
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 1.9.7: Install-Module EZOut or -->

$Row = -1,

$Column = -1

$maxRows, $maxCols = $this.DeviceSize
$foundSpot =
    if ($Row -lt 0) {
        :foundRow for ($r = 0; $r -lt $maxRows; $r++) {
            if ($Column -lt 0) {
                for ($c =0 ; $c -lt $maxCols; $c++) {
                    if (-not $this.Actions."$c,$r") {
                        $r, $C
                        break foundRow
            } else {
                if (-not $this.Actions."$Column,$r") {
                    $r, $Column
                    break foundRow
    } elseif ($Column -lt 0) {
        for ($c =0 ; $c -lt $maxCols; $c++) {
            if (-not $this.Actions."$c,$Row") {
                $Row, $c
    } else {
        $row, $Column

if (-not $foundSpot) {
    throw "Unable to find a location. Row: $row Column: $Column"

$r, $c = $foundSpot
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "$c,$r" -Value $action -InputObject $this.Actions -Force

$obj = $this
$toRemove = @($ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name |
    Where-Object {
        $c, $r = $_ -split ','
        $colRow = ''+ $c + "," + $r
        $colRow -like "$column,$Row"

foreach ($tr in $toRemove) {

                        if (-not $this.Path) { throw "Cannot save profile, as it has no path" }

&lt;#$streamdeckprocess = Get-Process streamdeck -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$streamDeckPath = "$($streamdeckprocess.Path)"
if ($streamDeckPath) {
    Start-Process -FilePath $streamDeckPath -ArgumentList '--quit' -Wait
#$streamdeckprocess | Stop-Process

foreach ($action in $ {
    $stateIndex = 0
    $actionImagePath = $this.Path |
        Split-Path |
        Join-Path -ChildPath $action.Name |
        Join-Path -ChildPath CustomImages

    if ($action.value.uuid -in '', 'com.elgato.streamdeck.profile.openchild') {
        if ($action.value.settings.pstypenames -contains 'StreamDeck.Profile') {
            $childPluginPath = $action.value.settings.guid
            $root = $(if ($this.IsChild) {
            } else {
            $childRoot = $root |
                Split-Path |
                Join-Path -ChildPath Profiles |
                Join-Path -ChildPath "$($action.value.settings.guid).sdProfile" |
                Join-Path -ChildPath "manifest.json"
            $childPlugin = $action.value.settings | Add-Member NoteProperty Path "$childRoot" -Force -PassThru
            $action.value.settings = [PSCustomObject]@{ProfileUUID=$childPlugin.guid}
    foreach ($state in $action.value.states) {
        if ($state.Image) {
            if ($state.Image -match '^http(?:s)?://') {
                $imageUri = [uri]$state.Image
                $fileName = $imageUri.Segments[-1]
                $destinationPath = Join-Path $actionImagePath $fileName
                if (-not (Test-Path $destinationPath)) {
                    $null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $destinationPath -Force
                [Net.Webclient]::new().DownloadFile($imageUri, $destinationPath)
                $state.image = $fileName
            elseif ($state.Image.Contains([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) -and
                -not $state.Image.ToLower().StartsWith($this.Path.ToLower)
            ) {
                $resolvedImagePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetResolvedPSPathFromPSPath($state.Image)
                if (-not $resolvedImagePath) {
                    Write-Warning "Could not update image for $($action.Name)"
                $fileName = [IO.Path]::GetFileName("$resolvedImagePath")
                $destinationPath = Join-Path $actionImagePath $fileName
                if (-not (Test-Path $destinationPath)) {
                    $null = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $destinationPath -Force
                Copy-Item -Path $resolvedImagePath -Destination $destinationPath -Force
                $state.Image = $fileName
$scriptPropertyNames = $ | Where-Object MemberType -EQ ScriptProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name -Unique
$excludedProperties = @('Path','GUID') + $scriptPropertyNames

if (-not (Test-Path $this.Path)) {
    $createdProfile = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $this.Path -Force

$this |
    Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty $excludedProperties|
    ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 |
    Set-Content -literalPath $this.Path -Encoding UTF8
                        if (-not $this.HasChildren) { return }
@(if ($this.IsChild) {
    $this.Parent |
        Split-Path |
        Join-Path -child Profiles
} else {
    $this |
        Split-Path |
        Join-Path -child Profiles
}) |
    Get-ChildItem |
    Get-StreamDeckProfile -ProfileRoot {$_.fullname }

                        switch ($this.DeviceName) {
    StreamDeckXL { 8 }
    StreamDeckMini { 3 }
    StreamDeckMobile { 5 }
    StreamDeck { 5 }
    'Corsair G6 Keyboard' { 1 }

                        switch ($this.DeviceModel) {
    20GAI9901 { "StreamDeckMini" }
    20GAT9901 { "StreamDeckXL" }
    20GAA9901 { "StreamDeck" }
    20GAA9902 { "StreamDeck" }
    'VSD/WiFi' { "StreamDeckMobile" }
    default { $this.DeviceModel }

                        switch ($this.DeviceName) {
    StreamDeckXL { 4,8 }
    StreamDeckMini { 2,3 }
    StreamDeckMobile { 3,5 }
    StreamDeck { 3,5 }
    'Corsair G6 Keyboard' { 6,1 }

                        foreach ($act in $ {
    if ($act.value.uuid -in 'com.elgato.streamdeck.profile.openchild') {
        return $true

                        foreach ($act in $ {
    if ($act.value.uuid -in '','') {
        return $true

                        if (-not $this.Path) { return $true }
($this.Path | Split-Path | Split-Path | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf) -ne 'StreamDeck'

                        foreach ($act in $ {
    if ($act.value.uuid -in '') {
        if ($this.Path) {
            $this.Path |
                ForEach-Object {
                    if ($this.IsChild) {
                        $_ | Split-Path | Split-Path
                    } else {
                        $_ | Split-Path | Join-Path -ChildPath Profiles
                } |
                Join-Path -ChildPath "$($act.value.settings.profileUUID).sdProfile" |
                Get-StreamDeckProfile -ProfileRoot { $_ }

                        if (-not $this.HasPages) { return 1 }
if (-not $this.IsChild) { return 1 }
$page = $this.Parent
$pageNumber = 1
while ($page -and $page.Path -ne $this.Path) {
    $page = $page.NextPage
if ($page) {
} else {
    return 0

                        if (-not $this.IsChild) { return $null }
($this.Path | Split-Path | Split-Path | Split-Path | Get-StreamDeckProfile -ProfileRoot { $_ })

                        return $this.Path

                        switch ($this.DeviceName) {
    StreamDeckXL { 4 }
    StreamDeckMini { 2 }
    StreamDeckMobile { 3 }
    StreamDeck { 3 }
    'Corsair G6 Keyboard' { 6 }
