
Function Send-Email
  Send email notification
  Send email notification using .Net System.Net.Mail namespace
 .Parameter -SMTPServer
  SMTP Server Address.
 .Parameter -Port
  SMTP Server Port.
 .Parameter -UseSSL
  Whether or not the SMTP serer requires SSL.
 .Parameter -AuthenticationMethod
  SMTP Server authentication method. possible values: Anonymous, Integrate or Credential
 .Parameter -Credential
  Specify a PSCredential object if SMTP server requires credentials (when AuthenticationMethod is set to Credential).
  .Parameter -SenderName
  Sender name for the email message
  .Parameter -SenderAddress
  Sender address for the email message
  .Parameter -SMTPSettings
  Alternatively, specify a hash table that contacts all of the SMTP settings above
  .Parameter -To
  "To" addresses for the email message. for multiple addresses, separate them using ";".
  .Parameter -Cc
  "Cc" addresses for the email message. for multiple addresses, separate them using ";".
  .Parameter -Bcc
  "Bcc" addresses for the email message. for multiple addresses, separate them using ";".
 .Parameter -Subject
  Subject text for the email message.
 .Parameter -Body
  Email body text.
 .Parameter -HTMLBody
  Whether or not the email body is HTML formatted.
  .Parameter -Attachments
  File path for each attachment for the message. for multiple attachments, separate them using ";".
  # Send an email message by specifying each individual SMTP setting when SMTP supports anonymous autentication:
  $SMTPServer = ""
  $Port = 25
  $AuthMethod = "Anonymous"
  $UseSSL = $false
  $SenderName = "Your System Name"
  $SenderAddress = ""
  $Recipient = ""
  $Cc = ""
  $Bcc = ""
  $Subject = "Greeting from your Automated email script"
  $Body = @"
this is a system generated message
Best Regards,
Your System
  $HTMLBody = $false
  $SendEmail = Send-Email -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -Port $Port -UseSSL $UseSSL -AuthenticationMethod $AuthMethod -SenderName $SenderName -SenderAddress $SenderAddress -To $Recipient -Cc $Cc -Bcc $Bcc -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -HTMLBody $HTMLBody
  # Send an email message by specifying each individual SMTP setting when SMTP requires a valid credential:
  $SMTPServer = ""
  $Port = 25
  $AuthMethod = "Credential"
  $Username = "YourDomain\YourUserName"
  $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString "password1234" -AsPlainText -Force
  $MyPSCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $SecurePassword)
  $UseSSL = $false
  $SenderName = "Your System Name"
  $SenderAddress = ""
  $Recipient = ""
  $Cc = ""
  $Bcc = ""
  $Subject = "Greeting from your Automated email script"
  $Body = @"
this is a system generated message
Best Regards,
Your System
  $HTMLBody = $false
  $SendEmail = Send-Email -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -Port $Port -UseSSL $UseSSL -AuthenticationMethod $AuthMethod -Credential $MyPSCred -SenderName $SenderName -SenderAddress $SenderAddress -To $Recipient -Cc $Cc -Bcc $Bcc -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -HTMLBody $HTMLBody
  # Send an email message by passing a hashtable containing SMTP settings:
  $SMTPSettings = @{
                    "SMTPServer" = ""
                    "Port" = 25
                    "AuthenticationMethod" = "Credential"
                    "UserName" = "domain\username"
                    "Password" = "password1234"
                    "UseSSL" = $false
                    "SenderName" = "Your System Name"
                    "SenderAddress" = ""
  $Recipient = ""
  $Cc = ""
  $Bcc = ""
  $Subject = "Greeting from your Automated email script"
  $Body = @"
this is a system generated message
Best Regards,
Your System
  $HTMLBody = $false
  $SendEmail = Send-Email -SMTPSettings $SMTPSettings -To $Recipient -Cc $Cc -Bcc $Bcc -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -HTMLBody $HTMLBody

    Param (
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName='SMTPIndividualSettings',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the SMTP Server FQDN')][string]$SMTPServer,
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName='SMTPIndividualSettings',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the SMTP Server Port')][Int32]$Port,
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName='SMTPIndividualSettings',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify if the SMTP Server requires SSL')][Boolean]$UseSSL,
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName='SMTPIndividualSettings',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='SMTP Server Authentication Method, Possible value: Anonymous, Integrated, Credential')][ValidateSet('Anonymous', 'Integrated', 'Credential')][string]$AuthenticationMethod,
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName='SMTPIndividualSettings',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage='Please specify a PSCredential object if the SMTP server requires valid credential')][ValidateScript({if ($AuthenticationMethod -ieq 'Credential'){$_}})][PSCredential]$Credential,
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName='SMTPIndividualSettings',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the Sender Name')][string]$SenderName,
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName='SMTPIndividualSettings',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the Sender Address')][string]$SenderAddress,
        [Parameter (ParameterSetName='SMTPHashTableSettings',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the SMTP Server settings')][object]$SMTPSettings,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Please specify the To Recipients address, separated by ';'")][string]$To,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Please specify the Cc Recipients address, separated by ';'")][string]$Cc,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$False,HelpMessage="Please specify the Bcc Recipients address, separated by ';'")][string]$Bcc,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the email subject')][string]$Subject,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify the email subject')][string]$Body,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='Please specify if the email body is in HTML format')][Boolean]$HTMLBody,
        [Parameter (Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Please specify the paths of attachments, separated by ';'")][string]$Attachments

    If ($SMTPSettings)
        [String]$SMTPServer = $SMTPSettings.SMTPServer
        [Int32]$Port = $SMTPSettings.Port
        [Boolean]$UseSSL = $SMTPSettings.UseSSL
        [String]$AuthenticationMethod = $SMTPSettings.AuthenticationMethod
        [String]$UserName = $SMTPSettings.UserName
        [String]$Password = $SMTPSettings.Password
        [String]$SenderName = $SMTPSettings.SenderName
        [String]$SenderAddress = $SMTPSettings.SenderAddress
        If ($UserName -and $Password)
            $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
            $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $SecurePassword)
    Write-Verbose 'SMTP Connection Settings:'
    Write-Verbose "SMTP Server: $SMTPServer"
    Write-Verbose "Port: $Port"
    Write-Verbose "UseSSL: $UseSSL"
    Write-Verbose "Authentication Method: $AuthenticationMethod"
    Write-Verbose "UserName: $UserName"
    Write-Verbose "SenderName: $SenderName"
    Write-Verbose "SenderAddress: $SenderAddress"

    $MailMessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $HTMLBody
    $SMTPClient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.smtpClient
    $ =  $SMTPServer
    $SMTPClient.port = $Port
    $SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $UseSSL
    if ($UseSSL)
        $SMTPClient.EnableSSL = $true
    } elseif ($bSSL -ieq 'false') {
        $SMTPClient.EnableSSL = $false

    #Get authentication method
    Switch ($AuthenticationMethod)
        'Anonymous' {$SMTPClient.UseDefaultCredentials = $false}
        'Integrated' {$SMTPClient.UseDefaultCredentials = $true}
        'Credential' {
            #$SMTPClient.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
            $SMTPClient.Credentials = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential()
        $Sender = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailAddress($SenderAddress, $SenderName)
        $MailMessage.Sender = $Sender
        $MailMessage.From = $Sender
    $MailMessage.Subject = $Subject
    $MailMessage.Body = $Body

    #Get all "To" Recipients
    $arrToRecipients = $To.split(';')
    Foreach ($item in $arrToRecipients)

    #Get all "Cc" Recipients
    if ($Cc)
        $arrCcRecipients = $Cc.split(';')
        Foreach ($item in $arrCcRecipients)

    #Get all "Bcc" Recipients
    if ($Bcc)
        $arrBccRecipients = $Bcc.split(';')
        Foreach ($item in $arrBccRecipients)
    #Get all attachments
    if ($Attachments)
        Write-Verbose "Adding attachments."
        $arrAttachments = $Attachments.split(';')
        Foreach ($item in $arrAttachments)
    Write-Verbose "Sending email message."