
function Write-LogWithTime {
    param (
                    ValueFromPipeline = $true,
                    Position = 0)

        ValueFromPipeline = $false,
        Position = 1)
        $LogPath = "$env:HOMEPATH\LogFile.log"

        $DateFormat = $((Get-Date -Format 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt').ToString())
        $DateFormat + " - " + "$Description" | Out-File $LogPath -Append

        Outputs the supplied content/string to a log file with date and time.
        Outputs the supplied content/string to a log file with date and time.
        .PARAMETER Description
        The content/string that you want to export in the log file.
        .PARAMETER LogPath
        The complete path of the log file. If not mentioned, default log path will be used.
        Default log path will be under user's homepath directory. For example \Users\Admin\LogFile.log.
        You can pipe content to Write-LogWithTime.
        None. All contents will be exported in the log file and won't be displayed on screen.
        Below example will export the contents in C:\Temp\MyLogFile.log. Below you can see the contents of logfile with the exact date and time.
        PS> Write-LogWithTime -Description "Beginning Script Execution" -LogPath C:\Temp\MyLogFile.log
        03-22-2022 05:13:46 PM - Beginning Script Execution
        Write-LogWithTime accepts value from pipeline. In below example, the computer name is passed through pipeline to Write-LogWithTime function.
        Since the value for LogPath is not passed, the default LogPath location which is user's homepath will be used to export logs.
        PS> $env:COMPUTERNAME
        03-22-2022 05:37:02 PM - DESKTOP-EPHQ95K
        The next example is same as that of previous one except that in this example we have explicitly mentioned log file path.
        PS> $env:COMPUTERNAME | Write-LogWithTime -LogPath C:\temp\MyLogFile.log
        03-22-2022 05:37:02 PM - DESKTOP-EPHQ95K
