
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Subsystem
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Subsystem.Prediction
using namespace System.Threading
using namespace ScriptPredictor

Add-Type -Path $(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '*.dll')

# This "works" but because the scriptblocks get marshaled to the default runspace, it ends up being blocking and bad performance.
# class ScriptPredictor : ICommandPredictor {
# [ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock;
# [string]$Name;
# [string]$Description;
# [guid]$Id;

# ScriptPredictor([ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock, [string]$Name, [string]$Description, [guid]$Id) {
# $this.ScriptBlock = $ScriptBlock;
# $this.Name = $Name;
# $this.Description = $Description;
# $this.Id = $Id ?? [Guid]::NewGuid();
# }

# [SuggestionPackage] GetSuggestion(
# [PredictionClient]$client,
# [PredictionContext]$context,
# [CancellationToken]$cancellationToken
# ) {
# [Console]::WriteLine('test')
# [Console]::WriteLine('test2')

# $suggestions = $this.ScriptBlock.Invoke($Context);
# $formattedSuggestions = foreach ($suggestion in $suggestions) {
# if ($suggestion -is [PredictiveSuggestion]) {
# $suggestion
# } elseif ($suggestion -is [string]) {
# [PredictiveSuggestion]$suggestion
# } else {
# throw "ScriptPredictor $($this.Name) [$($this.Id)]: ScriptBlock returned objects that arent a string or a [PredictiveSuggestion] object. Unexpected Object Type: $($suggestion.GetType())"
# }
# }

# return [SuggestionPackage]::new($formattedSuggestions)
# }

# # TODO: Provide hooks for this feedback behavior
# [bool] CanAcceptFeedback([PredictionClient]$client, [PredictorFeedbackKind]$feedback) { return $false }
# [void] OnCommandLineAccepted([PredictionClient]$client, [IReadOnlyList[string]]$history) {}
# [void] OnCommandLineExecuted([PredictionClient]$client, [string]$commandLine, [bool]$success) {}
# [void] OnSuggestionAccepted([PredictionClient]$client, [uint]$session, [string]$acceptedSuggestion) {}
# [void] OnSuggestionDisplayed([PredictionClient]$client, [uint]$session, [int]$countOrIndex) {}
# }

function Register-ScriptPredictor {
    Registers a scriptblock as a PowerShell Predictor. This works very similarly to an ArgumentCompleter.
    Your scriptblock should take a [PredictionContext] as a parameter, and must return zero or more [PredictiveSuggestion] objects
    Register-ScriptPredictor {
            $args[0].InputScript.Text + (Get-Random)
        } catch {
    A simple registration that adds a random number to your current input

        #The scriptblock for the predictor. It runs in its own runspace and can't use any external state except .NET static objects/methods. You can use either $args[0] to access the [ParameterContext] object, or use param([ParameterContext]$context). If you use the latter, you will get Intellisense in VSCode for the object.

        #The name of your predictor as will be seen in the subsystem registration. This defaults to 'ScriptPredictor'
        [string]$Name = 'ScriptPredictor',

        #A description of your predictor. This defaults to the same as the Name.
        [string]$Description = $Name,

        #Optionally specify a custom GUID for your predictor. A random one will be generated instead if you do not.
        [guid]$Id = $(New-Guid)

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    [ScriptPredictor]$predictor = [ScriptPredictor]::new(

    #TODO: Add a quick script verification to sanity check it has the right parameters and maybe run a test for output
    [SubsystemManager]::RegisterSubsystem([SubsystemKind]::CommandPredictor, $predictor)
