
function STDockerPs {
    # Remove the fucking retarded, insulting names in order
    # to preserve higher sanity levels more consistently.
    # Publishing because I definitely need ubuiquitous access for myself,
    # if connected to the internet...
    # Whoopie fuckty doo.
    # Thanks for making the output literally retarded, too, with
    # regards to parsing. Especially like the exception for uptimes
    # "less then a second"... Brilliant. Isn't docker related to ...
    # automation? wwwwwwtffffffff
    @(docker ps) -replace '\s+\S+$'

New-Alias -Name DockerPS -Value function:\STDockerPS -Description "DockerPS"

# Jesus F. Christ on a lollipop - and this fix will last for like 30 minutes, I'm sure...
# Hell (not the purely Christian one, tho) exists, because you're reading words from it.

# This is just for me. So I'm sure soon there will be several million downloads of this bhriljunt kawde