
  Send email via Office365 / ExchageOnline V0.1
  Send email via Office365 / ExchageOnline Account.
 .Parameter Recipient
  Mandatory, the recipient email address
 .Parameter EmailSender
  Mandatory, the sender email address "EMAILSENDER <>"
 .Parameter crdpath
  Optional, path where will be stored the O365 credentials, if this is empty will be stored on temporary user folder
  ( at the firs run the user will be ask to insert username and password of sender email account )
 .Parameter bbc
  Only for debugging purpose Blind carbon copy recipient email address
 .Parameter subject
  Recommended, there is the subject of sended email
 .Parameter HtmlBody
  Optional, only if we want to add some extra html, for experts only
 .Parameter template
  Mandatory, this object will contain all user data to be used on html template, see example below
    $utente_nuovo = @{
        nome = "Firstname"
        cognome = "Surname"
        nomeutente = "f.surname"
        cellulare = "3291234848"
    $recipient = ""
    $template = "c:\folder_wehere_is_html\EmailTemplateNew.html"
    $crdpath = "c:\folder_wehre_is_xml\"
    $return = Send-O365Email -recipient $recipient -emailsender "EMAILSENDER <>" -crdpath $crdpath -template $template -datiUtente $utente_nuovo

# Genera hash partendo da una stringa .
function Get-StringHash {
        [String] $String
    $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($String)
    $algorithm = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create('MD5')
    $StringBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

    $algorithm.ComputeHash($bytes) |
    ForEach-Object {
        $null = $StringBuilder.Append($_.ToString("x2"))


# Genera id unico basato su nome utente e hardware serial number
function Get-Unique-Id {
    param (
        [String] $thissender = $null
    $hwSerial =(Get-CimInstance -Query 'Select * from Win32_bios').SerialNumber
    $uh = $env:username + $hwSerial + $thissender
    return Get-StringHash $uh
# maschera una stringa per privacy
function MaskSring {
    param (
        [string] $var = $null

    if ($var) {
        $length = $var.length
        $begin = $var.substring(0, 3)
        $end = $var.substring($length - 3, 3)
        $rst = $length - ($begin.Length) - ($end.Length)
        $m = $null
        For ($i = 1; $i -le $rst; $i++) {
            $m = $m + "*"
        Return($begin + $m + $end)
    else {
        return $null


# invia il messaggio di posta via Office365 in formato Html
function Send-O365Email {
    param (
        [string] $recipient = $null,
        [string] $emailsender = $null,
        [string] $crdpath = $null,
        [string] $cc  = $null,
        [string] $bcc = $null,
        [string] $subject = "Credenziali Account Aziendale",
        [array] $HtmlBody = @(),
        [string] $template = $null,
        [Object] $datiUtente = @{ },
        [string] $Attachments = $null,
        [string] $Masked = $false,
        [string] $verbose = $false

    $mailSender = [regex]::MAtch($emailsender, $re, "IgnoreCase ")

    $xml = Get-Unique-Id $mailSender.Value
    $crdXML = $crdpath + "\" + $xml + ".xml"

    if ( Test-Path $crdXML ) {
        $cred = Import-Clixml $crdXML
    else {
        Get-Credential $mailSender.Value | Export-Clixml  $crdXML #Store Credentials
        if ( Test-Path $crdXML ) {
            $cred = Import-Clixml $crdXML
        else {
            return "Qualcosa non va con le tue credenziali !"

    $HtmlContent = Get-Content -Path $template

    foreach ($ContentLine in $HtmlContent) {
        if ( $Masked ) {
                #$cellulare = MaskSring -var $datiUtente.cellulare
                $cellulare = $datiUtente.cellulare
            } else {
                $cellulare = $datiUtente.cellulare
        # If more variables are added to the message, just copy and modIfy the lines below.
        $ContentLine = $ContentLine `
            -replace '{nome}'     , $datiUtente.nome`
            -replace '{cognome}'  , $datiUtente.cognome`
            -replace '{nomeutente}' , $datiUtente.nomeutente`
            -replace '{cellulare}' , $cellulare`
            -replace '{errata}', $datiUtente.errata`

        $HtmlBody += $ContentLine

    $EmailParams = @{
        SmtpServer  = ''
        From        = $emailsender
        To          = $recipient
        Subject     = $subject
        BodyAsHtml  = $true
        Body        = ($HtmlBody | Out-String)
        ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        Encoding    = 'UTF8'
        Port        = '587'

    # add on to hash table $EmailParams the $bcc if is not null
    if ( $bcc ) { $EmailParams.Add( "Bcc", $bcc) }
    #add on cc hash table $EmailParams the $cc if is not null
    if ( $cc ) { $EmailParams.Add( "Cc", $cc) }
    # add on to hash table $EmailParams the $Attachments if is not null
    if ( $Attachments ) { $EmailParams.Add( "Attachments", $Attachments) }

    try {
        Send-MailMessage @EmailParams -usessl -Credential $cred -Priority High
        if ($verbose -eq $true) {
            $ret = "To:$($recipient) "
            if ( $cc ) {
                $ret += "Cc:$($cc) "
            if ( $bcc ) {
                $ret += "Bcc:$($bcc)"
        } else {
            $ret = $recipient

        return $ret
    catch {
        return "Si è verificato un errore ! Il messaggio non è stato inviato !"
        exit 1


Export-ModuleMember -Function Send-O365Email