
function Register-ChromiumSecretVault {
    A convenience Cmdlet to automatically register typical installed VaultParameters
    Detects all Chromium-based secret vaults in the preset list and registers them

    param (
        #Select one of the available preset vaults to register
            #TODO: Enum for this if I can figure out the powershell module nesting trickiness
        #Specify to overwrite vaults already present
        #Specify the path to Chromium.SecretManagement if it is not in your default module path. This is typically only used for debugging.
        [String]$ModuleName = $(Split-Path (Get-Module SecretManagement.Chromium).Path)

    $findChromiumParams = @{}
    if ($Preset) {$findChromiumParams.Preset = $Preset}
    foreach ($profileItem in Find-Chromium @findChromiumParams) {
        $VaultName = $ProfileItem.Name
        if ($ProfileItem.Profile -ne 'Default') {
            $VaultName += '-' + $ProfileItem.Profile
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($VaultName, 'Register Chromium Secret Vault')) {
            $registerVaultParams = @{
                #TODO: Fetch the actual profile name, not just profile folder name
                Name = $($VaultName -replace ' ','')
                ModuleName = $moduleName
                AllowClobber = $AllowClobber
                VaultParameters = @{
                    DataPath = [String]$ProfileItem.LoginDataPath
                    StatePath = [String]$ProfileItem.LocalStatePath
                Description = $ProfileItem.Name,
                    (Split-Path $ProfileItem.LoginDataPath) -join ' '

            try {
                Register-SecretVault @registerVaultParams
            } catch {
                if ($PSItem.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq 'RegisterSecretVaultInvalidVaultName,Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement.RegisterSecretVaultCommand') {
                    write-warning "$VaultName is already registered. Skipping..."
                } else {throw}
