddress">
                Specifies the email address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail2OriginalDisplayName">
                Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail2OriginalEntryId">
                Specifies the EntryID of the object corresponding to this electronic address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail2RichTextFormat">
                Returns true when the E-mail is stored in RTF format
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail3DisplayName">
                Specifies the user-readable display name for the e-mail address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail3EntryId">
                Specifies the EntryID of the object corresponding to this electronic address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail3AddressType">
                Specifies the address type of an electronic address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail3EmailAddress">
                Specifies the email address of the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail3OriginalDisplayName">
                Specifies the SMTP email address that corresponds to the email address for the Contact
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail3OriginalEntryId">
                Specifies the EntryID of the object corresponding to this electronic address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidEmail3RichTextFormat">
                Returns true when the E-mail is stored in RTF format
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax1AddressType">
                Contains the string value "FAX".
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax1EmailAddress">
                Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the "@" character, followed by a
                fax number.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax1OriginalDisplayName">
                Contains the same value as PidTagNormalizedSubject (section 2.907).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax1OriginalEntryId">
                Specifies a one-off EntryId corresponding to this fax address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax2AddressType">
                Contains the string value "FAX".
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax2EmailAddress">
                Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the "@" character, followed by a
                fax number.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax2OriginalDisplayName">
                Contains the same value as PidTagNormalizedSubject (section 2.907).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax2OriginalEntryId">
                Specifies a one-off EntryId corresponding to this fax address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax3AddressType">
                Contains the string value "FAX".
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax3EmailAddress">
                Contains a user-readable display name, followed by the "@" character, followed by a
                fax number.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax3OriginalDisplayName">
                Contains the same value as PidTagNormalizedSubject (section 2.907).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFax3OriginalEntryId">
                Specifies a one-off EntryId corresponding to this fax address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFreeBusyLocation">
                Specifies a URL path from which a client can retrieve free/busy status information
                for the contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidHomeAddressCountryCode">
                Specifies the country code portion of the contact's home address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWorkAddressCountryCode">
                 Specifies the country code portion of the contact's work address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOtherAddressCountryCode">
                 Specifies the country code portion of the contact's other address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidBirthdayLocal">
                Specifies the birthday of a contact.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAddressCountryCode">
                Specifies the country code portion of the contact's mailing address.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidWeddingAnniversaryLocal">
                Specifies the wedding anniversary of the contact, at 0:00 in the client's local time
                zone and it is saved without any time zone conversions.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskStatus">
                 Specifies the status of a task.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPercentComplete">
                 Indicates whether a time-flagged Message object is completed or not.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTeamTask">
                Specifies if the task is for a team
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskStartDate">
                 Specifies the date on which the user expects work on the task to begin.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskDueDate">
                 Specifies the date by which the user expects work on the task to be complete.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskResetReminder">
                Indicates whether future instances of recurring tasks need reminders, even though
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderSet" />(section 2.220) is 0x00.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskAccepted">
                Indicates whether a task assignee has replied to a task request for this Task object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskDeadOccurrence">
                 Indicates whether new occurrences remain to be generated.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskDateCompleted">
                Specifies the date when the user completed work on the task.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskActualEffort">
                 Indicates the number of minutes that the user actually spent working on a task.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskEstimatedEffort">
                 Indicates the number of minutes that the user expects to work on a task.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskVersion">
                Indicates which copy is the latest update of a Task object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskState">
                Indicates the current assignment state of the Task object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskLastUpdate">
                Contains the date and time of the most recent change made to the Task object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskRecurrence">
                Contains a RecurrencePattern structure that provides information about recurring
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskAssigners">
                 Contains a stack of entries, each representing a task assigner.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskStatusOnComplete">
                 Indicates whether the task assignee has been requested to send an e-mail message
                update when the task assignee completes the assigned task.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskHistory">
                 Indicates the type of change that was last made to the Task object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskUpdates">
                 Indicates whether the task assignee has been requested to send a task update when
                the assigned Task object changes.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskComplete">
                Indicates that the task has been completed.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskFCreator">
                Indicates that the Task object was originally created by the action of the current user
                or user agent instead of by the processing of a task request.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskOwner">
                Contains the name of the task owner.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskMultipleRecipients">
                 Provides optimization hints about the recipients of a Task object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskAssigner">
                Specifies the name of the user that last assigned the task.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskLastUser">
                Contains the name of the most recent user to have been the task owner.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskOrdinal">
                Provides an aid to custom sorting of Task objects
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskNoCompute">
                Not used. The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related
                Objects protocol and is ignored by the server.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskLastDelegate">
                Contains the name of the user who most recently assigned the task, or the user to
                whom it was most recently assigned.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskFRecurring">
                Indicates whether the task includes a recurrence pattern.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskRole">
                Not used. The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related
                Objects protocol and is ignored by the server.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskOwnership">
                 Indicates the role of the current user relative to the Task object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAcceptanceState">
                The acceptance state of the task
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskFFixOffline">
                 Indicates the accuracy of PidLidTaskOwner (section 2.326).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskCustomFlags">
                The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related Objects
                protocol and is ignored by the server.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTaskMode">
                The client can set this property, but it has no impact on the Task-Related Objects
                protocol and is ignored by the server.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTrustRecipientHighlights">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSendMeetingAsIcal">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentSequence">
                Specifies the sequence number of a Meeting object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentSequenceTime">
                 Indicates the date and time at which the property PidLidAppointmentSequence
                (section 2.25) was last modified.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentLastSequence">
                Indicates to the organizer the last sequence number that was sent to any attendee.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidChangeHighlight">
                Specifies a bit field that indicates how the Meeting object has changed.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidBusyStatus">
                Specifies the availability of a user for the event described by the object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFExceptionalBody">
                Indicates that the Exception Embedded Message object has a body that differs from the
                Recurring Calendar object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentAuxiliaryFlags">
                Specifies a bit field that describes the auxiliary state of the object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLocation">
                 Indicates whether the value of the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLocation"/> property (section 2.159) is set to
                the PidTagDisplayName property(section 2.667).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidMeetingWorkspaceUrl">
                Specifies the URL of the Meeting Workspace that is associated with a Calendar object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidForwardInstance">
                Indicates whether the Meeting Request object represents an exception to a recurring
                series, and whether it was forwarded(even when forwarded by the organizer) rather than being an
                invitation sent by the organizer.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLinkedTaskItems">
                Indicates whether the user did not include any text in the body of the Meeting Response
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentStartWhole">
                Specifies time zone information that indicates the time zone of the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentStartWhole"/> property(section 2.29).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentEndWhole">
                Specifies time zone information that indicates the time zone of the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentEndWhole"/> property(section 2.14).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentStartTime">
                 Identifies the time that the appointment starts.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentEndTime">
                 Indicates the time that the appointment ends.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentEndDate">
                Indicates the date that the appointment ends.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentStartDate">
                Identifies the date that the appointment starts.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentDuration">
                Specifies the length of the event, in minutes.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentColor">
                 Specifies the color to be used when displaying the Calendar object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentSubType">
                Specifies whether the event is an all-day event.
                This property specifies whether or not the event is an all-day event, as
                specified by the user. A value of <c>true</c> indicates that the event is an all-day
                event, in which case the start time and end time must be midnight so that the
                duration is a multiple of 24 hours and is at least 24 hours. A value of <c>false</c>
                or the absence of this property indicates the event is not an all-day event. The
                client or server must not infer the value as TRUE when a user happens to create an
                event that is 24 hours, even if the event starts and ends at midnight.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentRecur">
                Contains the value of the CalendarType field from the PidLidAppointmentRecur
                property(section 2.22).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentStateFlags">
                 Specifies a bit field that describes the state of the object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidResponseStatus">
                Specifies the response status of an attendee.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentReplyTime">
                Specifies the date and time at which the attendee responded to a received meeting
                request or Meeting Update object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidRecurring">
                Specifies whether the object represents a recurring series.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidIntendedBusyStatus">
                Contains the value of the PidLidBusyStatus property (section 2.47) on the Meeting
                object in the organizer's calendar at the time the Meeting Request object or Meeting
                Update object was sent.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentUpdateTime">
                Indicates the time at which the appointment was last updated.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidExceptionReplaceTime">
                Specifies the date and time, in UTC, within a recurrence pattern that an exception will
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFInvited">
                Indicates whether invitations have been sent for the meeting that this Meeting object
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFExceptionalAttendees">
                Indicates that the object is a Recurring Calendar object with one or more
                exceptions, and at least one of the Exception Embedded Message objects has at least
                one RecipientRow.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOwnerName">
                Indicates the name of the owner of the mailbox.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidFOthersAppointment">
                Indicates whether the Calendar folder from which the meeting was opened is
                another user's calendar.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentReplyName">
                 Specifies the user who last replied to the meeting request or meeting update.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidRecurrenceType">
                Specifies the recurrence type of the recurring series.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidRecurrencePattern">
                 Specifies a description of the recurrence pattern of the Calendar object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTimeZoneStruct">
                Specifies a human-readable description of the time zone that is represented by the
                data in the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTimeZoneStruct"/> property(section 2.340).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidTimeZoneDescription">
                Specifies a human-readable description of the time zone that is represented by the
                data in the PidLidTimeZoneStruct property(section 2.340).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidClipStart">
                Specifies the start date and time of the event in UTC.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidClipEnd">
                Specifies the end date and time of the event in UTC.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOriginalStoreEntryId">
                The original store id
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAllAttendeesString">
                Specifies a list of all the attendees except for the organizer, including resources and
                unsendable attendees.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAutoFillLocation">
                Indicates whether the value of the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLocation"/> property (section 2.157)
                is set to the <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W"/> property(section 2.746)
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidToAttendeesString">
                 Contains a list of all the sendable attendees who are also required attendees.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidCcAttendeesString">
                 Contains a list of all the sendable attendees who are also optional attendees.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConferencingCheck">
                 When set to TRUE (0x00000001), the PidLidConferencingCheck property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.65)
                 indicates that the associated meeting is one of the following types:
                 - "Windows Media Services"
                 - "Windows NetMeeting"
                 - "Exchange Conferencing"
                 If this property is set, <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConferencingType"/> (section is also to
                 be set. This property is set to TRUE only on Meeting objects or meeting-related objects.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConferencingType">
                Specifies the type of the meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDirectory">
                Specifies the directory server to be used with NetMeeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOrganizerAlias">
                Specifies the e-mail address of the organizer.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAutoStartCheck">
                Specifies whether or not to automatically start the conferencing application when a
                reminder for the meeting fires.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAutoStartWhen">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAllowExternalCheck">
                This property is set to TRUE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidCollaborateDoc">
                Specifies the document to be launched when the user joins the meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidNetShowUrl">
                 Specifies the URL to be launched when the user joins the meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOnlinePassword">
                Specifies the password for a meeting on which the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConferencingType"/> property
                (section 2.66) has the value 0x00000002.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentProposedStartWhole">
                Specifies the proposed value for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentStartWhole"/>
                property (section 2.29) for a counter proposal.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentProposedEndWhole">
                Specifies the proposed value for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentEndWhole"/> property (section 2.14)
                for a counter proposal.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentProposedDuration">
                Indicates the proposed value for the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentDuration"/> property (section 2.11)
                for a counter proposal.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentCounterProposal">
                 Indicates whether a Meeting Response object is a counter proposal.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentProposalNumber">
                Specifies the number of attendees who have sent counter proposals that have not been
                accepted or rejected by the organizer.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentNotAllowPropose">
                Indicates whether attendees are not allowed to propose a new date and/or time for the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentUnsendableRecipients">
                Contains a list of unsendable attendees.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStartDisplay">
                Specifies time zone information that indicates the time zone of the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentStartWhole"/> property(section 2.29).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEndDisplay">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur">
                Specifies time zone information that indicates the time zone of the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidAppointmentEndWhole"/> property(section 2.14).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidForwardNotificationRecipients">
                Contains a list of <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow"/> structures, as described in [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.8.3,
                that indicate the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipients"/> of a meeting forward.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidInboundICalStream">
                Contains the contents of the iCalendar MIME part of the original MIME message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderDelta">
                Specifies the interval, in minutes, between the time at which the reminder first
                becomes overdue and the start time of the Calendar object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderFileParameter">
                Specifies the filename of the sound that a client is to play when the reminder for that
                object becomes overdue.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderOverride">
                Specifies whether the client is to respect the values PidLidReminderPlaySound (section
                2.219) and <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderFileParameter" /> (section 2.217), or use the default
                values for those properties.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderPlaySound">
                Specifies whether the client is to play a sound when the reminder becomes overdue.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderSet">
                Specifies whether a reminder is set on the object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderSignalTime">
                 Specifies the point in time when a reminder transitions from pending to overdue.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderTime">
                Specifies the initial signal time for non-Calendar objects.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderTimeDate">
                 Indicates the time and date of the reminder for the appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderTimeTime">
                 Indicates the time of the reminder for the appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidReminderType">
                 This property is not set and if set, is ignored.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSingleBodyIcal">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDayOfMonth">
                 Identifies the day of the month for the appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidICalendarDayOfWeekMask">
                Specifies the contact’s business web page URL.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidOccurrences">
                Indicates the number of occurrences in the recurring appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidMonthOfYear">
                Indicates the number of occurrences in the recurring appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidNoEndDateFlag">
                 Indicates whether the recurrence pattern has an end date.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidRecurrenceDuration">
                Identifies the length, in minutes, of the appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidRemoteStatus">
                Indicates the remote status of the calendar item.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConversationActionMoveFolderEid">
                Contains the entry ID for the destination folder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConversationActionMoveStoreEid">
                Contains the entry ID for a move to a folder in a different store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConversationActionMaxDeliveryTime">
                Contains the maximum value of <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME"/> (section 2.886) of all the
                E-mail objects modified in response to the last time the user changed a conversation action on the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConversationProcessed">
                Contains the time (in UTC) that an E-mail object was last received in the
                conversation, or the last time that the user modified the conversation action, whichever occurs
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConversationActionLastAppliedTime">
                Contains the time (in UTC) that an E-mail object was last received in the
                conversation, or the last time that the user modified the conversation action, whichever occurs
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidConversationActionVersion">
                Contains the version of the conversation action FAI message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLogType">
                Briefly describes the activity that is being recorded.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLogStart">
                Contains the time at which the activity began.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLogDuration">
                Contains the duration in minutes of the activity.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLogEnd">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLogFlags">
                Contains the time at which the activity ended.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDocumentPrinted">
                Indicates whether the document was printed during journaling.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDocumentSaved">
                Indicates whether the document was saved during journaling.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDocumentRouted">
                Indicates whether the document was routed during journaling.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidDocumentPosted">
                Indicates whether the document was posted during journaling.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidLogTypeDesc">
                Describes the activity that is being recorded.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPostRssChannelLink">
                Contains the URL of the RSS or Atom feed that the XML file came from.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPostRssItemLink">
                Contains the URL of the link from the item.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPostRssItemHash">
                Contains a hash of the feed XML computed by using an implementation-dependent
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPostRssItemGuid">
                Contains a unique identifier for the RSS object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPostRssChannel">
                Contains the contents of the title field from the XML of the Atom feed or RSS channel.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPostRssItemXml">
                Contains the item element and all its sub-elements from an RSS feed, or the entry
                element and all its sub-elements from an Atom feed.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPostRssSubscription">
                Contains the user's preferred name for the subscription.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidPrivate">
                Contains the user's preferred name for the subscription.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingStatus">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingProviderGuid">
                 Contains the value "%xAE.F0.".
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingProviderName">
                Contains a user-displayable name of the sharing provider identified by the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingProviderGuid"/> property(section 2.266).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingProviderUrl">
                Contains a URL related to the sharing provider identified by the
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingProviderGuid"/> property(section 2.266).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemotePath">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteName">
                 Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingRemoteName property (section 2.277).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteUid">
                Contains the EntryID of the folder being shared.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingInitiatorName">
                Contains the value of the PidTagDisplayName property(section 2.667) from the
                Address Book object identified by the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId"/>
                property(section 2.248).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingInitiatorSmtp">
                Contains the value of the PidTagSmtpAddress property (section 2.1010) from the
                Address Book object identified by the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId"/>
                property(section 2.248).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId">
                Contains the value of the PidTagEntryId property (section 2.674) for
                the Address Book object of the currently logged-on user.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingFlags">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingProviderExtension">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteUser">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemotePass">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLocalPath">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLocalName">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLocalUid">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingFilter">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLocalType">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingFolderEntryId">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingCapabilities">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingFlavor">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingAnonymity">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingReciprocation">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingPermissions">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingInstanceGuid">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteType">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingParticipants">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLastSyncTime">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingExtensionXml">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteLastModificationTime">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLocalLastModificationTime">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingConfigurationUrl">
                 Contains a zero-length string.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingStart">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingStop">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingResponseType">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingResponseTime">
                 Contains the time at which the recipient of the sharing request sent a sharing response.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingOriginalMessageEntryId">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingSyncInterval">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingDetail">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingTimeToLive">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingBindingEntryId">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingIndexEntryId">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteComment">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingWorkingHoursStart">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingWorkingHoursEnd">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingWorkingHoursDays">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingWorkingHoursTimeZone">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingDataRangeStart">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingDataRangeEnd">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRangeStart">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRangeEnd">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteStoreUid">
                Contains a hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PidTagStoreEntryId
                property(section 2.1018) on the folder being shared.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLocalStoreUid">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteByteSize">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteCrc">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLocalComment">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRoamLog">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteMessageCount">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingBrowseUrl">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingLastAutoSyncTime">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingTimeToLiveAuto">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteVersion">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingParentBindingEntryId">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingSyncFlags">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidNoteColor">
                Specifies the suggested background color of the Note object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidNoteWidth">
                 Specifies the width of the visible message window in pixels.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidNoteHeight">
                Specifies the height of the visible message window in pixels.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidNoteX">
                Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the left edge of the screen that a user interface
                displays a Note object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidNoteY">
                Specifies the distance, in pixels, from the top edge of the screen that a user interface
                displays a Note object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidCategories">
                Contains the array of text labels assigned to this Message object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameApplicationName">
                 Specifies the application used to open the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAuthor">
                 Specifies the author of the file attached to the Document object
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameByteCount">
                Specifies the size, in bytes, of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarAttendeeRole">
                Specifies the role of the attendee.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarBusyStatus">
                Specifies whether the attendee is busy at the time of an appointment on their calendar.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarContact">
                 Identifies the name of a contact who is an attendee of a meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarContactUrl">
                 Identifies the URL where you can access contact information in HTML format
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarCreated">
                Identifies the date and time, in UTC, when the organizer created the appointment or
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarDescriptionUrl">
                Specifies the URL of a resource that contains a description of an appointment or
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarDuration">
                Identifies the duration, in seconds, of an appointment or meeting.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarExceptionDate">
                 Identifies a list of dates that are exceptions to a recurring appointment
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCalendarExceptionRule">
                Specifies an exception rule for a recurring appointment
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCategory">
                Specifies the category of the file attached to the Document object
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCharacterCount">
                Specifies the character count of the file attached to the Document object
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameComments">
                Specifies the comments of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCompany">
            Specifies the company for which the file was created.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCreateDateTimeReadOnly">
                Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was first created.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameRightsManagementLicense">
                Specifies the value used to cache the Use License for the rights-managed email
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameEditTime">
                Specifies the time that the file was last edited.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameHiddenCount">
                 Specifies the hidden value of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameKeywords">
                Contains keywords or categories for the Message object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameLastAuthor">
                Specifies the most recent author of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameLastPrinted">
                Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was last printed.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameLastSaveDateTime">
                Specifies the time, in UTC, that the file was last saved.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameLineCount">
                Specifies the number of lines in the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameManager">
                 Specifies the manager of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameMultimediaClipCount">
                Specifies the number of multimedia clips in the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameNoteCount">
                Specifies the number of notes in the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameOMSAccountGuid">
                Contains the GUID of the SMS account used to deliver the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameOMSMobileModel">
                 Indicates the model of the mobile device used to send the SMS or MMS message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameOMSGScheduleTime">
                Contains the time, in UTC, at which the client requested that the service provider send
                the SMS or MMS message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameOMSServiceType">
                 Contains the type of service used to send an SMS or MMS message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameOMSSourceType">
                 Contains the source of an SMS or MMS message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNamePhishingStamp">
                Indicates whether a message is likely to be phishing.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameSpoofingStamp">
                Indicates whether a message is likely to be spoofing.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNamePageCount">
                 Specifies the page count of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameParagraphCount">
                 Specifies the number of paragraphs in the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNamePresentationFormat">
                 Specifies the presentation format of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameSecurity">
                Specifies the security level of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameSlideCount">
                Specifies the number of slides in the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameSubject">
                Specifies the subject of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameTemplate">
                Specifies the template of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameTitle">
                 Specifies the title of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameWordCount">
                Specifies the word count of the file attached to the Document object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAcceptLanguage">
                 Contains the value of the MIME Accept-Language header.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameApproved">
                This property specifies the address of the moderator that approved and posted a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameApprovalAllowedDescisionMakers">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameApprovalRequestor">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAuthenticatedAs">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAuthenticatedDomain">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAuthenticatedMechanism">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAuthenticatedSource">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameBcc">
                This property specifies the blind carbon copy addressees of the message. This property
                SHOULD be directly imported from and exported to the bcc header that is specified in
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCc">
                This property specifies the carbon copy addressees of the message. This property SHOULD
                be directly imported from and exported to the cc header that is specified in [RFC822].
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameContentBase">
                Specifies the value of the MIME Content-Base header, which defines the base URI for
                resolving relative URLs contained within the message body.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameContentClass">
                Contains a string that identifies the type of content of a Message object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameContentDisposition">
                This property specifies the intended disposition of the body part.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameContentID">
                This property specifies a unique identifier for the body part.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameContentLanguage">
               This property specifies the language identifier for the text content of the body part.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameContentLocation">
                This property specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that corresponds to the content
                of the body part.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameContentTransferEncoding">
                This property specifies the encoding mechanism used to encode the content of the body part.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameContentType">
                This property specifies the type of the body part's content.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameCrossReference">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingBrowseUrl">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingCapabilities">
                 Contains a string representation of the value of the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingCapabilities"/>
                property(section 2.237).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingConfigUrl">
                 Contains the same value as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingConfigurationUrl"/> property (section 2.238).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingExtendedCaps">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingFlavor">
                Contains a hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PidLidSharingFlavor
                property(section 2.245).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingInstanceGuid">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingLocalType">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingProviderGuid">
                Contains the same value as the PidLidSharingLocalType property (section 2.259).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingProviderName">
                 Contains the same value as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingProviderName"/> property (section 2.267).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingProviderUrl">
                 Contains the same value as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingProviderUrl"/> property (section 2.268).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingRemoteName">
                Contains the same value as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteName"/> property (section 2.277).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingRemotePath">
                Contains a value that is ignored by the server no matter what value is generated by the
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingRemoteStoreUid">
                 Contains the same value as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteStoreUid"/> property (section 2.282).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingRemoteType">
                 Contains the same value as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteType"/> property (section 2.281).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSharingRemoteUid">
                 Contains the same value as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidSharingRemoteUid"/> property (section 2.282).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXSieve">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXVirusScanned">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidClientIntent">
                Indicates what actions the user has taken on this Meeting object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidServerProcessed">
                Indicates whether the Meeting Request object or Meeting Update object has been
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidServerProcessingActions">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAttachmentMacContentType">
                Contains the Content-Type of the Mac attachment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAttachmentMacInfo">
                 Contains the headers and resource fork data associated with the Mac attachment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAudioNotes">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameAutomaticSpeechRecognitionData">
                Contains textual annotations to a voice message after it has been delivered to the user's
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameOutlookProtectionRuleTimestamp">
                Outlook protection rule timestamp
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXUnifiedMessagingPartnerAssignedId">
               X-Unified messaging partner assigned id
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameXUnifiedMessagingPartnerContent">
                X-Unified messaging partner content
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidNameOriginalSpamConfidenceLevel">
                The spam confidence level
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidRemoteTransferSize">
                Indicates the transfer size, in bytes, for a remote item.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTags.PidLidRemoteAttachment">
                Indicates whether a remote item has an attachment associated with it.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag">
                Used to hold exactly one named property tag
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag.Id">
                The 2 byte identifier
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag.Name">
                The name of the property
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag.Guid">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag.Guid" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag.Type">
                The 2 byte <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag.#ctor(System.UInt16,System.String,System.Guid,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType)">
                Creates this object and sets all its properties
            <param name="id">The id</param>
            <param name="name">The name of the property</param>
            <param name="guid">The property <see cref="P:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag.Guid" /></param>
            <param name="type">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" /></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Receiving">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user who receives the message.
                These properties are examples of the address properties for the messaging user who receives the message. They must
                be set by the incoming transport provider.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Receiving.#ctor(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email" /></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressType" /></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Receiving.WriteProperties(MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties)">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream, this depends on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="propertiesStream">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties"/></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.ReceivingRepresenting">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user who is represented by the receiving user.
                These properties are examples of the address properties for the messaging user who is being represented by the
                receiving user. They must be set by the incoming transport provider, which is also responsible for authorization or
                verification of the delegate. If no messaging user is being represented, these properties should be set to the
                e-mail address contained in the PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS (PidTagReceivedByEmailAddress) property.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.ReceivingRepresenting.#ctor(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email" /></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressType" /></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.ReceivingRepresenting.WriteProperties(MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties)">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream, this depends on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="propertiesStream">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties"/></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Representing">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender.
                These properties are examples of the address properties for the messaging user who is being represented by the
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Receiving" /> user. They must be set by the incoming transport provider, which is also responsible for
                authorization or
                verification of the delegate. If no messaging user is being represented, these properties should be set to the
                e-mail address contained in the PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS (PidTagReceivedByEmailAddress) property.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Representing.#ctor(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email" /></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressType" /></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Representing.WriteProperties(MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties)">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream, this depends on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="propertiesStream">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties"/></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.GuidStream">
                The GUID stream MUST be named "__substg1.0_00020102". It MUST store the property set GUID
                part of the property name of all named properties in the Message object or any of its subobjects,
                except for those named properties that have PS_MAPI or PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS, as described in [MSOXPROPS]
                section 1.3.2, as their property set GUID.
                The GUIDs are stored in the stream consecutively like an array. If there are multiple named properties
                that have the same property set GUID, then the GUID is stored only once and all the named
                properties will refer to it by its index
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.GuidStream.#ctor">
                Creates this object
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.GuidStream.#ctor(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Creates this object and reads all the <see cref="T:System.Guid" /> objects from
                the given <paramref name="storage"/>
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/> that containts the <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.GuidStream"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.GuidStream.Write(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes all the <see cref="T:System.Guid"/>'s as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream" /> to the
                given <paramref name="storage" />
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage" /></param>
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Streams.NamedProperties._topLevelProperties">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Streams.NamedProperties._namedPropertyIndex">
                The offset index for a <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty"/>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.NamedProperties.#ctor(MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties)">
                Creates this object
            <param name="topLevelProperties">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties" />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.NamedProperties.AddProperty(MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag,System.Object)">
                Adds a <see cref="T:MsgKit.NamedPropertyTag" />
                Only support for properties by ID for now.
            <param name="mapiTag"></param>
            <param name="obj"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.NamedProperties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.Int64)">
                Writes the properties to the <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage" />
            <param name="storage"></param>
            <param name="messageSize"></param>
                Unfortunately this is going to have to be used after we already written the top level properties.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.NamedProperties.GenerateStreamString(System.UInt32,System.UInt32,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyKind)">
                Generates the stream strings
            <param name="nameIdentifier"></param>
            <param name="guidTarget"></param>
            <param name="propertyKind"></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.StringStream">
                The string stream MUST be named "__substg1.0_00040102". It MUST consist of one entry for each
                string named property, and all entries MUST be arranged consecutively, like in an array.
                As specified in section, the offset, in bytes, to use for a particular property is stored in the
                corresponding entry in the entry stream.That is a byte offset into the string stream from where the
                entry for the property can be read.The strings MUST NOT be null-terminated. Implementers can add a
                terminating null character to the string
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.StringStream.#ctor">
                Creates this object
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.StringStream.#ctor(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Creates this object and reads all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem" /> objects
                from the given <paramref name="storage"/>
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/> that contains the <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.EntryStream"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.StringStream.Write(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.StringStream"/>'s as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream" /> to the
                given <paramref name="storage" />
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage" /></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem">
                Represents one item in the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.StringStream"/> stream
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem.Length">
                The length of the following <see cref="P:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem.Name"/> field in bytes.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem.Name">
                A Unicode string that is the name of the property. A new entry MUST always start
                on a 4 byte boundary; therefore, if the size of the Name field is not an exact multiple of 4, and
                another Name field entry occurs after it, null characters MUST be appended to the stream after it
                until the 4-byte boundary is reached.The Name Length field for the next entry will then start at
                the beginning of the next 4-byte boundary
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
                Creates this object and reads all the properties from the given <paramref name="binaryReader" />
            <param name="binaryReader">The <see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryReader"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem.#ctor(System.String)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="name"><see cref="P:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem.Name"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem.Write(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
                Writes all the internal properties to the given <paramref name="binaryWriter" />
            <param name="binaryWriter"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.StringStreamItem.Get4BytesBoundry(System.UInt32)">
                Extract 4 from the given <paramref name="length"/> until the result is smaller
                then 4 and then returns this result;
            <param name="length"></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStream">
                The entry stream MUST be named "__substg1.0_00030102" and consist of 8-byte entries, one for each
                named property being stored. The properties are assigned unique numeric IDs (distinct from any property
                ID assignment) starting from a base of 0x8000. The IDs MUST be numbered consecutively, like an array.
                In this stream, there MUST be exactly one entry for each named property of the Message object or any of
                its subobjects. The index of the entry for a particular ID is calculated by subtracting 0x8000 from it.
                For example, if the ID is 0x8005, the index for the corresponding 8-byte entry would be 0x8005 – 0x8000 = 5.
                The index can then be multiplied by 8 to get the actual byte offset into the stream from where to start
                reading the corresponding entry.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStream.#ctor">
                Creates this object
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStream.#ctor(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Creates this object and reads all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem" /> objects from
                the given <paramref name="storage"/>
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/> that containts the <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.EntryStream"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStream.Write(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem"/>'s as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream" /> to the
                given <paramref name="storage" />
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage" /></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem">
                Represents one item in the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStream"/> stream
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem.NameIdentifierOrStringOffset">
                Name Identifier/String Offset (4 bytes): If this property is a numerical named property (as specified by
                the Property Kind subfield of the Index and Kind Information field), this value is the LID part of the
                PropertyName structure, as specified in [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.6.1. If this property is a string named
                property, this value is the offset in bytes into the strings stream where the value of the Name field of
                the PropertyName structure is located.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem.NameIdentifierOrStringOffsetHex">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem.IndexAndKindInformation">
                The following structure specifies the stream indexes and whether the property is a numerical named
                property or a string named property
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
                Creates this object and reads all the properties from the given <paramref name="binaryReader" />
            <param name="binaryReader">The <see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryReader"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem.#ctor(System.UInt16,MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="nameIdentifierOrStringOffset"><see cref="P:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem.NameIdentifierOrStringOffset"/></param>
            <param name="indexAndKindInformation"><see cref="P:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem.IndexAndKindInformation"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStreamItem.Write(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
                Writes all the internal properties to the given <paramref name="binaryWriter" />
            <param name="binaryWriter"></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation">
       Index and Kind Information
                The following structure specifies the stream indexes and whether the property is a numerical named
                property or a string named property.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.PropertyIndex">
                Sequentially increasing, zero-based index. This MUST be 0 for the first
                named property, 1 for the second, and so on.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.GuidIndex">
                Index into the GUID stream. The possible values are shown in the following table.<br/>
                - 1 Always use the PS_MAPI property set, as specified in [MS-OXPROPS] section 1.3.2. No GUID is stored in<br/>
                    the GUID stream.<br/>
                - 2 Always use the PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS property set, as specified in [MS-OXPROPS]<br/>
                    section 1.3.2. No GUID is stored in the GUID stream.<br/>
                - >= 3 Use Value minus 3 as the index of the GUID into the GUID stream.For example, if the GUID index is 5,<br/>
                    the third GUID(5 minus 3, resulting in a zero-based index of 2) is used as the GUID for the name<br/>
                    property being derived.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.PropertyKind">
                Bit indicating the type of the property; zero (0) if numerical named property
                and 1 if string named property.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.GetUIntFromBitArray(System.Collections.BitArray,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
            Converts the given <paramref name="bitArray"/> to an unsigned integer
            <param name="bitArray"></param>
            <param name="offset"></param>
            <param name="count"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
                Creates this object and reads all the properties from the given <paramref name="binaryReader" />
            <param name="binaryReader">The <see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryReader"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.#ctor(System.UInt16,System.UInt16,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyKind)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="propertyIndex"><see cref="P:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.PropertyIndex"/></param>
            <param name="guidIndex"><see cref="P:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.GuidIndex"/></param>
            <param name="propertyKind"><see cref="P:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.PropertyKind"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.IndexAndKindInformation.Write(System.IO.BinaryWriter)">
                Writes all the internal properties to the given <paramref name="binaryWriter" />
            <param name="binaryWriter"></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.RecipientProperties">
                The properties stream contained inside an Recipient storage object.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.RecipientProperties.#ctor">
                Creates this object
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.RecipientProperties.#ctor(OpenMcdf.CFStream)">
                Creates this object and reads all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see>
                from the given <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/>
            <param name="stream">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.RecipientProperties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream to the given storage, this depends
                on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/></param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.AttachmentProperties">
                The properties stream contained inside an Attachment storage object
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.AttachmentProperties.#ctor">
                Creates this object
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.AttachmentProperties.#ctor(OpenMcdf.CFStream)">
                Creates this object and reads all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> from
                the given <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/>
            <param name="stream">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.AttachmentProperties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream to the given storage, this depends
                on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/></param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.EmbeddedMessageProperties">
                The properties stream contained inside an Embedded Message storage object
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.EmbeddedMessageProperties.NextRecipientId">
                The ID to use for naming the next Recipient object storage if one is created inside the .msg file
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.EmbeddedMessageProperties.NextAttachmentId">
                The ID to use for naming the next Attachment object storage if one is created inside the .msg file
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.EmbeddedMessageProperties.RecipientCount">
                The number of Recipient objects
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.EmbeddedMessageProperties.AttachmentCount">
                The number of Attachment objects
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EmbeddedMessageProperties.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
                Creates this object and sets all its properties
            <param name="nextRecipientId">
                The ID to use for naming the next Recipient object storage if one is created inside the
                .msg file. If no Recipient object storages are contained in the .msg file, this field MUST be set to 0
            <param name="nextAttachmentId">
                The ID to use for naming the next Attachment object storage if one is created inside the
                .msg file. If no Attachment object storages are contained in the .msg file, this field MUST be set to 0
            <param name="recipientCount">The number of Recipient objects</param>
            <param name="attachmentCount">The number of Attachment objects</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EmbeddedMessageProperties.#ctor(OpenMcdf.CFStream)">
                Create this object and reads all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> from
                the given <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/>
            <param name="stream">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.EmbeddedMessageProperties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream to the given <paramref name="storage"/>, this depends
                on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/></param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties">
                The properties stream contained inside the top level of the .msg file, which represents the Message object itself.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties.NextRecipientId">
                The ID to use for naming the next Recipient object storage if one is created inside the .msg file
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties.NextAttachmentId">
                The ID to use for naming the next Attachment object storage if one is created inside the .msg file
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties.RecipientCount">
                The number of Recipient objects
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties.AttachmentCount">
                The number of Attachment objects
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties.#ctor(OpenMcdf.CFStream)">
                Create this object and reads all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> from
                the given <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/>
            <param name="stream">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties.#ctor">
                Creates this object
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.Nullable{System.Int64})">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream to the given <paramref name="storage"/>, this depends
                on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/></param>
            <param name="messageSize">Used to calculate the exact size of the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Message"/></param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID">
                The packet version of the CLSID structure represents a class identifier (CLSID) in a serialized manner.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.Data1">
                Data1 (4 bytes): This MUST be identical in meaning to the Data1 field specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.3.4.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.Data2">
                Data2 (2 bytes): This MUST be identical in meaning to the Data2 field specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.3.4.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.Data3">
                Data3 (2 bytes): This MUST be identical in meaning to the Data3 field specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.3.4.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.Data4">
                Data4 (8 bytes): This MUST be identical in meaning to the Data4 field specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.3.4.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
                Creatis this object and sets all it properties
            <param name="binaryReader"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.ToGuid">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.Data1" />, <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.Data2" />, <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.Data3" />, <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.CLSID.Data4" /> as
                a <see cref="T:System.Guid" />
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.AddressBookEntryId">
                An Address Book EntryID structure specifies several types of Address Book objects, including
                individual users, distribution lists, containers, and templates.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.AddressBookEntryId.Flags">
                Flags (4 bytes): This value MUST be set to 0x00000000. Bits in this field indicate under
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.AddressBookEntryId.X500Dn">
                The X500 DN of the Address Book object.
                A distinguished name (DN), in Teletex form, of an object that is in an address book. An X500 DN can be more limited
                in the size and number of relative distinguished names (RDNs) than a full DN.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty">
                The PropertyName Structure
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty.NameIdentifier">
            This should be the ID of the built in property name we are attaching to.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty.Kind">
                The possible values for the Kind field are in the following table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty.NameSize">
                The value of this field is equal to the number of bytes in the Name string that follows it. This field is present
                only if the value of the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty.Kind" /> field is equal to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyKind.Name" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty.Name">
                This field is present only if <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty.Kind" /> is equal to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyKind.Name" />. The value is a
                Unicode (UTF-16 format) string, followed by two zero bytes as terminating null characters, that identifies the
                property within its property set.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty.Guid">
                A <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.NamedProperty.Guid"/>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.OneOffEntryId">
                A One-Off EntryID structure specifies a set of data representing recipients
                that do not exist in the directory. All information about a one-off recipient
                is contained in the EntryID.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Structures.OneOffEntryId._messageFormat">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Structures.OneOffEntryId._canLookupEmailAddress">
                A flag that indicates whether the server can look up an address in the
                address book
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.OneOffEntryId.#ctor(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType,MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat,System.Boolean)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email" /></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressType" /></param>
            <param name="messageFormat"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat"/></param>
            <param name="canLookupEmailAddress"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.OneOffEntryId.ToByteArray">
                Returns this class as a byte array
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow">
                An array of RecipientRow structures, as specified in [MS-OXCDATA] section 2.8.3.
                Each structure specifies an unsendable attendee. The RowCount field specifies the
                number of structures contained in this field. For details about properties that can
                be set on RecipientRow structures for Calendar objects and meeting-related objects,
                see section
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientType">
            The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientType"/> or null when not available
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.AddressPrefixUsed">
                The address prefix used
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowDisplayType">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowDisplayType" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.X500Dn">
                This field MUST be present when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType" /> field of the RecipientFlags
                field is set to X500DN (0x1) and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This value specifies the X500 DN of
                this recipient (1).
                A distinguished name (DN), in Teletex form, of an object that is in an address book. An X500 DN can be more limited
                in the size and number of relative distinguished names (RDNs) than a full DN.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.EntryIdSize">
                This field MUST be present when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType" /> field of the RecipientFlags field is set to
                PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6) or PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7). This field MUST
                NOT be present otherwise. This value specifies the size of the EntryID field.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.EntryId">
                This field MUST be present when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType" /> field of the RecipientFlags field is set to
                PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6) or PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7). This field MUST NOT be present otherwise. The
                number of bytes in this field MUST be the same as specified in the EntryIdSize field. This array specifies the
                address book EntryID structure, as specified in section, of the distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.SearchKeySize">
                This field MUST be present when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType" /> field of the RecipientFlags field is set to
                PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6) or PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7). This field MUST
                NOT be present otherwise. This value specifies the size of the SearchKey field.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.SearchKey">
                This field is used when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType" /> field of the RecipientFlags field is set to
                PersonalDistributionList1 (0x6) or PersonalDistributionList2 (0x7). This field MUST
                NOT be present otherwise. The number of bytes in this field MUST be the same as what
                is specified in the SearchKeySize field and can be 0. This array specifies the search
                key of the distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.AddresType">
                This field MUST be present when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType" /> field of the
                RecipientsFlags field is set to NoType (0x0) and the O flag of the RecipientsFlags field
                is set. This field MUST NOT be present otherwise. This string specifies the address type
                of the recipient (1).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.EmailAddress">
                A null-terminated string. This field MUST be present when the E flag of the RecipientsFlags
                field is set and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This field MUST be specified in Unicode
                characters if the U flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and in the 8-bit character set
                otherwise. This string specifies the email address of the recipient (1).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.DisplayName">
                This field MUST be present when the D flag of the RecipientsFlags
                field is set and MUST NOT be present otherwise. This field MUST be specified in Unicode characters if the U flag of
                the RecipientsFlags field is set and in the 8-bit character set otherwise. This string specifies the email address
                of the recipient (1).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.SimpleDisplayName">
                A null-terminated string. This field MUST be present when the I flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and MUST
                NOT be present otherwise. This field MUST be specified in Unicode characters if the U flag of the RecipientsFlags
                field is set and in the 8-bit character set otherwise. This string specifies the email address of the recipient
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.TransmittableDisplayName">
                This field MUST be present when the T flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and MUST NOT be present otherwise.
                This field MUST be specified in Unicode characters if the U flag of the RecipientsFlags field is set and in the
                8-bit character set otherwise. This string specifies the email address of the recipient (1).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientProperties">
                PropertyRow structures, as specified in section 2.8.1. The columns used for this row are those specified in
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.SupportsRtf">
                Specifies that the recipient does support receiving rich text messages.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.#ctor(System.IO.BinaryReader,MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowAddressType,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's properties
            <param name="binaryReader">The <see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryReader" /></param>
            <param name="recipientRowAddressType">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow.RecipientRowAddressType" /></param>
            <param name="supportsRtf">
                Set to <c>true</c> when the recipient in the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.RecipientRow" />
                supports RTF
            <param name="displayNameIncluded">If this flag is b'1', the DisplayName (section field is included</param>
            <param name="emailAddressIncluded">If this flag is b'1', the EmailAddress (section field is included.</param>
            <param name="addressTypeIncluded">
                If this flag is b'1', this recipient (1) has a non-standard address type and the
                AddressType field is included.
            <param name="simpleDisplayNameIncluded">If this flag is b'1', the SimpleDisplayName field is included.</param>
            <param name="transmittableDisplayNameSameAsDisplayName">
                If this flag is b'1', the value of the TransmittableDisplayName
                field is the same as the value of the DisplayName field.
            <param name="transmittableDisplayNameIncluded">
                If this flag is b'1', the TransmittableDisplayName (section
                field is included.
            <param name="stringsInUnicode">
                If this flag is b'1', the associated string properties are in Unicode with a 2-
                byte terminating null character; if this flag is b'0', string properties are MBCS with a single
                terminating null character, in the code page sent to the server in the EcDoConnectEx method,
                as specified in [MS-OXCRPC] section, or the Connect request type 6, as specified in
                [MS-OXCMAPIHTTP] section
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties">
                The properties inside an msg file
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.ReadProperties(System.IO.BinaryReader)">
                Reads all the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property" /> objects from the given <paramref name="binaryReader" />
            <param name="binaryReader"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream to the given <paramref name="storage"/>, this depends
                on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/></param>
            <param name="binaryWriter">The <see cref="T:System.IO.BinaryWriter" /></param>
            <param name="messageSize">Used to calculate the exact size of the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Message"/></param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.AddProperty(MsgKit.PropertyTag,System.Object,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags)">
                Adds a property
            <param name="mapiTag">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.PropertyTag" /></param>
            <param name="obj">The value for the mapi tag</param>
            <param name="flags">
                the flags to set on the property, default <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_READABLE" />
                and <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_WRITABLE" />
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Raised when <paramref name="obj" /> is <c>null</c></exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.AddProperty(System.UInt16,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType,System.Byte[],MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags)">
                Adds a property that has been read from the propertiesstream
            <param name="id">The id of the property</param>
            <param name="type">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" /></param>
            <param name="data"></param>
            <param name="flagses">
                the flags to set on the property, default <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_READABLE" />
                and <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_WRITABLE" />
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Raised when <paramref name="data" /> is not 8 bytes</exception>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.AddProperty(OpenMcdf.CFStream)">
                Adds a CFStream and converts it to a property
            <param name="stream">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream" /></param>
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
                Raised when the <paramref name="stream"/> does not start with
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.AddOrReplaceProperty(MsgKit.PropertyTag,System.Object,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags)">
                Adds a property when it not exists, otherwise it is replaced
            <param name="mapiTag">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.PropertyTag" /></param>
            <param name="obj">The value for the mapi tag</param>
            <param name="flags">
                the flags to set on the property, default <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_READABLE" />
                and <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags.PROPATTR_WRITABLE" />
            <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Raised when <paramref name="obj" /> is <c>null</c></exception>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">
                A property inside the MSG file
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Id">
                The id of the property
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Name">
                Returns the Property as a readable string
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ShortName">
                Returns the Property as a readable string without the streamprefix and type
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Flags">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags">property flags</see> that have been set
                in its <see cref="T:System.UInt32" /> raw form
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.MultiValue">
                Returns <c>true</c> when this property is part of a multivalue property
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.FlagsCollection">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags">property flags</see> that have been set
                as a readonly collection
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data">
                The property data
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToInt">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as an integer when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_SHORT" />,
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_LONG" /> or <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_ERROR" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_SHORT"/> or
            <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_LONG"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToSingle">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a single when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_FLOAT" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_FLOAT"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToDouble">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a single when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_DOUBLE" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_DOUBLE"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToDecimal">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a decimal when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_FLOAT" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_FLOAT"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToDateTime">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a datetime when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_APPTIME" />
                or <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_SYSTIME" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_APPTIME"/> or
            <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_SYSTIME"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToBool">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a boolean when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_BOOLEAN" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_BOOLEAN"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToLong">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a boolean when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_LONGLONG" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_LONGLONG"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToString">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a string when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_UNICODE" />
                or <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_STRING8" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_UNICODE"/> or <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_STRING8" /></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToGuid">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a Guid when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_CLSID" />
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_OBJECT" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_BINARY"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToBinary">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as a byte[] when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_BINARY" />
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_OBJECT" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_BINARY"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToIntCollection">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as an readonly collection of integers when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_SHORT" /> or <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_LONG" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_FLOAT"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToFloatCollection">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as an readonly collection of floats when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_FLOAT" /> or <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_DOUBLE" />
            <exception cref="T:MsgKit.Exceptions.MKInvalidProperty">Raised when the <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type"/> is not set to <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_FLOAT"/></exception>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToDecimalCollection">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as an readonly collection of decimals when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_CURRENCY" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToDateTimeCollection">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as an readonly collection of datetime when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_APPTIME" /> or <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_SYSTIME" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToLongCollection">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as an readonly collection of datetime when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_LONGLONG" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToStringCollection">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as an readonly collection of strings when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_STRING8" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ToBinaryCollection">
                Returns <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Data" /> as an readonly collection of byte arrays when <see cref="P:MsgKit.Structures.Property.Type" /> is set to
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType.PT_MV_BINARY" />
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Property.ByteArrayToDecimal(System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
                Converts a byte array to a decimal
            <param name="source">The byte array</param>
            <param name="offset">The offset to start reading</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Property.#ctor(System.UInt16,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)">
                Creates this object and sets all its propertues
            <param name="id">The id of the property</param>
            <param name="type">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" /></param>
            <param name="data">The property data</param>
            <param name="multiValue">Set to <c>true</c> to indicate that this property is part of a
            multivalue property</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Property.#ctor(System.UInt16,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)">
                Creates this object and sets all its propertues
            <param name="id">The id of the property</param>
            <param name="type">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" /></param>
            <param name="flags">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags" /></param>
            <param name="data">The property data</param>
            <param name="multiValue">Set to <c>true</c> to indicate that this property is part of a
            multivalue property</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.Property.#ctor(System.UInt16,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType,System.UInt32,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)">
                Creates this object and sets all its propertues
            <param name="id">The id of the property</param>
            <param name="type">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" /></param>
            <param name="flags">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyFlags" /></param>
            <param name="data">The property data</param>
            <param name="multiValue">Set to <c>true</c> to indicate that this property is part of a
            multivalue property</param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern">
                The RecurrencePattern structure specifies a recurrence pattern. The fields of this structure are stored in
                little-endian byte order.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.RecurFrequency">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFrequency" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.PatternType">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternPatternType" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.CalendarType">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternCalendarType" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.FirstDateTime">
                An integer that specifies the first ever day, week, or month of a recurring series, dating back to a reference date, which is January 1, 1601, for a Gregorian calendar. The value and its meaning depend on the value of the RecurFrequency field. The value of the FirstDateTime field is used to determine the valid dates of a recurring series, as specified in section
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.Period">
                An integer that specifies the interval at which the meeting pattern specified in PatternTypeSpecific field repeats.
                The Period value MUST be between 1 and the maximum recurrence interval, which is 999 days for daily recurrences, 99
                weeks for weekly recurrences, and 99 months for monthly recurrences. The following table lists the values for this
                field based on the recurrence frequency, which is specified in the RecurFrequency field.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.PatternTypeSpecific">
                TODO: Make structure
                PatternTypeSpecific (variable): A structure that specifies the details of the recurrence pattern. The structure
                varies according to the value of the PatternType field, as specified in sections,,
      , and
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.EndType">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternRecurrenceRangeType" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.OccurenceCount">
                An integer that specifies the number of occurrences in a recurrence.
                When the EndType of the pattern is "End after date", this value always has to be computed. Although the value of
                this field is always set, its value has no meaning on a recurring series that has no end date. This value can be
                set to 0x0000000A for a recurring series with no end date
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.FirstDOW">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecurrencePatternFirstDOWDay" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.StartDate">
                An integer that specifies the date of the first occurrence. The value is the number of minutes between midnight,
                January 1, 1601, and midnight of the date of the first occurrence.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.EndDate">
                An integer that specifies the ending date for the recurrence. The value is the number of minutes between midnight,
                January 1, 1601, and midnight of the date of the last occurrence. When the value of the EndType field is 0x00002022
                (end after n occurrences), this value is calculated based on the number of occurrences If the recurrence does not
                have an end date, the value of the EndDate field MUST be set to 0x5AE980DF.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Structures.RecurrencePattern.ToByteArray">
                Returns this class as a byte array
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients">
                The PidLidAppointmentUnsendableRecipients property ([MS-OXPROPS] section 2.35) contains a list of
                unsendable attendees. This property is not required but SHOULD be set
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.RowCount">
                An integer that specifies the number of structures in the RecipientRow field
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.DifferentTransportDelivery">
                If this flag is b'1', a different transport is responsible for delivery to this recipient(1).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.DisplayNameIncluded">
                If this flag is b'1', the DisplayName (section field is included
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.EmailAddressIncluded">
                If this flag is b'1', the EmailAddress (section field is included.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.AddressTypeIncluded">
                If this flag is b'1', this recipient (1) has a non-standard address type and the AddressType field is included.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.SimpleDisplayNameIncluded">
                If this flag is b'1', the SimpleDisplayName field is included.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.TransmittableDisplayNameSameAsDisplayName">
                If this flag is b'1', the value of the TransmittableDisplayName field is the same as the value of the DisplayName
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.TransmittableDisplayNameIncluded">
                If this flag is b'1', the TransmittableDisplayName (section field is included.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Structures.UnsendableRecipients.StringsInUnicode">
                If this flag is b'1', the associated string properties are in Unicode with a 2-
                byte terminating null character; if this flag is b'0', string properties are MBCS with a single
                terminating null character, in the code page sent to the server in the EcDoConnectEx method,
                as specified in [MS-OXCRPC] section, or the Connect request type 6, as specified in
                [MS-OXCMAPIHTTP] section
        <member name="T:MsgKit.PropertyTags">
                A class that holds all the known mapi tags
        <member name="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.RecipientStoragePrefix">
                The prefix for an <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient" /> <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.AttachmentStoragePrefix">
                The prefix for an <see cref="T:MsgKit.Attachment" /> <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.SubStorageStreamPrefix">
                The prefix for a <see cref="T:MsgKit.PropertyTag" /> <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName">
                The name for the properties stream
        <member name="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.NameIdStorage">
                The name id storage (named property mapping storage)
        <member name="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.EntryStream">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.EntryStream"/> stream
        <member name="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.GuidStream">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.GuidStream"/> stream
        <member name="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.StringStream">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.StringStream"/> stream
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_MODE">
                Contains the identifier of the mode for message acknowledgment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT_ALLOWED">
                Contains TRUE if the sender permits auto forwarding of this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AUTHORIZING_USERS">
                Contains a list of entry identifiers for users who have authorized the sending of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AUTO_FORWARD_COMMENT_W">
                Contains a unicode comment added by the auto-forwarding agent.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AUTO_FORWARDED">
                Contains TRUE if the client requests an X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AutoForwarded header field.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_CONFIDENTIALITY_ALGORITHM_ID">
                Contains an identifier for the algorithm used to confirm message content confidentiality.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_CORRELATOR">
                Contains a value the message sender can use to match a report with the original message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER_W">
                Contains a unicode key value that enables the message recipient to identify its content.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER_A">
                Contains a ANSI key value that enables the message recipient to identify its content.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_LENGTH">
                Contains a message length, in bytes, passed to a client application or service provider to determine if a message
                of that length can be delivered.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_RETURN_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if a message should be returned with a nondelivery report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONVERSATION_KEY">
                Contains the conversation key used in Microsoft Outlook only when locating IPM.MessageManager messages, such as the
                message that contains download history for a Post Office Protocol (POP3) account. This property has been deprecated
                in Exchange Server.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONVERSION_EITS">
                Contains the encoded information types (EITs) that are applied to a message in transit to describe conversions.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONVERSION_WITH_LOSS_PROHIBITED">
                Contains TRUE if a message transfer agent (MTA) is prohibited from making message text conversions that lose
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONVERTED_EITS">
                Contains an identifier for the types of text in a message after conversion.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DELIVER_TIME">
                Contains the date and time when the original message was delivered.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISCARD_REASON">
                Contains a reason why a message transfer agent (MTA) has discarded a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISCLOSURE_OF_RECIPIENTS">
                Contains TRUE if disclosure of recipients is allowed.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DL_EXPANSION_HISTORY">
                Contains a history showing how a distribution list has been expanded during message transmiss
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DL_EXPANSION_PROHIBITED">
                Contains TRUE if a message transfer agent (MTA) is prohibited from expanding distribution lists.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_EXPIRY_TIME">
                Contains the date and time when the messaging system can invalidate the content of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IMPLICIT_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED">
                Contains the date and time when the messaging system can invalidate the content of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IMPORTANCE">
                Contains a value that indicates the message sender's opinion of the importance of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_ID">
                The IpmId field represents a PR_IPM_ID MAPI property.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LATEST_DELIVERY_TIME">
                Contains the latest date and time when a message transfer agent (MTA) should deliver a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_W">
                Contains a text string that identifies the sender-defined message class, such as IPM.Note.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A">
                Contains a text string that identifies the sender-defined message class, such as IPM.Note.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_ID">
                Contains a message transfer system (MTS) identifier for a message delivered to a client application.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_SECURITY_LABEL">
                Contains a security label for a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_OBSOLETED_IPMS">
                Contains the identifiers of messages that this message supersedes.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIPIENT_NAME">
                Contains the encoded name of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_EITS">
                Contains a copy of the original encoded information types (EITs) for message text.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINATOR_CERTIFICATE">
                Contains an ASN.1 certificate for the message originator.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINATOR_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if a message sender requests a delivery report for a particular recipient from the messaging system
                before the message is placed in the message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINATOR_RETURN_ADDRESS">
                Contains the binary-encoded return address of the message originator.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PARENT_KEY">
                Was originally meant to contain a value used in correlating conversation threads. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PRIORITY">
                Contains the relative priority of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGIN_CHECK">
                Contains a binary verification value enabling a delivery report recipient to verify the origin of the original
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROOF_OF_SUBMISSION_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if a message sender requests proof that the message transfer system has submitted a message for
                delivery to the originally intended recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_READ_RECEIPT_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if a message sender wants the messaging system to generate a read report when the recipient has read
                a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIPT_TIME">
                Contains the date and time a delivery report is generated.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_REASSIGNMENT_PROHIBITED">
                Contains TRUE if recipient reassignment is prohibited.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REDIRECTION_HISTORY">
                Contains information about the route covered by a delivered message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RELATED_IPMS">
                Contains a list of identifiers for messages to which a message is related.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENSITIVITY">
                Contains the sensitivity value assigned by the sender of the first version of a message — that is, the message
                before being forwarded or replied to.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LANGUAGES_W">
                Contains an ASCII list of the languages incorporated in a message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LANGUAGES_A">
                Contains an ASCII list of the languages incorporated in a message. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPLY_TIME">
                Contains the date and time by which a reply is expected for a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORT_TAG">
                Contains a binary tag value that the messaging system should copy to any report generated for the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORT_TIME">
                Contains the date and time when the messaging system generated a report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RETURNED_IPM">
                Contains TRUE if the original message is being returned with a nonread report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SECURITY">
                Contains a flag that indicates the security level of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INCOMPLETE_COPY">
                Contains TRUE if this message is an incomplete copy of another message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENSITIVITY">
                Contains a value indicating the message sender's opinion of the sensitivity of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUBJECT_W">
                Contains the full subject, encoded in Unicode standard, of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUBJECT_A">
                Contains the full subject, encoded in ANSI standard, of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUBJECT_IPM">
                Contains a binary value that is copied from the message for which a report is being generated.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME">
                Contains the date and time the message sender submitted a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORT_NAME_W">
                Contains the unicode display name for the recipient that should get reports for this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORT_NAME_A">
                Contains the ANSI display name for the recipient that should get reports for this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the search key for the messaging user represented by the sender.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_X400_CONTENT_TYPE">
                This property contains the content type for a submitted message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX_W">
                Contains a unicode subject prefix that typically indicates some action on a messagE, such as "FW: " for forwarding.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUBJECT_PREFIX_A">
                Contains a ANSI subject prefix that typically indicates some action on a messagE, such as "FW: " for forwarding.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_NON_RECEIPT_REASON">
                Contains reasons why a message was not received that forms part of a non-delivery report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVED_BY_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the messaging user that actually receives the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME_W">
                Contains the display name of the messaging user that actually receives the message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVED_BY_NAME_A">
                Contains the display name of the messaging user that actually receives the message. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier for the messaging user represented by the sender.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_W">
                Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the sender. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_A">
                Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the sender. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME_W">
                Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME_A">
                Contains the display name for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORT_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier for the recipient that should get reports for this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_READ_RECEIPT_ENTRYID">
                Contains an entry identifier for the messaging user to which the messaging system should direct a read report for
                this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID">
                Contains a message transfer system (MTS) identifier for the message transfer agent (MTA).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROVIDER_SUBMIT_TIME">
                Contains the date and time a transport provider passed a message to its underlying messaging system.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT_W">
                Contains the subject of an original message for use in a report about the message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SUBJECT_A">
                Contains the subject of an original message for use in a report about the message. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISC_VAL">
                The obsolete precursor of the PR_DISCRETE_VALUES property. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS_W">
                Contains the class of the original message for use in a report. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS_A">
                Contains the class of the original message for use in a report. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the author of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_NAME_W">
                Contains the display name of the author of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_NAME_A">
                Contains the display name of the author of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SUBMIT_TIME">
                Contains the original submission date and time of the message in the report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES">
                Contains a sized array of entry identifiers for recipients that are to get a reply.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES_W">
                Contains a list of display names for recipients that are to get a reply. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES_A">
                Contains a list of display names for recipients that are to get a reply. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVED_BY_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the search key of the messaging user that actually receives the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the search key for the messaging user represented by the receiving user.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_READ_RECEIPT_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains a search key for the messaging user to which the messaging system should direct a read report for a
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORT_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the search key for the recipient that should get reports for this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DELIVERY_TIME">
                Contains a copy of the original message's delivery date and time in a thread.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the search key of the author of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_TO_ME">
                Contains TRUE if this messaging user is specifically named as a primary (To) recipient of this message and is not
                part of a distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_CC_ME">
                Contains TRUE if this messaging user is specifically named as a carbon copy (CC) recipient of this message and is
                not part of a distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_RECIP_ME">
                Contains TRUE if this messaging user is specifically named as a primary (To), carbon copy (CC), or blind carbon
                copy (BCC) recipient of this message and is not part of a distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME_W">
                Contains the display name of the sender of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_NAME_A">
                Contains the display name of the sender of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the sender of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the search key for the sender of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_W">
                Contains the display name of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME_A">
                Contains the display name of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the search key of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_START_DATE">
                Contains the starting date and time of an appointment as managed by a scheduling application.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_END_DATE">
                Contains the ending date and time of an appointment as managed by a scheduling application.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_OWNER_APPT_ID">
                Contains an identifier for an appointment in the owner's schedule.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RESPONSE_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if the message sender wants a response to a meeting request.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the sender. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the sender. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the address type of the sender of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the address type of the sender of the first version of a messagE, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the e-mail address of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the e-mail address of the sender of the first version of a message, that is, the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the address type of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the address type of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the e-mail address of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the e-mail address of the messaging user on whose behalf the original message was sent. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC_W">
                Contains the topic of the first message in a conversation thread. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC_A">
                Contains the topic of the first message in a conversation thread. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX">
                Contains a binary value that indicates the relative position of this message within a conversation thread.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC_W">
                Contains a binary value that indicates the relative position of this message within a conversation thread.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_BCC_A">
                Contains the display names of any blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients of the original message. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC_W">
                Contains the display names of any carbon copy (CC) recipients of the original message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_CC_A">
                Contains the display names of any carbon copy (CC) recipients of the original message. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO_W">
                Contains the display names of the primary (To) recipients of the original message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TO_A">
                Contains the display names of the primary (To) recipients of the original message. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the e-mail address typE, such as SMTP, for the messaging user that actually receives the message. UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVED_BY_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the e-mail address typE, such as SMTP, for the messaging user that actually receives the message.
                Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user that actually receives the message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVED_BY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user that actually receives the message. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the user actually receiving the message. UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the address type for the messaging user represented by the user actually receiving the message.
                Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the receiving user. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the address type of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the address type of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the e-mail address of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the e-mail address of the author of the first version of a message. That is — the message before being
                forwarded or replied to. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the address type of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the address type of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the e-mail address of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the e-mail address of the originally intended recipient of an autoforwarded message. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS_A">
                Contains transport-specific message envelope information. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS_W">
                Contains transport-specific message envelope information. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DELEGATION">
                Contains the converted value of the attDelegate workgroup property.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TNEF_CORRELATION_KEY">
                Contains a value used to correlate a Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) attachment with a message
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_W">
                Contains the message text. UNICODE compilation.
                These properties are typically used only in an interpersonal message (IPM).
                Message stores that support Rich Text Format (RTF) ignore any changes to white space in the message text. When
                PR_BODY is stored for the first timE, the message store also generates and stores the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED
                (PidTagRtfCompressed) property, the RTF version of the message text. If the IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method is
                subsequently called and PR_BODY has been modifieD, the message store calls the RTFSync function to ensure
                synchronization with the RTF version. If only white space has been changeD, the properties are left unchanged. This
                preserves any nontrivial RTF formatting when the message travels through non-RTF-aware clients and messaging
                The value for this property must be expressed in the code page of the operating system that MAPI is running on.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_A">
                Contains the message text. Non-UNICODE compilation.
                These properties are typically used only in an interpersonal message (IPM).
                Message stores that support Rich Text Format (RTF) ignore any changes to white space in the message text. When
                PR_BODY is stored for the first timE, the message store also generates and stores the PR_RTF_COMPRESSED
                (PidTagRtfCompressed) property, the RTF version of the message text. If the IMAPIProp::SaveChanges method is
                subsequently called and PR_BODY has been modifieD, the message store calls the RTFSync function to ensure
                synchronization with the RTF version. If only white space has been changeD, the properties are left unchanged. This
                preserves any nontrivial RTF formatting when the message travels through non-RTF-aware clients and messaging
                The value for this property must be expressed in the code page of the operating system that MAPI is running on.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORT_TEXT_W">
                Contains optional text for a report generated by the messaging system. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORT_TEXT_A">
                Contains optional text for a report generated by the messaging system. NON-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINATOR_AND_DL_EXPANSION_HISTORY">
                Contains information about a message originator and a distribution list expansion history.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORTING_DL_NAME">
                Contains the display name of a distribution list where the messaging system delivers a report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPORTING_MTA_CERTIFICATE">
                Contains an identifier for the message transfer agent that generated a report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_CRC">
                Contains the cyclical redundancy check (CRC) computed for the message text.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_COUNT">
                Contains a count of the significant characters of the message text.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_TAG_W">
                Contains significant characters that appear at the beginning of the message text. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_TAG_A">
                Contains significant characters that appear at the beginning of the message text. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_COMPRESSED">
                Contains the Rich Text Format (RTF) version of the message text, usually in compressed form.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_SYNC_PREFIX_COUNT">
                Contains a count of the ignorable characters that appear before the significant characters of the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_SYNC_TRAILING_COUNT">
                Contains a count of the ignorable characters that appear after the significant characters of the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the originally intended recipient of an auto-forwarded message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_HTML_A">
                Contains the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) version of the message text.
                These properties contain the same message text as the <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_CONTENT_LOCATION_W" />
                (PidTagBodyContentLocation), but in HTML. A message store that supports HTML indicates this by setting the
                <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_HTML_OK" /> flag in its <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK" />
                (PidTagStoreSupportMask). Note <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_HTML_OK" /> is not defined in versions of
                Mapidefs.h included with Microsoft® Exchange 2000 Server and earlier. If <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.StoreSupportMask.STORE_HTML_OK" />
                is undefined, use the value 0x00010000 instead.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HTML">
                Contains the message body text in HTML format.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_CONTENT_LOCATION_A">
                Contains the value of a MIME Content-Location header field.
                To set the value of these properties, MIME clients should write the desired value to a Content-Location header
                field on a MIME entity that maps to a message body. MIME readers should copy the value of a Content-Location
                header field on such a MIME entity to the value of these properties
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_CONTENT_LOCATION_W">
                Contains the value of a MIME Content-Location header field. UNICODE compilation.
                To set the value of these properties, MIME clients should write the desired value to a Content-Location header
                field on a MIME entity that maps to a message body. MIME readers should copy the value of a Content-Location
                header field on such a MIME entity to the value of these properties
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID_A">
                Corresponds to the message ID field as specified in [RFC2822].
                These properties should be present on all e-mail messages.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID_W">
                Corresponds to the message ID field as specified in [RFC2822]. UNICODE compilation.
                These properties should be present on all e-mail messages.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID_A">
                Contains the original message's PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID (PidTagInternetMessageId) property value.
                These properties must be set on all message replies.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID_W">
                Contains the original message's PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_ID (PidTagInternetMessageId) property value. UNICODE compilation.
                These properties should be present on all e-mail messages.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INTERNET_REFERENCES_A">
                Contains the value of a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) message's References header field.
                To generate a References header field, clients must set these properties to the desired value. MIME writers must copy
                the value of these properties to the References header field. To set the value of these properties, MIME clients must
                write the desired value to a References header field. MIME readers must copy the value of the References header field
                to these properties. MIME readers may truncate the value of these properties if it exceeds 64KB in length.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INTERNET_REFERENCES_W">
                Contains the value of a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) message's References header field. UNICODE compilation.
                To generate a References header field, clients must set these properties to the desired value. MIME writers must copy
                the value of these properties to the References header field. To set the value of these properties, MIME clients must
                write the desired value to a References header field. MIME readers must copy the value of the References header field
                to these properties. MIME readers may truncate the value of these properties if it exceeds 64KB in length.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_INTEGRITY_CHECK">
                Contains an ASN.1 content integrity check value that allows a message sender to protect message content from
                disclosure to unauthorized recipients.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_EXPLICIT_CONVERSION">
                Indicates that a message sender has requested a message content conversion for a particular recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_RETURN_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if this message should be returned with a report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_TOKEN">
                Contains an ASN.1 security token for a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_NDR_REASON_CODE">
                Contains a diagnostic code that forms part of a nondelivery report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_NDR_DIAG_CODE">
                Contains a diagnostic code that forms part of a nondelivery report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_NON_RECEIPT_NOTIFICATION_REQUESTED">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINATOR_NON_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if a message sender wants notification of non-receipt for a specified recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINATOR_REQUESTED_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT">
                Contains an entry identifier for an alternate recipient designated by the sender.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_BUREAU_FAX_DELIVERY">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_MODE">
                Contains TRUE if the messaging system should use a fax bureau for physical delivery of this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUEST">
                Contains the mode of a report to be delivered to a particular message recipient upon completion of physical message
                delivery or delivery by the message handling system.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_ADDRESS">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_ADDRESS_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if a message sender requests the message transfer agent to attach a physical forwarding address for a
                message recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_PROHIBITED">
                Contains TRUE if a message sender prohibits physical message forwarding for a specific recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PHYSICAL_RENDITION_ATTRIBUTES">
                Contains an ASN.1 object identifier that is used for rendering message attachments.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY">
                This property contains an ASN.1 proof of delivery value.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY_REQUESTED">
                This property contains TRUE if a message sender requests proof of delivery for a particular recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_CERTIFICATE">
                Contains a message recipient's ASN.1 certificate for use in a report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_NUMBER_FOR_ADVICE_W">
                This property contains a message recipient's telephone number to call to advise of the physical delivery of a
                message. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_NUMBER_FOR_ADVICE_A">
                This property contains a message recipient's telephone number to call to advise of the physical delivery of a
                message. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE">
                Contains the recipient type for a message recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REGISTERED_MAIL_TYPE">
                This property contains the type of registration used for physical delivery of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REPLY_REQUESTED">
                Contains TRUE if a message sender requests a reply from a recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_METHOD">
                This property contains a binary array of delivery methods (service providers), in the order of a message sender's
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENDER_ENTRYID">
                Contains the message sender's entry identifier.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENDER_NAME_W">
                Contains the message sender's display name. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENDER_NAME_A">
                Contains the message sender's display name. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO_W">
                Contains additional information for use in a report. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO_A">
                Contains additional information for use in a report. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TYPE_OF_MTS_USER">
                This property contains the type of a message recipient for use in a report.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENDER_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the message sender's search key.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the message sender's e-mail address type. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENDER_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the message sender's e-mail address type. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the message sender's e-mail address, encoded in Unicode standard.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the message sender's e-mail address, encoded in Non-Unicode standard.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CURRENT_VERSION">
                Was originally meant to contain the current version of a message store. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT">
                Contains TRUE if a client application wants MAPI to delete the associated message after submission.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_BCC_W">
                Contains an ASCII list of the display names of any blind carbon copy (BCC) message recipients, separated by
                semicolons (;). UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_BCC_A">
                Contains an ASCII list of the display names of any blind carbon copy (BCC) message recipients, separated by
                semicolons (;). Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_CC_W">
                Contains an ASCII list of the display names of any carbon copy (CC) message recipients, separated by semicolons
                (;). UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_CC_A">
                Contains an ASCII list of the display names of any carbon copy (CC) message recipients, separated by semicolons
                (;). Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_TO_W">
                Contains a list of the display names of the primary (To) message recipients, separated by semicolons (;). UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_TO_A">
                Contains a list of the display names of the primary (To) message recipients, separated by semicolons (;).
                Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PARENT_DISPLAY_W">
                Contains the display name of the folder in which a message was found during a search. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PARENT_DISPLAY_A">
                Contains the display name of the folder in which a message was found during a search. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME">
                Contains the date and time a message was delivered.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS">
                Contains a bitmask of flags indicating the origin and current state of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_SIZE">
                Contains the sum, in bytes, of the sizes of all properties on a message object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PARENT_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the folder containing a folder or message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the folder where the message should be moved after submission.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CORRELATE">
                Contains TRUE if the sender of a message requests the correlation feature of the messaging system.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CORRELATE_MTSID">
                Contains the message transfer system (MTS) identifier used in correlating reports with sent messages.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISCRETE_VALUES">
                Contains TRUE if a nondelivery report applies only to discrete members of a distribution list rather than the
                entire list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RESPONSIBILITY">
                Contains TRUE if some transport provider has already accepted responsibility for delivering the message to this
                recipient, and FALSE if the MAPI spooler considers that this transport provider should accept responsibility.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SPOOLER_STATUS">
                Contains the status of the message based on information available to the MAPI spooler.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TRANSPORT_STATUS">
                Obsolete MAPI spooler property. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS">
                Contains a table of restrictions that can be applied to a contents table to find all messages that contain
                recipient subobjects meeting the restrictions.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS">
                Contains a table of restrictions that can be applied to a contents table to find all messages that contain
                attachment subobjects meeting the restrictions.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUBMIT_FLAGS">
                Contains a bitmask of flags indicating details about a message submission.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_STATUS">
                Contains a value used by the MAPI spooler in assigning delivery responsibility among transport providers.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TRANSPORT_KEY">
                Contains a value used by the MAPI spooler to track the progress of an outbound message through the outgoing
                transport providers.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MSG_STATUS">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_DOWNLOAD_TIME">
                Contains a bitmask of property tags that define the status of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CREATION_VERSION">
                Was originally meant to contain the message store version current at the time a message was created. No longer
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MODIFY_VERSION">
                Was originally meant to contain the message store version current at the time the message was last modified. No
                longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HASATTACH">
                When true then the message contains at least one attachment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_CRC">
                Contains a circular redundancy check (CRC) value on the message text.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT_W">
                Contains the message subject with any prefix removed. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT_A">
                Contains the message subject with any prefix removed. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RTF_IN_SYNC">
                Contains TRUE if PR_RTF_COMPRESSED has the same text content as PR_BODY for this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_SIZE">
                Contains the sum, in bytes, of the sizes of all properties on an attachment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_NUM">
                Contains a number that uniquely identifies the attachment within its parent message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_FLAGS">
                Contains a bitmask of flags for an attachment.
                If the PR_ATTACH_FLAGS property is zero or absent, the attachment is to be processed by all applications.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PREPROCESS">
                Contains TRUE if the message requires preprocessing.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINATING_MTA_CERTIFICATE">
                Contains an identifier for the message transfer agent (MTA) that originated the message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROOF_OF_SUBMISSION">
                Contains an ASN.1 proof of submission value.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ENTRYID">
                The PR_ENTRYID property contains a MAPI entry identifier used to open and edit properties of a particular MAPI
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_OBJECT_TYPE">
                Contains the type of an object
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ICON">
                Contains a bitmap of a full size icon for a form.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MINI_ICON">
                Contains a bitmap of a half-size icon for a form.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STORE_ENTRYID">
                Specifies the hexadecimal string representation of the value of the PR_STORE_ENTRYID (PidTagStoreEntryId) property
                on the shared folder. This is a property of a sharing message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STORE_RECORD_KEY">
                Contains the unique binary-comparable identifier (record key) of the message store in which an object resides.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECORD_KEY">
                Contains a unique binary-comparable identifier for a specific object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MAPPING_SIGNATURE">
                Contains the mapping signature for named properties of a particular MAPI object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ACCESS_LEVEL">
                Indicates the client's access level to the object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INSTANCE_KEY">
                Contains a value that uniquely identifies a row in a table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ROW_TYPE">
                Contains a value that indicates the type of a row in a table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ACCESS">
                Contains a bitmask of flags indicating the operations that are available to the client for the object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ICON_INDEX">
                Contains a number that indicates which icon to use when you display a group of e-mail objects.
                This property, if it exists, is a hint to the client. The client may ignore the value of this property.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTED">
                Specifies the last verb executed for the message item to which it is related.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LAST_VERB_EXECUTION_TIME">
                Contains the time when the last verb was executed.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ROWID">
                Contains a unique identifier for a recipient in a recipient table or status table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W">
                Contains the display name for a given MAPI object. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_DISPLAY_NAME_A">
                Contains the value of the <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W"/> (PidTagDisplayName) property. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_DISPLAY_NAME_W">
                Contains the value of the <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W"/> (PidTagDisplayName) property. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS">
                Specifies a bit field that describes the recipient status.
                This property is not required. The following are the individual flags that can be set.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A">
                Contains the display name for a given MAPI object. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ADDRTYPE_W">
                Contains the messaging user's e-mail address type, such as SMTP. UNICODE compilation.
                These properties are examples of the base address properties common to all messaging users.
                It specifies which messaging system MAPI uses to handle a given message.
                This property also determines the format of the address string in the PR_EMAIL_ADRESS(PidTagEmailAddress).
                The string it provides can contain only the uppercase alphabetic characters from A through Z and the numbers
                from 0 through 9.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ADDRTYPE_A">
                Contains the messaging user's e-mail address type such as SMTP. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the messaging user's e-mail address. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SMTP_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the messaging user's SMTP e-mail address. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SMTP_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the messaging user's SMTP e-mail address. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_7BIT_DISPLAY_NAME_A">
                Contains the messaging user's 7bit e-mail address. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_7BIT_DISPLAY_NAME_W">
                Contains the messaging user's SMTP e-mail address. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the messaging user's e-mail address. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_COMMENT_W">
                Contains a comment about the purpose or content of an object. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_COMMENT_A">
                Contains a comment about the purpose or content of an object. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DEPTH">
                Contains an integer that represents the relative level of indentation, or depth, of an object in a hierarchy table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY_W">
                Contains the vendor-defined display name for a service provider. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY_A">
                Contains the vendor-defined display name for a service provider. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CREATION_TIME">
                Contains the creation date and time of a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME">
                Contains the date and time when the object or subobject was last modified.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS">
                Contains a bitmask of flags for message services and providers.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME_W">
                Contains the base file name of the MAPI service provider dynamic-link library (DLL). UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME_A">
                Contains the base file name of the MAPI service provider dynamic-link library (DLL). Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains a binary-comparable key that identifies correlated objects for a search.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROVIDER_UID">
                Contains a MAPIUID structure of the service provider that is handling a message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROVIDER_ORDINAL">
                Contains the zero-based index of a service provider's position in the provider table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_VERSION_W">
                Contains the version of a form. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_VERSION_A">
                Contains the version of a form. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_CONTACT_NAME_W">
                Contains the name of a contact for information about a form. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_CONTACT_NAME_A">
                Contains the name of a contact for information about a form. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_CATEGORY_W">
                Contains the category of a form. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_CATEGORY_A">
                Contains the category of a form. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_CATEGORY_SUB_W">
                Contains the subcategory of a form, as defined by a client application. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_CATEGORY_SUB_A">
                Contains the subcategory of a form, as defined by a client application. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_HOST_MAP">
                Contains a host map of available forms.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_HIDDEN">
                Contains TRUE if a form is to be suppressed from display by compose menus and dialog boxes.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_DESIGNER_NAME_W">
                Contains the display name for the object that is used to design the form. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_DESIGNER_NAME_A">
                Contains the display name for the object that is used to design the form. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FORM_MESSAGE_BEHAVIOR">
                Contains TRUE if a message should be composed in the current folder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DEFAULT_STORE">
                Contains TRUE if a message store is the default message store in the message store table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK">
                Contains a bitmask of flags that client applications query to determine the characteristics of a message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STORE_STATE">
                Contains a flag that describes the state of the message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STORE_UNICODE_MASK">
                Contains a bitmask of flags that client applications should query to determine the characteristics of a message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_SUBTREE_SEARCH_KEY">
                Was originally meant to contain the search key of the interpersonal message (IPM) root folder. No longer supported
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_OUTBOX_SEARCH_KEY">
                Was originally meant to contain the search key of the standard Outbox folder. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_SEARCH_KEY">
                Was originally meant to contain the search key of the standard Deleted Items folder. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_SEARCH_KEY">
                Was originally meant to contain the search key of the standard Sent Items folder. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MDB_PROVIDER">
                Contains a provider-defined MAPIUID structure that indicates the type of the message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RECEIVE_FOLDER_SETTINGS">
                Contains a table of a message store's receive folder settings.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_VALID_FOLDER_MASK">
                Contains a bitmask of flags that indicate the validity of the entry identifiers of the folders in a message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the root of the IPM folder subtree in the message store's folder tree.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the standard interpersonal message (IPM) Outbox folder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the standard IPM Deleted Items folder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the standard IPM Sent Items folder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_VIEWS_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the user-defined Views folder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_COMMON_VIEWS_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of the predefined common view folder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FINDER_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier for the folder in which search results are typically created.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CE_RECEIVE_BEFORE_SEND">
                When TRUE, forces the serialization of SMTP and POP3 authentication requests such that the POP3 account is
                authenticated before the SMTP account.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTAINER_FLAGS">
                Contains a bitmask of flags describing capabilities of an address book container.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FOLDER_TYPE">
                Contains a constant that indicates the folder type.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_COUNT">
                Contains the number of messages in a folder, as computed by the message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENT_UNREAD">
                Contains the number of unread messages in a folder, as computed by the message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CREATE_TEMPLATES">
                Contains an embedded table object that contains dialog box template entry identifiers.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DETAILS_TABLE">
                Contains an embedded display table object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SEARCH">
                Contains a container object that is used for advanced searches.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SELECTABLE">
                Contains TRUE if the entry in the one-off table can be selected.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SUBFOLDERS">
                Contains TRUE if a folder contains subfolders.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STATUS">
                Contains a 32-bit bitmask of flags that define folder status.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ANR_W">
                Contains a string value for use in a property restriction on an address book container contents table. UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ANR_A">
                Contains a string value for use in a property restriction on an address book container contents table. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTENTS_SORT_ORDER">
                No longer supported
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTAINER_HIERARCHY">
                Contains an embedded hierarchy table object that provides information about the child containers.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTAINER_CONTENTS">
                Contains an embedded contents table object that provides information about a container.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FOLDER_ASSOCIATED_CONTENTS">
                Contains an embedded contents table object that provides information about a container.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DEF_CREATE_DL">
                Contains the template entry identifier for a default distribution list.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DEF_CREATE_MAILUSER">
                Contains the template entry identifier for a default messaging user object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTAINER_CLASS_W">
                Contains a text string describing the type of a folder. Although this property is generally ignored, versions of
                Microsoft® Exchange Server prior to Exchange Server 2003 Mailbox Manager expect this property to be present.
                UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTAINER_CLASS_A">
                Contains a text string describing the type of a folder. Although this property is generally ignored, versions of
                Microsoft® Exchange Server prior to Exchange Server 2003 Mailbox Manager expect this property to be present.
                Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTAINER_MODIFY_VERSION">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AB_PROVIDER_ID">
                Contains an address book provider's MAPIUID structure.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DEFAULT_VIEW_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of a folder's default view.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ASSOC_CONTENT_COUNT">
                Contains the count of items in the associated contents table of the folder.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACHMENT_X400_PARAMETERS">
                was originally meant to contain an ASN.1 object identifier specifying how the attachment should be handled during
                transmission. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_W">
                Contains the content identification header of a MIME message attachment. This property is used for MHTML support.
                It represents the content identification header for the appropriate MIME body part. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_A">
                Contains the content identification header of a MIME message attachment. This property is used for MHTML support.
                It represents the content identification header for the appropriate MIME body part. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION_W">
                Contains the content location header of a MIME message attachment. This property is used for MHTML support. It
                represents the content location header for the appropriate MIME body part. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_LOCATION_A">
                Contains the content location header of a MIME message attachment. This property is used for MHTML support. It
                represents the content location header for the appropriate MIME body part. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_DATA_OBJ">
                Contains an attachment object typically accessed through the OLE IStorage:IUnknown interface.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN">
                Contains binary attachment data typically accessed through the COM IStream:IUnknown interface.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_ENCODING">
                Contains an ASN.1 object identifier specifying the encoding for an attachment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION_W">
                Contains a filename extension that indicates the document type of an attachment. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION_A">
                Contains a filename extension that indicates the document type of an attachment. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_FILENAME_W">
                Contains an attachment's base filename and extension, excluding path. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_FILENAME_A">
                Contains an attachment's base filename and extension, excluding path. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_METHOD">
                Contains a MAPI-defined constant representing the way the contents of an attachment can be accessed.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME_W">
                Contains an attachment's long filename and extension, excluding path. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME_A">
                Contains an attachment's long filename and extension, excluding path. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME_W">
                Contains an attachment's fully qualified path and filename. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_PATHNAME_A">
                Contains an attachment's fully qualified path and filename. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_RENDERING">
                Contains a Microsoft Windows metafile with rendering information for an attachment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_TAG">
                Contains an ASN.1 object identifier specifying the application that supplied an attachment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RENDERING_POSITION">
                Contains an offset, in characters, to use in rendering an attachment within the main message text.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME_W">
                Contains the name of an attachment file modified so that it can be correlated with TNEF messages. UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME_A">
                Contains the name of an attachment file modified so that it can be correlated with TNEF messages. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME_W">
                Contains an attachment's fully qualified long path and filename. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_LONG_PATHNAME_A">
                Contains an attachment's fully qualified long path and filename. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_W">
                Contains formatting information about a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) attachment. UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_A">
                Contains formatting information about a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) attachment. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACH_ADDITIONAL_INFO">
                Provides file type information for a non-Windows attachment.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_TYPE">
                Contains a value used to associate an icon with a particular row of a table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TEMPLATEID">
                Contains the PR_ENTRYID (PidTagEntryId), expressed as a permanent entry ID format.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PRIMARY_CAPABILITY">
                These properties appear on address book objects. Obsolete.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISPLAY_TYPE_EX">
                Contains the type of an entry, with respect to how the entry should be displayed in a row in a table for the Global
                Address List.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ACCOUNT_W">
                Contains the recipient's account name. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ACCOUNT_A">
                Contains the recipient's account name. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT">
                Contains a list of entry identifiers for alternate recipients designated by the original recipient.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains a telephone number that the message recipient can use to reach the sender. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CALLBACK_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains a telephone number that the message recipient can use to reach the sender. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED">
                Contains TRUE if message conversions are prohibited by default for the associated messaging user.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DISCLOSE_RECIPIENTS">
                The DiscloseRecipients field represents a PR_DISCLOSE_RECIPIENTS MAPI property.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_GENERATION_W">
                Contains a generational abbreviation that follows the full name of the recipient. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_GENERATION_A">
                Contains a generational abbreviation that follows the full name of the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_GIVEN_NAME_W">
                Contains the first or given name of the recipient. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_GIVEN_NAME_A">
                Contains the first or given name of the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER_W">
                Contains a government identifier for the recipient. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_GOVERNMENT_ID_NUMBER_A">
                Contains a government identifier for the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's place of business. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BUSINESS_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's place of business. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's home. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the primary telephone number of the recipient's home. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INITIALS_W">
                Contains the initials for parts of the full name of the recipient. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INITIALS_A">
                Contains the initials for parts of the full name of the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_KEYWORD_W">
                Contains a keyword that identifies the recipient to the recipient's system administrator. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_KEYWORD_A">
                Contains a keyword that identifies the recipient to the recipient's system administrator. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LANGUAGE_W">
                Contains a value that indicates the language in which the messaging user is writing messages. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LANGUAGE_A">
                Contains a value that indicates the language in which the messaging user is writing messages. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LOCATION_W">
                Contains the location of the recipient in a format that is useful to the recipient's organization. UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LOCATION_A">
                Contains the location of the recipient in a format that is useful to the recipient's organization. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MAIL_PERMISSION">
                Contains TRUE if the messaging user is allowed to send and receive messages.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MHS_COMMON_NAME_W">
                Contains the common name of the message handling system. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MHS_COMMON_NAME_A">
                Contains the common name of the message handling system. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER_W">
                Contains an organizational ID number for the contact, such as an employee ID number. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORGANIZATIONAL_ID_NUMBER_A">
                Contains an organizational ID number for the contact, such as an employee ID number. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SURNAME_W">
                Contains the last or surname of the recipient. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SURNAME_A">
                Contains the last or surname of the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_ENTRYID">
                Contains the original entry identifier for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other
                writeable address book.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_NAME_W">
                Contains the original display name for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other
                writable address book. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_NAME_A">
                Contains the original display name for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other
                writable address book. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ORIGINAL_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the original search key for an entry copied from an address book to a personal address book or other
                writeable address book.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the recipient's postal address. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the recipient's postal address. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_COMPANY_NAME_W">
                Contains the recipient's company name. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_COMPANY_NAME_A">
                Contains the recipient's company name. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TITLE_W">
                Contains the recipient's job title. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TITLE_A">
                Contains the recipient's job title. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_W">
                Contains a name for the department in which the recipient works. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME_A">
                Contains a name for the department in which the recipient works. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_OFFICE_LOCATION_W">
                Contains the recipient's office location. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_OFFICE_LOCATION_A">
                Contains the recipient's office location. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the recipient's primary telephone number. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PRIMARY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the recipient's primary telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's place of business. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BUSINESS2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's place of business. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the recipient's cellular telephone number. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MOBILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the recipient's cellular telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the recipient's radio telephone number. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the recipient's radio telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the recipient's car telephone number. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CAR_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the recipient's car telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains an alternate telephone number for the recipient. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_OTHER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains an alternate telephone number for the recipient. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME_W">
                Contains a recipient's display name in a secure form that cannot be changed. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME_A">
                Contains a recipient's display name in a secure form that cannot be changed. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the recipient's pager telephone number. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the recipient's pager telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_USER_CERTIFICATE">
                Contains an ASN.1 authentication certificate for a messaging user.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the telephone number of the recipient's primary fax machine. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the telephone number of the recipient's primary fax machine. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the telephone number of the recipient's business fax machine. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the telephone number of the recipient's business fax machine. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the telephone number of the recipient's home fax machine. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the telephone number of the recipient's home fax machine. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_COUNTRY_W">
                Contains the name of the recipient's country/region. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_COUNTRY_A">
                Contains the name of the recipient's country/region. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LOCALITY_W">
                Contains the name of the recipient's locality, such as the town or city. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_LOCALITY_A">
                Contains the name of the recipient's locality, such as the town or city. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W">
                Contains the name of the recipient's state or province. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A">
                Contains the name of the recipient's state or province. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STREET_ADDRESS_W">
                Contains the recipient's street address. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STREET_ADDRESS_A">
                Contains the recipient's street address. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_POSTAL_CODE_W">
                Contains the postal code for the recipient's postal address. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_POSTAL_CODE_A">
                Contains the postal code for the recipient's postal address. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX_W">
                Contains the number or identifier of the recipient's post office box. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_POST_OFFICE_BOX_A">
                Contains the number or identifier of the recipient's post office box. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TELEX_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the recipient's telex number. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TELEX_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the recipient's telex number. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ISDN_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the recipient's ISDN-capable telephone number. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ISDN_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the recipient's ISDN-capable telephone number. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains the telephone number of the recipient's administrative assistant. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ASSISTANT_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains the telephone number of the recipient's administrative assistant. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_W">
                Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's home. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HOME2_TELEPHONE_NUMBER_A">
                Contains a secondary telephone number at the recipient's home. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ASSISTANT_W">
                Contains the name of the recipient's administrative assistant. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ASSISTANT_A">
                Contains the name of the recipient's administrative assistant. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SEND_RICH_INFO">
                Contains TRUE if the recipient can receive all message content, including Rich Text Format (RTF) and Object Linking
                and Embedding (OLE) objects.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STORE_PROVIDERS">
                Contains a list of identifiers of message store providers in the current profile.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AB_PROVIDERS">
                Contains a list of identifiers for address book providers in the current profile.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_TRANSPORT_PROVIDERS">
                Contains a list of identifiers of transport providers in the current profile.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DEFAULT_PROFILE">
                Contains TRUE if a messaging user profile is the MAPI default profile.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AB_SEARCH_PATH">
                Contains a list of entry identifiers for address book containers that are to be searched to resolve names.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AB_DEFAULT_DIR">
                Contains the entry identifier of the address book container to display first.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AB_DEFAULT_PAB">
                Contains the entry identifier of the address book container to use as the personal address book (PAB).
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_FILTERING_HOOKS">
                The MAPI property PR_FILTERING_HOOKS.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_NAME_W">
                Contains the unicode name of a message service as set by the user in the MapiSvc.inf file.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_NAME_A">
                Contains the ANSI name of a message service as set by the user in the MapiSvc.inf file.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME_W">
                Contains the unicode filename of the DLL containing the message service provider entry point function to call for
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME_A">
                Contains the ANSI filename of the DLL containing the message service provider entry point function to call for
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_UID">
                Contains the MAPIUID structure for a message service.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_EXTRA_UIDS">
                Contains a list of MAPIUID structures that identify additional profile sections for the message service.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICES">
                Contains a list of identifiers of message services in the current profile.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES_W">
                Contains a ANSI list of the files that belong to the message service.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES_A">
                Contains a ANSI list of the files that belong to the message service.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_DELETE_FILES_W">
                Contains a list of unicode filenames that are to be deleted when the message service is uninstalled.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SERVICE_DELETE_FILES_A">
                Contains a list of filenames that are to be deleted when the message service is uninstalled.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_AB_SEARCH_PATH_UPDATE">
                Contains a list of entry identifiers for address book containers explicitly configured by the user.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROFILE_NAME_A">
                Contains the ANSI name of the profile.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_PROFILE_NAME_W">
                Contains the unicode name of the profile.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IDENTITY_DISPLAY_W">
                Contains the display name for a service provider's identity as defined within a messaging system. UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IDENTITY_DISPLAY_A">
                Contains the display name for a service provider's identity as defined within a messaging system. Non-UNICODE
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IDENTITY_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier for a service provider's identity as defined within a messaging system.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RESOURCE_METHODS">
                Contains a bitmask of flags indicating the methods in the IMAPIStatus interface that are supported by the status
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RESOURCE_TYPE">
                Contains a value indicating the service provider type.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STATUS_CODE">
                Contains a bitmask of flags indicating the current status of a session resource. All service providers set status
                codes as does MAPI to report on the status of the subsystem, the MAPI spooler, and the integrated address book.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_IDENTITY_SEARCH_KEY">
                Contains the search key for a service provider's identity as defined within a messaging system.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_OWN_STORE_ENTRYID">
                Contains the entry identifier of a transport's tightly coupled message store.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RESOURCE_PATH_W">
                Contains a path to the service provider's server. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_RESOURCE_PATH_A">
                Contains a path to the service provider's server. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STATUS_STRING_W">
                Contains an ASCII message indicating the current status of a session resource. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_STATUS_STRING_A">
                Contains an ASCII message indicating the current status of a session resource. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_X400_DEFERRED_DELIVERY_CANCEL">
                Was originally meant to contain TRUE if the message transfer system (MTS) allows X.400 deferred delivery
                cancellation. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HEADER_FOLDER_ENTRYID">
                Was originally meant to contain the entry identifier that a remote transport provider furnishes for its header
                folder. No longer supported.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS">
                Contains a number indicating the status of a remote transfer.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS_TEXT_W">
                Contains an ASCII string indicating the status of a remote transfer. UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS_TEXT_A">
                Contains an ASCII string indicating the status of a remote transfer. Non-UNICODE compilation.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_REMOTE_VALIDATE_OK">
                Contains TRUE if the remote viewer is allowed to call the IMAPIStatus::ValidateState method.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTROL_FLAGS">
                Contains a bitmask of flags governing the behavior of a control used in a dialog box built from a display table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTROL_STRUCTURE">
                Contains a pointer to a structure for a control used in a dialog box.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTROL_TYPE">
                Contains a value indicating a control type for a control used in a dialog box.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DELTAX">
                Contains the width of a dialog box control in standard Windows dialog units.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_DELTAY">
                Contains the height of a dialog box control in standard Windows dialog units.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_XPOS">
                Contains the x coordinate of the starting position (the upper-left corner) of a dialog box control, in standard
                Windows dialog units.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_YPOS">
                Contains the y coordinate of the starting position (the upper-left corner) of a dialog box control, in standard
                Windows dialog units.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CONTROL_ID">
                Contains a unique identifier for a control used in a dialog box.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INITIAL_DETAILS_PANE">
                Indicates the page of a display template to display first.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MESSAGE_LOCALE_ID">
                Contains the Windows LCID of the end user who created this message.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_INTERNET_CPID">
                Indicates the code page used for <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_BODY_W" /> (PidTagBody) or
                <see cref="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_HTML" /> (PidTagBodyHtml) properties.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CreatorAddrType_W">
                The creators address type
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CreatorEmailAddr_W">
                The creators e-mail address
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_CreatorSimpleDispName_W">
                The creators display name
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_SenderSimpleDispName_W">
                The senders display name
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACHMENT_LINKID">
                Indicates the type of Message object to which this attachment is linked.
                Must be 0, unless overridden by other protocols that extend the
                Message and Attachment Object Protocol as noted in [MS-OXCMSG].
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS">
                Indicates special handling for this Attachment object.
                Must be 0x00000000, unless overridden by other protocols that extend the Message
                and Attachment Object Protocol as noted in [MS-OXCMSG]
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN">
                Indicates whether an attachment is hidden from the end user.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PR_MSG_EDITOR_FORMAT">
                Specifies the format for an editor to use to display a message.
                By default, mail messages (with the message class IPM.Note or with a custom message
                class derived from IPM.Note) sent from a POP3/SMTP mail account are sent in the Transport
                Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF). The PR_MSG_EDITOR_FORMAT property can be used to enforce
                only plain text, and not TNEF, when sending a message. If PR_MSG_EDITOR_FORMAT is set to
                EDITOR_FORMAT_PLAINTEXT, the message is sent as plain text without TNEF. If PR_MSG_EDITOR_FORMAT
                is set to EDITOR_FORMAT_RTF, TNEF encoding is implicitly enabled, and the message is sent by using
                the default Internet format that is specified in the Outlook client.
        <member name="T:MsgKit.PropertyTag">
                Used to hold exactly one property tag
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTag.Id">
                The 2 byte identifier
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTag.Type">
                The 2 byte <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" />
        <member name="P:MsgKit.PropertyTag.Name">
                Returns the PropertyTag as a readable string, e.g. __substg1.0_0037001F
        <member name="M:MsgKit.PropertyTag.#ctor(System.UInt16,MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType)">
                Creates this object and sets all its properties
            <param name="id">The id</param>
            <param name="type">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType" /></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Sender">
                Contains the message sender's e-mail address.
                These properties are examples of the address properties for the message sender. They must be set by the outgoing
                transport provider, which should never propagate any previously existing values.
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Sender._messageFormat">
                <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat" />
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Sender._canLookupEmailAddress">
                A flag that indicates whether the server can look up an address in the
                address book
        <member name="F:MsgKit.Sender._senderIsCreator">
                Set to <c>true</c> when the sender is also the creator of the message (default <c>true</c>)
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Sender.#ctor(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType,MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
                Creates this object and sets all it's needed properties
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email" /></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Address.AddressType" /></param>
            <param name="messageFormat"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MessageFormat"/></param>
            <param name="canLookupEmailAddress">Indicates that the <paramref name="email"/> address
            can be lookup in the addressbook. This parameter is only usefull when opening E-mails in an Exchange environment</param>
            <param name="senderIsCreator">Set to <c>true</c> when the sender is also the creator of the message (default <c>true</c>)</param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Sender.WriteProperties(MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties)">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream, this depends on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="propertiesStream">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Streams.TopLevelProperties"/></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Recipients">
                Contains a list of <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipients"/> objects that are added to a <see cref="T:MsgKit.Message"/>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Recipients.AddTo(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType,MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType,MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType)">
                Add's an <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.To"/> <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient"/>
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email"/></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType"/></param>
            <param name="objectType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType"/></param>
            <param name="displayType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Recipients.AddCc(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType,MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType,MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType)">
                Add's an <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.Cc"/> <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient"/>
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email"/></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType"/></param>
            <param name="objectType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType"/></param>
            <param name="displayType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Recipients.AddBcc(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType,MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType,MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType)">
                Add's an <see cref="F:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType.Bcc"/> <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient"/>
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email"/></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType"/></param>
            <param name="objectType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType"/></param>
            <param name="displayType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Recipients.AddRecipient(System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType,MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType,MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType,MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType)">
                Add's an <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient"/>
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email"/></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType"/></param>
            <param name="recipientType">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType"/></param>
            <param name="objectType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType"/></param>
            <param name="displayType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Recipients.WriteToStorage(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient"/> objects to the given <paramref name="rootStorage"/>
                and it will set all the needed properties
            <param name="rootStorage">The root <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/></param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient"/> objects and it's <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Recipient">
                This class represents a recipient
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Recipient.RowId">
                Returns or sets a unique identifier for a recipient in a recipient table or status table.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Recipient.RecipientType">
                The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Recipient.RecipientType"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Recipient.Flags">
                The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientFlags"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Recipient.ObjectType">
            Contains the type of email object.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Recipient.DisplayType">
            Contains the display type.
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Recipient.#ctor(System.Int64,System.String,System.String,MsgKit.Enums.AddressType,MsgKit.Enums.RecipientType,MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType,MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType)">
                Creates a new recipient object and sets all its properties
            <param name="rowId">Contains a unique identifier for a recipient in a recipient table or status table.</param>
            <param name="email">The full E-mail address</param>
            <param name="displayName">The displayname for the <paramref name="email"/></param>
            <param name="recipientType">The <see cref="P:MsgKit.Recipient.RecipientType"/></param>
            <param name="addressType">The <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.AddressType"/></param>
            <param name="objectType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.MapiObjectType"/></param>
            <param name="displayType"><see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.RecipientRowDisplayType"/></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Recipient.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage)">
                Writes all <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Property">properties</see> either as a <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/> or as a collection in
                a <see cref="F:MsgKit.PropertyTags.PropertiesStreamName"/> stream to the given <paramref name="storage"/>, this depends
                on the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Enums.PropertyType"/>
                See the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/> class it's <see cref="M:MsgKit.Structures.Properties.WriteProperties(OpenMcdf.CFStorage,System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Nullable{System.Int64})"/> method for the logic
                that is used to determine this
            <param name="storage">The <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/></param>
                Total size of the written <see cref="T:MsgKit.Recipient"/> object and it's <see cref="T:MsgKit.Structures.Properties"/>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.Task">
                A class used to make a task that can be added to an <see cref="T:MsgKit.Email"/> or <see cref="T:MsgKit.Appointment"/>
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.ReminderTime">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskStartDate">
            Start date of the task
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskDueDate">
            Due date of the task
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskComplete">
            <c>true</c> when the task is complete
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.PercentComplete">
            The complete percentage of the task
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskActualEffort">
            The actual task effort in minutes
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskEstimatedEffort">
            The estimated task effort in minutes
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskNoCompute">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskFFixOffline">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskOwnership">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskAcceptanceState">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskRole">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskVersion">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskState">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskAssigner">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskOwner">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TeamTask">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskOrdinal">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskFRecurring">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.ReminderDelta">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.ReminderSignalTime">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.CommonStart">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.CommonEnd">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.AgingDontAgeMe">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.TaskMode">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.ToDoOrdinalDate">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.ToDoSubOrdinal">
        <member name="P:MsgKit.Task.ValidFlagStringProof">
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Task.WriteToStorage">
                Writes all the properties that are part of the <see cref="T:MsgKit.Appointment"/> object either as <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStorage"/>'s
                or <see cref="T:OpenMcdf.CFStream"/>'s to the <see cref="P:OpenMcdf.CompoundFile.RootStorage"/>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Task.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
                Saves the message to the given <paramref name="stream" />
            <param name="stream"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.Task.Save(System.String)">
                Saves the message to the given <paramref name="fileName" />
            <param name="fileName"></param>
        <member name="T:MsgKit.ThreadIndex">
                Identifies a particular conversation thread; computed from message references.
        <member name="P:MsgKit.ThreadIndex.Date">
                The date and time
        <member name="P:MsgKit.ThreadIndex.Id">
                The unique GUID for this thread
        <member name="P:MsgKit.ThreadIndex.Raw">
                The RAW base64 encoded thread index
        <member name="P:MsgKit.ThreadIndex.IsValid">
                Returns <c>true</c> when the thread index is valid
        <member name="M:MsgKit.ThreadIndex.#ctor(System.String)">
                Creates this object and parses the given <paramref name="threadIndex" />
            <param name="threadIndex"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.ThreadIndex.ToString">
                Returns the information about this thread index as a string
        <member name="T:MsgKit.TranslateTags">
                This class maps each MAPI property to the corresponding canonical property name (and the otherway around).
        <member name="M:MsgKit.TranslateTags.#cctor">
                Creates this object and sets all it's properties
        <member name="M:MsgKit.TranslateTags.PropertyNameToCanonical(System.String)">
                Returns the canonical name of the give <paramref name="propertyName" />. When the property does not
                exists then <c>null</c> is returned
            <param name="propertyName"></param>
        <member name="M:MsgKit.TranslateTags.CanonicalToPropertyName(System.String)">
                Returns the property name of the give <paramref name="canonicalName" />. When the property does not
                exists then <c>null</c> is returned
                When more then one property is found then the UNICODE property is returned instead
                of it's Non-UNICODE counter parts
            <param name="canonicalName">The canonical name of the <see cref="T:MsgKit.PropertyTags"/></param>