
function Register-ScriptCopFixer
        Registers a new scriptcop fixer
        Registers a new scriptcop fixer.
        A fixer (or Repair Rule) will help automatically repair issues when encountered.
        Register-ScriptCopFixer -File .\Repair-Issue.ps1

    # The fixer command
    # A file containing a fixer command
    begin {
        # Declare the fixer structure, if it doesn't exist yet.
        if (-not $script:ScriptCopFixers) {
            $script:ScriptCopFixers = New-Object Collections.ArrayList
    process {
        if ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Command') {
            #region Register a command
            #see if already registered
            $fixerIndex = $scriptCopFixers.IndexOf($Fixer)
            if ($fixerIndex -ne -1) { return } 
            # register it
            $Fixer | 
                Test-ScriptCopFixer -ErrorVariable Issues | 
            if ($Issues) { return }
            $null = $scriptCopFixers.Add($fixer)            
            Write-Debug ($scriptCopFixers | Out-String)
        } elseif ($psCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'File') {
            #region Get a Command Reference to Register
            # Get a command from the file
            $command = Get-Item $File | 
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty Fullname | 
            if (-not $command) { return }
            # Register recursively
            $command | Register-ScriptCopFixer