
function Add-StreamDeckProfile
        Adds StreamDeck Actions to profiles.
        Adds a StreamDeck action to a profile.
            New-StreamDeckAction -Title "Select Next Line" -HotKey "SHIFT+DOWN"
            New-StreamDeckAction -Title "Select Prev Line" -HotKey "SHIFT+UP"
        ) |
            Add-StreamDeckProfile -ProfileName ISE_XL

    # The name of one or more profiles

    # The root directory to look for profiles.

    # The row the action will be added to. If a negative number is provided, will choose the first available row.
    $Row = -1,

    # The column the action will be added to. If a negative number is provided, will choose the first available column.
    $Column = -1,

    # The action to add to a StreamDeck profile.
    # This is created using New-StreamDeckAction.

    begin {
        $sdProfiles = Get-StreamDeckProfile -ProfileRoot $ProfileRoot | 
            Where-Object Name -In $ProfileName

        if (-not $sdProfiles) {
            Write-Error "StreamDeck Profile $ProfileName not found"           
    process {
        #region Add Actions to Profiles
        foreach ($prof in $sdProfiles) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Add Action at $row, $column")) {            
                $prof.AddAction($Action, $Row, $Column)
        #endregion Add Actions to Profiles