
function Find-Chromium {
    Attempts to detect a chromium profile to work with. Includes common presets

        #The name of the preset folder to search for
    #TODO: Automatic Detection
    $Presets = [ordered]@{
        EdgeCanary = 'Microsoft/Edge SxS'
        EdgeBeta = 'Microsoft/Edge Beta'
        Edge = 'Microsoft/Edge'
        ChromeCanary = 'Google/Chrome SxS'
        ChromeBeta = 'Google/Chrome Beta'
        Chrome = 'Google/Chrome'

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    function getUserDataFolderPath ($Preset) {
        $localAppDataPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('LocalApplicationData')
        return (
            Resolve-Path -Path (
                    'User Data'

    function getProfileNames ($UserDataFolderPath) {
        try {
            $localStatePath = Join-Path -Resolve $UserDataFolderPath 'Local State' -ErrorAction stop
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "$UserDataFolderPath exists but has no Local State file."
        [String[]]$ProfileNames = (Get-Content -raw $localStatePath | ConvertFrom-Json)
        if (-not $ProfileNames) {Write-Warning "Local State file exists but no profile information was found"}
        return $ProfileNames

    function getLoginDataPath ($Preset, $ProfileName) {
        return (
            Resolve-Path -ErrorAction Stop -Path (
                    (getUserDataFolderPath $Preset),
                    'Login Data'

    if ($Preset -and $Presets.$Preset) {
        #Narrow the scope to just the selected preset
        $Presets = [ordered]@{
            $Preset = $Presets.$Preset

    foreach ($PresetItem in $Presets.keys) {
        try {
            $userDataFolderPath = getUserDataFolderPath $Presets[$PresetItem]
            foreach ($ProfileNameItem in (getProfileNames $UserDataFolderPath)) {
                $LoginDataPath = getLoginDataPath $Presets[$PresetItem] $ProfileNameItem
                    Name = $PresetItem
                    Profile = $ProfileNameItem
                    LocalStatePath = Join-Path $userDataFolderPath 'Local State'
                    LoginDataPath = $LoginDataPath
                } | Write-Output
                Write-Verbose "SecretManagement.Chromium: Discovery FOUND $PresetItem profile at $($Presets[$PresetItem])"
        } catch {
            Write-Verbose "SecretManagement.Chromium: Discovery NOT FOUND $PresetItem profile at $($Presets[$PresetItem])"