
    Module for logging.
    Developer: Mike Polselli
    PSVersion: 5.0
    Date: 9/14/2018
    Language: PowerShell
    Purpose: This module is used to store the logging functions used in all scripts.
    Start-Log -ScriptName MyScript
    try {
        Disable-ADUser $User -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Log -LogMessage "Disabled $($User.Name) and moved them to the $($DestinationOU.DistinguishedName) OU."
    catch {
        Write-LogError -ErrorMessage "Error disabling $($User.Name) and moving them to the $($DestinationOU.DistinguishedName) OU."

### Functions ###
function Get-LogTime {
    # Is used to pass a current time stamp whenever output is generated.
    (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt')
function Start-Log {
        Starts the log file for the script it is run in.
    .PARAMETER ScriptName
    Provides a name to the log file.
    Start-Log -ScriptName MyScript

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Primary")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName, Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)][string]$Global:ScriptName,
    $Date = (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
    $Script:Log = "\\$env:USERDOMAIN\IT\Scripts\Logs\$ScriptName`_$env:COMPUTERNAME`_$Date.txt"
    if ($LocalLog) {
        $Script:Log = "C:\IT\Logs\$ScriptName`_$Date.txt"
    $TestPath = Test-Path $Log
    if ($TestPath -eq $false) {
        New-Item -Path $Log -Type File -Force | Out-Null
        Write-Output "$(Get-LogTime) ========== $Log did not exist. Creating. ==========" >> $Log
        Write-Output "$(Get-LogTime) ========== $Log created, continuing script. ==========" >> $Log
        Write-Output "$(Get-LogTime) ========== $ScriptName started. ==========" >> $Log
    else {
        Write-Output "$(Get-LogTime) ========== $ScriptName started. ==========" >> $Log

function Write-Log {
    Used to store the information that will be passed to the log file.
    .PARAMETER LogMessage
    Information you wish to pass to the log file goes here.
    .PARAMETER ShowOutput
    If this switch is used the LogMessage information will also be printed to the console.
    Write-Log -LogMessage 'Disabled some users and moved them to a different OU'
    Write-Log -LogMessage "Disabled $($User.Name) and moved them to the $($DestinationOU.DistinguishedName) OU."
    Write-Log -LogMessage "Disabled $($User.Name) and moved them to the $($DestinationOU.DistinguishedName) OU." -ShowOutput
    2018-12-12 04:45:59 PM - Disabled John Doe and moved them to the Disabled OU.

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Primary")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName, Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]$LogMessage,
    if ($ShowOutput) {
        "$(Get-LogTime) - $LogMessage" >> $Log
        Write-Output "$(Get-LogTime) - $LogMessage"
    else {
        "$(Get-LogTime) - $LogMessage" >> $Log


function Write-LogError {
    Used to store the error messages that will be passed to the log file.
    .PARAMETER ErrorMessage
    Error messages that you wish to pass to the log file goes here.
    .PARAMETER ShowOutput
    If this switch is used the ErrorMessage information will also be printed to the console.
    Write-LogError -ErrorMessage 'Failed to disable some users and move them to a different OU'
    Write-LogError -ErrorMessage "Error disabling $($User.Name) and moving them to the $($DestinationOU.DistinguishedName) OU."
    Write-LogError -ErrorMessage "Error Disabling $($User.Name) and moving them to the $($DestinationOU.DistinguishedName) OU." -ShowOutput
    |2018-12-12 04:48:45 PM ERROR - Error Disabling John Doe and moving them to the Disabled OU.|
    try {Get-ChildItem C:\NotARealPath -ErrorAction Stop} catch {Write-LogError $PSItem.Exception.Message -ShowOutput}
    |2018-12-12 04:48:45 PM ERROR - Cannot find path 'C:\NotARealPath' because it does not exist.|

    [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Primary")]
    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName, Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]$ErrorMessage,
    $Length = $ErrorMessage.Length + 31
    $Dashes = ('-' * $Length)
    if ($ShowOutput) {
        Write-Output "/$Dashes\"
        Write-Output "|$(Get-LogTime) ERROR - $ErrorMessage|"
        Write-Output "\$Dashes/"
        "/$Dashes\" >> $Log
        "|$(Get-LogTime) ERROR - $ErrorMessage|" >> $Log
        "\$Dashes/" >> $Log
    else {
        "/$Dashes\" >> $Log
        "|$(Get-LogTime) ERROR - $ErrorMessage|" >> $Log
        "\$Dashes/" >> $Log    

function Stop-Log {
        Stops the log file for the script it is run in.

    Write-Output "$(Get-LogTime) ========== $ScriptName finished. ==========" >> $Log
### Functions ###