
function Get-PSInfo {
    Function PSCore
        $HostData = $PSVersionTable
        $HostData += Get-Host | ConvertTo-Json -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

    Function PSDesktop
        $ImpObj = Get-PSInfo-Desktop #This is a private function
        $HostData = Get-Host

        $ImpObj.Name = $HostData.Name
        $ImpObj.InstanceID = $HostData.InstanceId
        $ImpObj.CurrentCulture = $HostData.CurrentCulture
        $ImpObj.CurrentUICulture = $HostData.CurrentUICulture
        $ImpObj.ProcessID = $PID

        $FinalObj = [PSCustomobject]$PSVersionTable

        foreach ($Prop in $($ImpObj | Get-Member | Where-Object {$_.membertype -eq "NoteProperty"} | select-object -ExpandProperty name))
            $FinalObj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$Prop" -Value $ImpObj.$Prop


    $PSType = ($PSVersionTable).psedition

    switch ($PSType) {
        "Core" {PSCore}
        "Desktop" {PSDesktop}

        Pulls PowerShell environment and version details.

        Pulls PowerShell environment and version details.

        Get-PSInfo returns a PSCustomObject with PowerShell environment details.

        The example below simply returns all the details about PowerShell.
        It returns Version, OS, InstanceID information.

        PS> Get-PSInfo

        Version : {MinorRevision, Build, Major, MajorRevision…}
        OS : Microsoft Windows 10.0.22000
        Platform : Win32NT
        UI : {RawUI, SupportsVirtualTerminal}
        DebuggerEnabled : True
        WSManStackVersion : 3.0
        PrivateData : {ProgressBackgroundColor, ProgressForegroundColor, FormatAccentColor,
        SerializationVersion :
        Runspace : {ApartmentState, InitialSessionState, RunspaceAvailability, LanguageMode…}
        Name : ConsoleHost
        PSCompatibleVersions : {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…}
        PSVersion : 7.2.1
        CurrentUICulture : {LCID, UseUserOverride, IetfLanguageTag, CultureTypes…}
        PSEdition : Core
        GitCommitId : 7.2.1
        PSRemotingProtocolVersion : 2.3
        CurrentCulture : {LCID, UseUserOverride, IetfLanguageTag, CultureTypes…}
        InstanceId : 5b26eb39-34ae-48e0-bab5-f8f7ded1742a
        IsRunspacePushed : False

        The example below returns detailed PowerShell version information.

        PS> (Get-PSInfo).Version

        Name Value
        ---- -----
        Minor 12
        MinorRevision -1
        MajorRevision -1
        Build 0
        Revision -1
        Major 2021
