
function ConvertFrom-GooSemVer {
        Convert a SemVer string to identifiers.
        Convert a SemVer string to identifiers.
        Tests if the given Versions respect the Semantic Versioning guidelines, and throws an error if not.
        This Cmdlet accepts values from the pipeline.
        --- Example 1 Error case ---
        PS C:\> '' | ConvertFrom-GooSemVer
        The value is not following the SemVer guidelines.
        --- Example 2 Valid input ---
        PS C:\> ConvertFrom-GooSemVer '1.2.3-alpha+beta'
        prerelease : alpha
        buildmetadata : beta
        minor : 2
        major : 1
        patch : 3
        PS C:\> ConvertFrom-GooSemVer '1.2.3-alpha+beta' -AsHashtable
        Name Value
        ---- -----
        prerelease alpha
        buildmetadata beta
        minor 2
        major 1
        patch 3
        --- Example 3 Valid input by pipeline ---
        PS C:\> '1.2.3-alpha+beta' | ConvertFrom-GooSemVer
        prerelease : alpha
        buildmetadata : beta
        minor : 2
        major : 1
        patch : 3
        PS C:\> '1.2.3-alpha+beta' | ConvertFrom-GooSemVer -AsHashtable
        Name Value
        ---- -----
        prerelease alpha
        buildmetadata beta
        minor 2
        major 1
        patch 3
        For more information about Semantic Versioning 2.0.0, see this:

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'AsPSCustomObject')]
    [OutputType([PSCustomObject], ParameterSetName = 'AsPSCustomObject')]
    [OutputType([hashtable], ParameterSetName = 'AsHashtable')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'AsPSCustomObject')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'AsHashtable')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'AsPSCustomObject')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'AsHashtable')]

    process {
        if (-not ($Version -match $Script:GooSemVer.Rex)) {
            throw $Script:GooSemVer.InvalidVersionFormatMessage -f $Version

        $versionTable = $Matches
        # Remove the full match
        if ($AsHashtable) {
            return $versionTable

        return [PSCustomObject] $versionTable