
Function Get-MSPBackupArchivingRule {
            List existing archiving rules.
            List existing archiving rules. Produces a table with columns in this order:
            ID Unique archiving rule identifier
            ACTV Is rule active or not
            NAME Archiving rule name
            DSRC Datasources to archive
            TIME Time archiving will fire at
            MONTHS Months archiving will fire in
            MDAYS Days of month archiving will fire on
            WEEKS Weeks archiving will fire on
            WDAYS Days of week archiving will fire on
            Rule ID (first column) could further be used to modify or remove that specific rule.

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose ('{0}:: Function started' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
    Process {
        Write-Verbose ('{0}:: Getting status' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        $ArchivingList = & $Script:CmdPath -machine-readable control.archiving.list -no-header -delimiter ';'
        If ($Null -ne $ArchivingList) {
            $ArchivingList = $ArchivingList.Split(";")
            [array]$Hash += $(New-CustomPSObject "Id", "Active", "Name", "DataSource", "Time", "Months", "DaysOfMonth", "Weeks", "DaysOfWeek"`
                    "$($ArchivingList[0])", "$($ArchivingList[1])", "$($ArchivingList[2])", "$($ArchivingList[3])", "$($ArchivingList[4])", "$($ArchivingList[5])", "$($ArchivingList[6])", "$($ArchivingList[7])", "$($ArchivingList[8])")
        } ElseIf ($ArchivingList -eq "No archiving rules found.") {
            $Hash = $ArchivingList
        } Else {
            $Hash = $null
    End {
        Write-Verbose ('{0}:: Function ended' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand)
        Return $Hash