
        Get all audit events around the power cycle of the local system.
        This function will show all power cycle events on the target system by
        parsing the following System events:
        - 1: Leaving Sleep
        - 42: Entering Sleep
        - 1074: Request System Restart / Power Off
        - 6005: System Startup
        - 6006: System Shutdown
        - 6008: Unexpected Shutdown
        PS C:\> Get-SystemAuditPowerCycle
        Get the local power cycle system audit events.

function Get-SystemAuditPowerCycle
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')]
        # Period of days to cover.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        $DayPeriod = 7,

        # Show extended events, not only the important ones.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        # Hide the warning messages, don't test the prerequisites.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    Show-SystemAuditEventLogWarning -LogName 'System' -DayPeriod $DayPeriod -HideWarning:$HideWarning.IsPresent

    $configEventLog = Get-Content -Path "$Script:ConfigurationPath\SystemAudit.EventLog.json" | ConvertFrom-Json

    # Get all relevant event log records for the power cycle. Refer to the
    # description for the event id explanation.
    $records = Get-WinEventAdvanced -LogName 'System' -EventId 1, 42, 1074, 6005, 6006, 6008 -ProviderName 'Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power', 'Microsoft-Windows-Power-Troubleshooter', 'User32', 'EventLog' -DayPeriod $DayPeriod

    foreach ($record in $records)
        $recordId = $record.Id

        $auditEvent = [PSCustomObject] @{
            PSTypeName  = 'SecurityFever.SystemAudit.Event'
            Timestamp   = $record.TimeCreated
            Machine     = $record.MachineName
            User        = Get-WinEventRecordUser -Record $record
            Component   = 'System Power'
            Action      = $configEventLog.Events.System.$recordId.Action
            Context     = ''
            Detail      = ''
            SourcePath  = '/EventLog/System/Record[@Id={0}]' -f $recordId
            SourceEvent = $record

        # Try to get the reason for sleep and awake action
        if ($recordId -eq 1)
            switch ($record.Properties[12].Value)
                1 { $auditEvent.Detail = 'Reason: Power Button' }
                3 { $auditEvent.Detail = 'Reason: S4 Doze to Hibernate' }
                5 { $auditEvent.Detail = 'Reason: Device - ACPI Lid' }
        if ($recordId -eq 42)
            switch ($record.Properties[2].Value)
                0 { $auditEvent.Detail = 'Reason: Button or Lid' }
                2 { $auditEvent.Detail = 'Reason: Battery' }
                4 { $auditEvent.Detail = 'Reason: Application API' }
                6 { $auditEvent.Detail = 'Reason: Hibernate from Sleep - Fixed Timeout' }
                7 { $auditEvent.Detail = 'Reason: System Idle' }

        # Add additional info to the reboot or power off request
        if ($recordId -eq 1074)
            $auditEvent.Detail = 'Process: {0}' -f $record.Properties[0].Value.ToLower()
            $auditEvent.Action = $auditEvent.Action -f [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase($Record.Properties[4].Value)

        # Update the date for the unexpected reboot
        if ($recordId -eq 6008)
            # Helper char, must be removed from the date property
            $lrMark    = [char]8206
            $timestamp = '{0} {1}' -f $record.Properties[1].Value.Replace("$lrMark", ""), $record.Properties[0].Value

                $auditEvent.Timestamp = [System.DateTime]::Parse($timestamp)
                $auditEvent.Detail    = "Event Created: {0}" -f $record.TimeCreated
                Write-Warning "Failed to parse timestamp $timestamp for System event id 6008: $_"

        Write-Output $auditEvent