
        Retrieves the localized string data based on the machine's culture.
        Falls back to en-US strings if the machine's culture is not supported.
    .PARAMETER ResourceName
        The name of the resource as it appears before '.strings.psd1' of the localized string file.
        For example:
            AuditPolicySubcategory: MSFT_AuditPolicySubcategory
            AuditPolicyOption: MSFT_AuditPolicyOption

function Get-LocalizedData
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'resource')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'helper')]

    # With the helper module just update the name and path variables as if it were a resource.
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'helper')
        $resourceDirectory = $PSScriptRoot
        $ResourceName = $HelperName
        # Step up one additional level to build the correct path to the resource culture.
        $resourceDirectory = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent) `
            -ChildPath "DSCResources\$ResourceName"

    $localizedStringFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $resourceDirectory -ChildPath $PSUICulture

    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $localizedStringFileLocation))
        # Fallback to en-US
        $localizedStringFileLocation = Join-Path -Path $resourceDirectory -ChildPath 'en-US'

    Import-LocalizedData `
        -BindingVariable 'localizedData' `
        -FileName "$ResourceName.strings.psd1" `
        -BaseDirectory $localizedStringFileLocation

    return $localizedData

# This must be loaded after the Get-LocalizedData function is created.
$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -HelperName 'SecurityPolicyResourceHelper'

        Wrapper around secedit.exe used to make changes
    .PARAMETER InfPath
        Path to an INF file with desired user rights assignment policy configuration
    .PARAMETER SeceditOutput
        Path to secedit log file output
        Invoke-Secedit -InfPath C:\secedit.inf -SeceditOutput C:\seceditLog.txt

function Invoke-Secedit
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -HelperName 'SecurityPolicyResourceHelper'

    $tempDB = "$env:TEMP\DscSecedit.sdb"
    $arguments = "/configure /db $tempDB /cfg $InfPath"

    if ($OverWrite)
        $arguments = $arguments + " /overwrite /quiet"

    Write-Verbose "secedit arguments: $arguments"
    Start-Process -FilePath secedit.exe -ArgumentList $arguments -RedirectStandardOutput $seceditOutput `
        -NoNewWindow -Wait

        Returns security policies configuration settings
        Specifies the security areas to be returned
    General notes

function Get-SecurityPolicy
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    if ($FilePath)
        $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath = $FilePath
        $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath = Join-Path -Path $env:temp -ChildPath 'SecurityPolicy.inf'

        Write-Debug -Message ($localizedData.EchoDebugInf -f $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath)

        secedit.exe /export /cfg $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath /areas $Area | Out-Null

    $policyConfiguration = @{}
    switch -regex -file $currentSecurityPolicyFilePath
        "^\[(.+)\]" # Section
            $section = $matches[1]
            $policyConfiguration[$section] = @{}
            $CommentCount = 0
        "^(;.*)$" # Comment
            $value = $matches[1]
            $commentCount = $commentCount + 1
            $name = "Comment" + $commentCount
            $policyConfiguration[$section][$name] = $value
        "(.+?)\s*=(.*)" # Key
            $name, $value = $matches[1..2] -replace "\*"
            $policyConfiguration[$section][$name] = $value

    switch ($Area)
            $returnValue = @{}
            $privilegeRights = $policyConfiguration.'Privilege Rights'
            foreach ($key in $privilegeRights.keys )
                $policyName = Get-UserRightConstant -Policy $key -Inverse
                $identity = ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName -Identity $($privilegeRights[$key] -split ",").Trim() `
                    -Policy $policyName -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
                $returnValue.Add( $key, $identity )


            $returnValue = $policyConfiguration

    return $returnValue

        Parses an INF file produced by 'secedit.exe /export' and returns an object of identites assigned to a user
        rights assignment policy
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        Path to an INF file
        Get-UserRightsAssignment -FilePath C:\seceditOutput.inf

function Get-UserRightsAssignment
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $policyConfiguration = @{}
    switch -regex -file $FilePath
        "^\[(.+)\]" # Section
            $section = $matches[1]
            $policyConfiguration[$section] = @{}
            $CommentCount = 0
        "^(;.*)$" # Comment
            $value = $matches[1]
            $commentCount = $commentCount + 1
            $name = "Comment" + $commentCount
            $policyConfiguration[$section][$name] = $value
        "(.+?)\s*=(.*)" # Key
            $name, $value = $matches[1..2] -replace "\*"
            $policyConfiguration[$section][$name] = @(ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName -Identity $($value -split ','))

    return $policyConfiguration

        Resolves username or SID to a NTAccount friendly name so desired and actual idnetities can be compared
    .PARAMETER Identity
        An Identity in the form of a friendly name (testUser1,contoso\testUser1) or SID
        PS C:\> ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName testuser1
        This example demonstrats converting a username without a domain name specified
        PS C:\> ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName -Identity S-1-5-21-3084257389-385233670-139165443-1001
        This example demonstrats converting a SID to a frendlyname

function ConvertTo-LocalFriendlyName
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        $Scope = 'Get'

    $friendlyNames = @()
    foreach ($id in $Identity)
        $id = ( $id -replace "\*" ).Trim()
        if ($null -ne $id -and $id -match '^(S-[0-9-]{3,})')
            # if id is a SID convert to a NTAccount
            $friendlyNames += ConvertTo-NTAccount -SID $id -Policy $Policy -Scope $Scope -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
            # if id is an friendly name convert it to a sid and then to an NTAccount
            $sidResult = ConvertTo-Sid -Identity $id -Scope $Scope -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

            if ($sidResult -isnot [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])

            $friendlyNames += ConvertTo-NTAccount -SID $sidResult.Value -Policy $Policy -Scope $Scope

    return $friendlyNames

        Tests if the provided Identity is null
    .PARAMETER Identity
        The identity string to test

function Test-IdentityIsNull
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if ( $null -eq $Identity -or [System.String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Identity) )
        return $true
        return $false

        Convert a SID to a common friendly name
        SID of an identity being converted

function ConvertTo-NTAccount
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $Scope = 'Get',


    $result = @()
    foreach ($id in $SID)
        $id = ( $id -replace "\*" ).Trim()

        $sidId = [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]$id
            $result += $sidId.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).value
            if ($Scope -eq 'Get')
                Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.ErrorSidTranslation -f $sidId, $Policy)
                $result += $sidId.Value
                throw "$($script:localizedData.ErrorSidTranslation -f $sidId, $Policy)"

    return $result

        Converts an identity to a SID to verify it's a valid account
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specifies the identity to convert
        General notes

function ConvertTo-Sid

        $Scope = 'Get'

    $id = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]$Identity
        $result = $id.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
        if ($Scope -eq 'Get')
            Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.ErrorIdToSid -f $Identity)
            $result = $id
            throw "$($script:localizedData.ErrorIdToSid -f $Identity)"

    return $result

        Creates the INF file content that contains the security option configurations
    .PARAMETER SystemAccessPolicies
        Specifies the security options that pertain to [System Access] policies
    .PARAMETER RegistryPolicies
        Specifies the security opions that are managed via [Registry Values]

function Add-PolicyOption



    # insert the appropriate INI section
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($RegistryPolicies) -eq $false)
        $RegistryPolicies.Insert(0, '[Registry Values]')

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SystemAccessPolicies) -eq $false)
        $SystemAccessPolicies.Insert(0, '[System Access]')

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace( $KerberosPolicies ) -eq $false)
        $KerberosPolicies.Insert(0, '[Kerberos Policy]')

    $iniTemplate = @(

    return $iniTemplate

        Converts policy names that match the GUI to the abbreviated names used by secedit.exe
    .PARAMETER Policy
        Name of the policy to get friendly name for.

function Get-UserRightConstant
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $userRightsFriendlyNameFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'UserRightsFriendlyNameConversions.psd1'
    $friendlyNames = Get-Content -Path $userRightsFriendlyNameFilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-StringData

    if ($Inverse)
        $result = $friendlyNames.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Value -eq $Policy}
        return $result.Key

    return $friendlyNames[$Policy]

        Converts an identity from a SDDL identity
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specifies the identity to convert
        General notes

function ConvertFrom-SDDLDescriptor
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    $descriptors = @{
        'AO' = 'Account Operators'
        'AU' = 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users'
        'BA' = 'BUILTIN\Administrators'
        'BG' = 'BUILTIN\Guests'
        'BO' = 'BUILTIN\Backup Operators'
        'BU' = 'BUILTIN\Users'
        'CG' = 'CREATOR GROUP'
        'CO' = 'CREATOR OWNER'
        'DA' = 'Domain Admins'
        'DC' = 'Domain Computers'
        'DD' = 'Domain Controllers'
        'DG' = 'Domain Guests'
        'DU' = 'Domain Users'
        'EA' = 'Enterprise Admins'
        'ED' = 'Enterprise Domain Controllers'
        'WD' = 'Everyone'
        'SY' = 'System'
        'NO' = 'BUILTIN\Network Configuration Operators'
        'PO' = 'BUILTIN\Print Operators'
        'PS' = 'NT AUTHORITY\SELF'
        'PU' = 'BUILTIN\Power Users'
        'RS' = 'RAS and IAS Servers'
        'RE' = 'BUILTIN\Replicator'
        'SA' = 'Schema Admins'
        'SO' = 'Server Operators'

    $result = $descriptors[$Identity]

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($result) -eq $true)
        $result = $Identity

    return $result

        Converts an identity to an SDDL identity constant if applicable
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Specifies the identity to convert
        Returns null if there is no match to an SDDL constant SID

function ConvertTo-SDDLDescriptor
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    $descriptors = @{
        '.*\\Account Operators$'                    = 'AO'
        'NT AUTHORITY\\ANONYMOUS LOGON$'            = 'AN'
        'NT AUTHORITY\\Authenticated Users$'        = 'AU'
        'BUILTIN\\Administrators$'                  = 'BA'
        'BUILTIN\\Guests$'                          = 'BG'
        'BUILTIN\\Backup Operators$'                = 'BO'
        'BUILTIN\\Users$'                           = 'BU'
        'CREATOR GROUP$'                            = 'CG'
        'CREATOR OWNER$'                            = 'CO'
        '.*\\Domain Admins$'                        = 'DA'
        '.*\\Domain Computers$'                     = 'DC'
        '.*\\Domain Controllers$'                   = 'DD'
        '.*\\Domain Guests$'                        = 'DG'
        '.*\\Domain Users$'                         = 'DU'
        '.*\\Enterprise Admins$'                    = 'EA'
        '.*\\Enterprise Domain Controllers$'        = 'ED'
        'Everyone$'                                 = 'WD'
        'NT AUTHORITY\\INTERACTIVE$'                = 'IU'
        'System$'                                   = 'SY'
        'NT AUTHORITY\\NETWORK$'                    = 'NU'
        'BUILTIN\\Network Configuration Operators$' = 'NO'
        'NT AUTHORITY\\NETWORK SERVICE$'            = 'NS'
        'BUILTIN\\Print Operators$'                 = 'PO'
        'NT AUTHORITY\\SELF$'                       = 'PS'
        'BUILTIN\\Power Users$'                     = 'PU'
        '.*\\RAS and IAS Servers$'                  = 'RS'
        'BUILTIN\\Replicator$'                      = 'RE'
        '.*\\Schema Admins$'                        = 'SA'
        '.*\\Server Operators$'                     = 'SO'
        'NT AUTHORITY\\SERVICE$'                    = 'SU'

    # Set $result to null
    $result = $null
    foreach ($descriptor in $descriptors.GetEnumerator())
        if ($Identity -match $descriptor.Name)
            $result = $descriptor.Value

    return $result