
$ModuleName = 'SecretManagement.PleasantPasswordServer'

function New-PleasantCredential {
    param (
        # Parameter help description

    $CredentialPath = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath "PleasantCred.xml"

    $Credential | Export-Clixml -Path $CredentialPath

function Register-PleasantVault {

        Creates a new Pleasant Password Server Vault
        Wraps the functionality of Register-SecretVault to make the module more user friedlier
    .PARAMETER VaultName
        The name of the Pleasant Password Server Vault
        The Server URL where the Pleasant Password Server is reachable
        The Port where the Pleasant Password Server is reachable
        Register-PleasantVault -VaultName "PPS" -ServerURL "http://localhost" -Port "9000"
        Creates a new Secret Management Vault named PPS and passes the Vault parameters ServerURL and Port to It
        Register-PleasantVault -ServerURL "http://localhost" -Port "9000"
        Creates a new Secret Management Vault named SecretManagement.PleasantPasswordServer and passes the Vault parameters ServerURL and Port to It
        Author: Constantin Hager
        Date: 2021-02-20

    param (
        # The Vault Name
        # The Server URL where the Pleasant Password Server is reachable

        # The Port where the Pleasant Password Server is reachable
    $Params = @{
        ModuleName      = 'SecretManagement.PleasantPasswordServer'
        Name            = if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('VaultName')) { $VaultName } else { $ModuleName }
        VaultParameters = @{
            ServerURL = $ServerURL
            Port      = $Port
    Register-SecretVault @Params