
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

function New-NetworkControllerClusterSecret {
        Decrypt the current secret in ClusterManifest and Generate new one if decrypt success.
        The list of Network Controller VMs.
    .PARAMETER NcRestName
        The Network Controller REST Name in FQDN format.
    .PARAMETER ManifestFolder
        The Manifest Folder contains the orginal Manifest Files.
    .PARAMETER ManifestFolderNew
        The New Manifest Folder contains the new Manifest Files. Updated manifest file save here.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty

    $decryptedText = Invoke-ServiceFabricDecryptText -CipherText $OldEncryptedSecret

    if($null -eq $decryptedText)
        throw New-Object System.NotSupportedException("Failed to decrypt the secret.")

    $newEncryptedSecret = Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText -CertThumbPrint $NcRestCertThumbprint -Text $decryptedText -StoreName MY -StoreLocation LocalMachine -CertStore
    $newDecryptedText = Invoke-ServiceFabricDecryptText -CipherText $newEncryptedSecret

    if ($newDecryptedText -eq $decryptedText) {
        "GOOD, new key and old key are same. Ready for use" | Trace-Output
    else {
        throw New-Object System.NotSupportedException("Decrypted text by new certificate is not matching the old one. We cannot continue.")
    if($null -eq $newEncryptedSecret)
        throw New-Object System.NotSupportedException("Failed to encrypt the secret with new certificate")

    return $newEncryptedSecret