
#region HEADER
$script:projectPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\.." | Convert-Path
$script:projectName = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$script:projectPath\*\*.psd1" | Where-Object -FilterScript {
        ($_.Directory.Name -match 'source|src' -or $_.Directory.Name -eq $_.BaseName) -and
                Test-ModuleManifest -Path $_.FullName -ErrorAction Stop

$script:moduleName = Get-Module -Name $script:projectName -ListAvailable | Select-Object -First 1
Remove-Module -Name $script:moduleName -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

$importedModule = Import-Module $script:moduleName -Force -PassThru -ErrorAction 'Stop'

#endregion HEADER

Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\IntegrationTestHelpers.psm1"


Describe 'Custom Module Plaster Template' {
    Context 'When creating a new module project with all features but without a license' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'All'

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with license MIT and all features' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(
                # Folders (relative to module root)


                # Files (relative to module root)


        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'true'
                LicenseType       = 'MIT'
                Features          = 'All'

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with license Apache and all features' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(


                # Files (relative to module root)


        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'true'
                LicenseType       = 'Apache'
                Features          = 'All'

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with all features but with the license type ''None''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

                # Folders (relative to module root)


                # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'true'
                LicenseType       = 'Apache'
                Features          = 'All'

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''Enum''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'Enum'

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''Classes''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'Classes' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''DSCResources''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'DSCResources' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''SampleScripts''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

                # Folders (relative to module root)


                # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'SampleScripts' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''git''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'git' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''Gherkin''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'Gherkin' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''UnitTests''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'UnitTests' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''ModuleQuality''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'ModuleQuality' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''Build''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'Build' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''AppVeyor''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(
            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'AppVeyor' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report

    Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''TestKitchen''' {
        BeforeAll {
            $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc'
            $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName

            $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @(

            # Folders (relative to module root)


            # Files (relative to module root)



        It 'Should create a new module without throwing' {
            $invokePlasterParameters = @{
                TemplatePath      = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler'
                DestinationPath   = $TestDrive
                SourceDirectory   = 'source'
                NoLogo            = $true
                Force             = $true

                # Template
                ModuleType        = 'CustomModule'

                # Template properties
                ModuleName        = $mockModuleName
                ModuleAuthor      = 'SamplerTestUser'
                ModuleDescription = 'Module description'
                ModuleVersion     = '1.0.0'
                CustomRepo        = 'PSGallery'
                License           = 'false'
                Features          = 'TestKitchen' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen

            { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw

        It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' {
            $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force

            # Make the path relative to module root.
            $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath)

            # Change to slash when testing on Windows.
            $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/')

            # check files & folders discrepencies
            $missingFilesOrFolders    = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths}
            $unexpectedFilesAndFolders  = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders}
            $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0)

            # format the report to be used in because
            $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n."

            # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree.
            if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk)
                $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath
                Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose

            $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report