
# This file adds specific site scripts that are in the SiteScripts directory to the tennant site.
# It then defines a set of Site Designs that will run the scripts. See below.
# Make sure you have a default connection to the tennant.
# Connect-PnPOnline -Url -Credential (Get-Credential)
# This script need only be run once, but is idempotent, or will update in place.

function defineSiteScript {
        [Switch] $force
    $content = (Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot/SiteScripts/$title.json" -Raw)
    return Add-SSPSiteScript -Title $title  -Description "The $title" -Content $content -Force:$force -Connection $connection

function Add-PorteoSiteDesigns
    param (
        $connection = (Get-PnPConnection),
        [Switch] $force
    Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot/SiteScripts" | Where-Object {
        defineSiteScript -Title $_.BaseName -Connection $connection -Force:$force

    $scriptNames = ("DefaultBranding", "DefaultRegionalSettings", "DefaultSiteExternalSharingCapability", "DefaultTheme")
    Add-SSPSiteDesign -Title "DefaultDesign" -Type $type -SiteScriptIds $scriptNames -Connection $connection -Force:$force

    Add-SSPSiteDesign -Title "AddJournal" -Type $type -SiteScriptIds ("Journal") -Connection $connection -Force:$force
    Add-SSPSiteDesign -Title "AddLinks" -Type $type -SiteScriptIds ("Links") -Connection $connection -Force:$force
    Add-SSPSiteDesign -Title "AddRequests" -Type $type -SiteScriptIds ("Requests") -Connection $connection -Force:$force
    Add-SSPSiteDesign -Title "AddSiteLists" -Type $type -SiteScriptIds ("SiteCollectionList", "SubsitesList") -Connection $connection -Force:$force
    Add-SSPSiteDesign -Title "UseDarkBlueTheme" -Type $type -SiteScriptIds ("DarkBlueTheme") -Connection $connection -Force:$force
    Add-SSPSiteDesign -Title "SetLogo" -Type $type -SiteScriptIds ("SetLogo") -Connection $connection -Force:$force