
if ($Global:SeDriver) {Write-Warning -Message 'Close any previous session first'; return}

#SeOpen will use an environment variable DefaultBrowser if no browser is specified on the command line, so
# we can run the script with different browsers by changing that and running invoke-pester again. If it wasn't set, set it now
if (-not $env:DefaultBrowser) {$env:DefaultBrowser = 'Chrome'}

#For each browser we will test in, specify the options for headless, inprivate & window title label for in-private
$AlwaysHeadless    = $env:AlwaysHeadless -eq $true
$TestCaseSettings  = @{
    'NewEdge'      = @{ DefaultOptions  = @{Headless=$AlwaysHeadless}
                  # HeadlessOptions = @{Headless=$true}
                        PrivateOptions  = @{PrivateBrowsing=$true
                                            Headless=$AlwaysHeadless }
                 # InPrivateLabel = 'InPrivate'
    } # broken after build 79 of web driver#>
    'Chrome'       = @{ PrivateOptions  = @{PrivateBrowsing=$true
                        DefaultOptions  = @{Headless=$AlwaysHeadless}
                        HeadlessOptions = @{Headless=$true}
    'Firefox'      = @{ PrivateOptions  = @{PrivateBrowsing=$true
                        DefaultOptions  = @{Headless=$AlwaysHeadless}
                        HeadlessOptions = @{Headless=$true}
    'MSEdge'      =  @{ DefaultOptions  = @{Headless=$AlwaysHeadless}
                        PrivateOptions  = @{PrivateBrowsing=$true}
    'IE'          =  @{ DefaultOptions  = @{ImplicitWait=30}
                        PrivateOptions  = @{ImplicitWait=30}

function Build-StringFromHash {
    param ($Hash)
    $(foreach ($k in $Hash.Keys) {"$K`:$($hash[$K])"}) -join '; '

#region tailspin demo from the Azure Devops training materials
if (-not $env:SITE_URL) {
    $env:SITE_URL = 'http://tailspin-spacegame-web.azurewebsites.net'
$ModaltestCases    = @(
    @{Name        = 'Download Page'
      linkXPath   = '/html/body/div/div/section[2]/div[2]/a'
      modalXPath  = '//*[@id="pretend-modal"]/div/div'
    @{Name        = 'Screen Image'
      linkXPath   = '/html/body/div/div/section[3]/div/ul/li[1]/a'
      modalXPath  = '/html/body/div[1]/div/div[2]'
    @{Name        = 'Top Player'
      linkXPath   = '/html/body/div/div/section[4]/div/div/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/a/div'
      modalXPath  = '//*[@id="profile-modal-1"]/div/div'}
$BrowserOptHash    = $TestCaseSettings[$env:DefaultBrowser].DefaultOptions
$BrowserOptText    = Build-StringFromHash $BrowserOptHash
Describe "Testing the tailspin toys demo site at $env:SITE_URL" {
    BeforeAll {
        #Relying on environment variable to pick the browser. Capture ID for use in logs by requesting verbose and redirecting it.
        $BrowserID = SeOpen -URL $env:SITE_URL -Options  $BrowserOptHash -Verbose  4>&1
        $BrowserID = ($BrowserID.Message -replace '^Opened ','') + ' on ' + [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform
    Context "in $BrowserID with settings ($BrowserOptText)"{
        It "produced the right modal dialog for the <name>" -TestCases $ModaltestCases {
            Param ($linkXPath, $modalXPath)
                SeShouldHave   $modalXPath -With displayed eq $false
                SeElement      $linkXPath | SeClick -JavaScriptClick -SleepSeconds 1
                SeShouldHave   $modalXPath -With displayed eq $true -PassThru| SeElement -By Class 'close' | SeClick -J -S 1
                SeShouldHave  'body'       -By   TagName
                SeShouldHave   $modalXPath -With displayed eq $false
# Additional tests would be here
    AfterAll {SeClose}

#URLs we will visit in the remaining tests
$PSGalleryPage     = 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/'
$AlertTestPage     = 'https://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_alert'
$SelectTestPage    = 'https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_elem_select'

#As before rely on environment variable to pick browser. Capture ID by requesting & redirecting verbose
$BrowserOptHash    = $TestCaseSettings[$env:DefaultBrowser].DefaultOptions
$BrowserOptText    = Build-StringFromHash $BrowserOptHash
$BrowserID         = SeOpen -URL $PSGalleryPage -Options $BrowserOptHash -Verbose  4>&1
$BrowserID         = ($BrowserID.Message -replace '^Opened ','') + ' on ' + [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform
Describe "PsGallery Test"  {
        Context "in $BrowserID with settings ($BrowserOptText)"{
            It 'opened the browser, saving the webdriver in a global variable ' {
                $Global:SeDriver                                               | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
                $Global:SeDriver                                               | Should      -BeOfType [OpenQA.Selenium.Remote.RemoteWebDriver]
            It 'reached the right starting page ' {
                #Should have can check alerts, page title, URL or an element on the page
                SeShouldHave -URL eq $PSGalleryPage
            It 'found the "Sign in" link on the home page by partial text ' {
                SeShouldHave -By PartialLinkText 'Sign in' -With href match logon
            It 'found the search box on the home page by ID ' {
                SeShouldHave -By Id search
            It 'found the search box on the home page by Name ' {
                SeShouldHave -By Name 'q'
            It 'found the search box on the home page by css selector ' {
                #can write -By <<mechanism>> [-selection] <<selection text>>
                # or [-selection] <<selection text>> -By <<mechanism>>
                SeShouldHave 'input[name=q]' -By CssSelector
            It 'found the search box on the home page by class name ' {
                SeShouldHave -By ClassName "search-box"
            It 'found the search box on the home page by Tagname and typed in it ' {
                #get element, pipe as input element for Typing, pass the element through
                #so pester catches 'null or empty' if it was not found
                SeElement -By TagName input |
                    SeType -ClearFirst "selenium{{Enter}}" -PassThru -SleepSeconds 2    | Should -Not -BeNullorEmpty
            $linkpath = '//*[@id="skippedToContent"]/section/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/section[1]/div/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/div/div[2]/header/div[1]/h1/a'
            It 'searched successfully ' {
                SeShouldHave -URL                 match 'packages\?q=selenium' -Timeout 15
                #Two tests on the same element, second passes it through to click
                SeShouldHave $linkpath -With href match selenium
                SeShouldHave $linkpath -With Text like *selenium* -PassThru | SeClick -SleepSeconds 5
            It 'opened the search result page and found the expected content ' {
                #Just to show we can test for the presence of multiple links. Each one is re-tested ...
                SeShouldHave '//*[@id="version-history"]/table/tbody[1]/tr[1]/ td[1]/a/b' ,
                             '//*[@id="skippedToContent"]/section/div/aside/ul[2]/li[1]/a' -Timeout 15

                SeShouldHave '//*[@id="version-history"]/table/tbody[1]/tr[1]/ td[1]/a/b' -With text match "current"

                #Can test with "Get-SeElement | where-object <<complex test>>" rather than "with <<feild>> <<operator>> <<value>>"
                SeElement    '//*[@id="skippedToContent"]/section/div/aside/ul[2]/li[1]/a'  |
                    Where-Object {($_.text -like "*Project Site*") -and ($_.GetAttribute('href') -match "selenium") } |
                        SeClick -PassThru  | Should -Not -Benullorempty
            It 'went to Github from the project link on the search result ' {
                SeShouldHave -URL  match 'github' -Timeout 30
            It 'navigated back to the start page and closed the browser ' {
                SeNavigate   -Back
                SeNavigate   -Back
                SeNavigate   -Back
                SeShouldHave -URL eq $PSGalleryPage -Timeout 30
                $Global:SeDriver                                               | Should      -BeNullOrEmpty

$BrowserOptHash    = $TestCaseSettings[$env:DefaultBrowser].PrivateOptions
$BrowserOptText    = Build-StringFromHash $BrowserOptHash
if ($BrowserOptText) {
    $NoLabel = [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($TestCaseSettings[$env:DefaultBrowser].InPrivateLabel)
    $wv = $null
    SeOpen   -Options $BrowserOptHash -URL $alertTestPage -WarningVariable wv
    if ($wv) {Write-Output "##vso[task.logissue type=warning]$wv"}
else {
    $NoLabel = $true
    SeOpen -URL $alertTestPage
Describe "Alerts and Selection boxes tests"{
    Context "in $BrowserID with settings ($BrowserOptText)" {
        It 're-opended the browser and validated "InPrivate" mode by window title ' {
            $DriverProcess  = Get-Process *driver | Where-Object {$_.Parent.id -eq $pid}
            $BrowserProcess = Get-Process         | Where-Object {$_.Parent.id -eq $DriverProcess.id -and $_.Name -ne "conhost"}
            $BrowserProcess.MainWindowTitle                                | Should match $TestCaseSettings[$env:DefaultBrowser].InPrivateLabel
        } -Skip:$NoLabel
        It 'opened the right page ' {
            SeShouldHave -URL -eq $alertTestPage
        It 'found and clicked a button in frame 1 ' {
            SeShouldHave -Selection "iframe" -By TagName -with id eq iframeResult
            SeFrame 'iframeResult'
            SeElement "/html/body/button"  | SeClick  -PassThru   | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
        It 'saw and dismissed an alert ' {
            #Checking the text of the alert is optional. Dissmiss can pass the alert result through
            SeShouldHave -Alert match "box" -PassThru  |
                        SeDismiss -PassThru                                             | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
        It 'reselected the parent frame ' {
            SeFrame -Parent
            SeShouldHave -Selection "iframe" -By TagName -with id eq iframeResult
        It 'navigated to a new page, and found the "cars" selection box in frame 1 ' {
            SeNavigate $SelectTestPage
            SeShouldHave -Selection "iframe" -By TagName -with id eq iframeResult
            SeFrame 'iframeResult'
            SeShouldHave -By Name "cars" -With choice contains "volvo"
        It 'made selections from the "cars" selection box ' {
            $e = SeElement -by Name "cars"
            #Values are lower case Text has inital caps comparisons are case sensitve. Index is 0-based
            {$e | SeSelection -ByValue "Audi"}                              | Should      -Throw
            {$e | SeSelection -ByValue "audi"}                              | Should -not -throw
             $e | SeSelection -ByIndex "2"  -GetSelected                    | Should      -Be 'Fiat'
             $e | SeSelection -ByPartialText  "Sa"
        It 'submitted the form and got the expected response ' {
            SeElement '/html/body/form/input' | SeClick -SleepSeconds 5
            SeFrame -Parent
            SeFrame 'iframeResult'
            SeShouldHave "/html/body/div[1]" -with text match "cars=saab"
        It 'closed the in-private browser instance ' {
            if ($DriverProcess.Id) {
                (Get-Process -id $DriverProcess.id ).HasExited             | Should      -Be $true
            if ($BrowserProcess.Id) {
                (Get-Process -id $BrowserProcess.id).HasExited             | Should      -Be $true

$BrowserOptHash    =   $TestCaseSettings[$env:DefaultBrowser].HeadlessOptions
$BrowserOptText    =   Build-StringFromHash $BrowserOptHash
if ($BrowserOptText){
    SeOpen -Options $BrowserOptHash
    Describe "'Headless' mode browser test" {
        Context "in $BrowserID with settings ($BrowserOptText)" {
            It 're-opened the Browser in "Headless" mode ' {
                $DriverProcess  = Get-Process *driver | Where-Object {$_.Parent.id -eq $pid}
                $BrowserProcess = Get-Process         | Where-Object {$_.Parent.id -eq $DriverProcess.id -and $_.Name -ne 'conhost'}
                $BrowserProcess.MainWindowHandle  | Select-Object -First 1     | Should      -Be 0
            it 'did a google Search ' {
                SeNavigate 'https://www.google.com/ncr'
                SeShouldHave -by Name q
                SeShouldHave -by ClassName 'gLFyf'
                SeShouldHave -By TagName  input -With title eq 'Search' -PassThru |
                    Select-Object -First 1 |
                        SeType -Keys 'Powershell-Selenium{{Enter}}' -PassThru  | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty

                SeShouldHave '//*[@id="tsf"]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/a' -PassThru |
                                             SeClick -PassThru                 | should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
            It 'closed the browser a third time ' {
                $Global:SeDriver                                               | Should      -BeNullOrEmpty
                if ($DriverProcess.Id) {
                    (Get-Process -id $DriverProcess.id ).HasExited             | Should      -Be $true
                if ($BrowserProcess.Id) {
                    (Get-Process -id $BrowserProcess.id).HasExited             | Should      -Be $true