
# ===========================================================================
# Edit-SciProfileConfig.ps1 ----------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Edit-SciProfileConfig {

        Edit the content of module's configuration files.
        Edit the content of module's configuration files in defined editor. All available configuration files can be accessed by autocompletion.
        PS C:\> Edit-SciProfileConfig -Name config.ini
        Open the content of module's configuration files 'config.ini' in defined editor. for editing. All available configuration files can be accessed by autocompletion.



        [Parameter(Position=1, HelpMessage="File name of a configuration file.")]
        [System.String] $Name = "config.ini"

    Process {

        foreach($config_file in $SciProfile.ConfigFileList){
            if ($config_file -match $Name){
                $file = $config_file

        $editor_args = $($SciProfile.EditorArgs + " " + $file)
        # open existing requirement file
        if (Test-Path -Path $file){
            Start-Process -Path $SciProfile.Editor -NoNewWindow -Args $editor_args