
ScriptDeck is a PowerShell module to help you work with Elgato StreamDeck devices.
Currently, you can use ScriptDeck to:
* Create and Manage StreamDeck Profiles and Actions.
* Create or Update StreamDeck Plugins
* Start, Stop, and Restart the StreamDeck Application
Get-StreamDeckProfile # Gets StreamDeck Profiles
Get-StreamDeckPlugin # Gets StreamDeck Plugins
Get-StreamDeckAction # Gets actions available
You can create actions with New-StreamDeckAction:
New-StreamDeckAction -HotKey "CTRL+V" -Title "Paste"
New-StreamDeckAction -ProfileName "Default Profile" -Title '^'
New-StreamDeckAction -Uri https://github.com/ -Title GitHub
New-StreamDeckAction -ScriptBlock {
    foreach ($n in 1..10) {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $n
You can create profiles with New-StreamDeckProfile, and Save them with Save-StreamDeckProfile.
New-StreamDeckProfile -Name NewProfile -Action @{
    "0,0" = New-StreamDeckAction -ProfileName "Default Profile" -Title '^'
    "1,0" = New-StreamDeckAction -ScriptBlock {
        foreach ($n in 1..10) {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $n
    } -Title "1..10"
    "2,0" = New-StreamDeckAction -Uri https://github.com/ -Title GitHub -Image https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/octocat.png?v8
} |
Want the module to do something more? Feel free to open an issue on GitHub.