
function Get-CachedLabel
        Retrieves label information by its ID property.
        Retrieves label information by its ID property.
        Caches results in order to improve performance.
        The ID of the Label to search.
        Only when using the true ID (Guid property on the label object) will it use caching.
    .PARAMETER Refresh
        Force refreshing the data, even if a acached copy is available.
        PS C:\> Get-CachedLabel -Id $label.ParentID
        Returns the parent object of the label stored in $label

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if (-not $Refresh -and $script:labelCache[$Id]) { return $script:labelCache[$Id] }
        try { $labels = Get-Label -Identity $Id -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { throw }
        foreach ($label in $labels)
            $script:labelCache["$($label.Guid)"] = $label
        return $labels