
        Math is hard!
        Functions for planning your dive. Returns exact numbers, so you can do your own rounding, unlike tables,
        which do the rounding for you.
        Yes. You can dive without a computer, even with Nitrox...
        Scuba diving
        Gas @ pressure math
        Saftey calculations, and dive planning

#region NITROX

Function Get-NitroxMOD
            Gets the maximum operating depth in feet, based on F02, and desired P02
            Calculations based on the magic circle method
            .PARAMETER P02
            Desired partial pressure for your dive. Warmer water, you can max out @ 1.6... colder water, suggest 1.4
            .PARAMETER F02
            Oxygen percentage your tank is filled with, in decimal form
            Get-NitroxMOD -P02 1.4 -F02 .36
            Returns the maximum depth for your dive.
            Watch the video

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Double] $P02 = 1.4,
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Double] $F02 = .32
    # We need to get our absolute atmospheric pressure, then convert it to depth
    $Atmosphere = $P02 / $F02 - 1
    $MOD = $Atmosphere * 33
    $EAD = Get-EquivalentAirDepth -Depth $MOD -F02 $F02
    $properties = [Ordered] @{

        #'MOD' = '{0:N1}' -f $MOD
        'MOD' = $MOD
        'P02' = $P02
        'F02' = $F02
        'EAD' = $EAD
        'Atmospheric_Pressure' = $Atmosphere
    $retVal = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties

Function Get-NitroxF02
            Gets the fraction of oxygen, based on p02, and planned depth
            Calculations based on the magic circle method. This method of finding the best EAN mix, is good for
            planning to dive a destination i.e. wreck dive.
            .PARAMETER P02
            Desired partial pressure for your dive. Warmer water, you can max out @ 1.6... colder water, suggest 1.4
            .PARAMETER MOD
            Maximum Operating Depth at which you plan to dive.
            Get-NitroxMOD -P02 1.6 -Depth 100
            If you planned to dive 100 ft, and your desired partial pressure is 1.6, this would return the optimal
            F02, to fill your tank with
            Watch the video

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Double] $P02 = 1.4,
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, 
                    Position = 1,
                    HelpMessage = 'Max depth you plan to dive',
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        )] [Double] $MOD
    # We need to get our absolute atmospheric pressure from the depth
    $Atmosphere = $MOD / 33 + 1
    $F02 = $P02 / $Atmosphere
    $EAD = Get-EquivalentAirDepth -Depth $MOD -F02 $F02
    $properties = [Ordered] @{

        #'MOD' = '{0:N1}' -f $MOD
        'MOD' = $MOD
        'P02' = $P02
        'F02' = $F02
        'EAD' = $EAD
        'Atmospheric_Pressure' = $Atmosphere
    $retVal = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties

Function Get-NitroxP02
            Gets the partial pressure based on depth and gas mix
            Calculations based on the magic circle method. Use to double check your P02 based on your tank fill,
            and dive plan. Always ensure you'll be safe... check it twice!
            .PARAMETER F02
            Oxygen percentage your tank is filled with, in decimal form
            .PARAMETER MOD
            Maximum Operating Depth at which you plan to dive.
            Get-NitroxMOD -F02 .40 -Depth 100
            If you planned to dive 100 ft, and your tank is filled with EAN40, this would return the P02 which you
            would experience at the MOD
            Watch the video

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [Double] $F02 = .32,
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, 
                    Position = 1,
                    HelpMessage = 'Max depth you plan to dive',
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        )] [Double] $MOD
    # We need to get our absolute atmospheric pressure from the depth
    $Atmosphere = $MOD / 33 + 1
    $P02 = $F02 * $Atmosphere
    $EAD = Get-EquivalentAirDepth -Depth $MOD -F02 $F02
    $properties = [Ordered] @{

        #'MOD' = '{0:N1}' -f $MOD
        'MOD' = $MOD
        'P02' = $P02
        'F02' = $F02
        'EAD' = $EAD
        'Atmospheric_Pressure' = $Atmosphere
    $retVal = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $properties

Function Script:Get-EquivalentAirDepth
            Helper function. Gets the EAD, based on depth and oxygen levels in your air tank
            Calculations in feet. Used to plan your decompression stops based on your dive plan.
            Always ensure you'll be safe... check it twice!
            .PARAMETER F02
            Oxygen percentage your tank is filled with, in decimal form
            .PARAMETER Depth
            Maximum depth at which you plan to dive.
            Get-NitroxMOD -F02 .40 -Depth 100
            If you planned to dive 100 ft, and your tank is filled with EAN40, this would return the P02 which you
            would experience at the MOD

        [Double] $F02 = .32,
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, 
                    Position = 1,
                    HelpMessage = 'Max depth you plan to dive',
                    ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true
        )] [Double] $Depth
    # Get the fraction of nitrogen (N2)
    $FN2 = 1 - $F02
    # First Atmosphere, in feet
    [Int] $A1 = 33
    # Ambient level of nitrogen in air
    [Double] $N2 = .791
    # Calc it up
    [Double] $EAD = ($Depth + $A1) * $FN2 / $N2 - $A1
