
Sets request properties

function Set-SignRequest {
    param (
        # Sign request id

        # Title

        # Description

        # autoAchive

        #Message for the archivist

        #Request due date

        #Ending notification period in days. How may days before due date an automatic reminder is sent to the user. Zero means "no notification will be sent"

        # sendMail

        # combineDocuments

        #Valid user proofing methods

        #Proofing scope
        [validateSet('All','Invitees only')]

        # custom attributes for signing request


    begin {
        $api = "/request/$id"
        $Body = . Get-ParameterValue -Parameters $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters -BoundParameters $PSBoundParameters
        Write-Verbose "Set-SignRequest body: $($Body | Convertto-json)"
        if ($Body['attributes']) {
            $Body['attributes'] = [array](ConvertTo-NameValues -hashtable $Body['attributes'])

            $body['proofScope'] = @{'All' = 0; 'Invitees only' = 1}[$proofScope]

            for ($j = 0; $j -lt ([array]$validProofTypes).Count ; $j++){
                $body['validProofTypes'][$j] = @{'NONE' = 0;'BASIC'=1 ;'STRONG' = 2;'ADVANCED' = 3;'AUTOGEN'= 4}[([array]$validProofTypes)[$j]]

        if($dueDate) {
            $body['dueDate'] = [string](get-date $body['dueDate'] -Uformat "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")

    process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ShouldProcess?")) {
            $result = Invoke-SignApi -body $Body -api $api -method 'PUT'
            if ($result.request) {

    end {
