
Function Get-MachineModelOnPipeline
            Adds a MachineModel Column to an object
            This typically takes an imported csv file with a ComputerName Column as an imput object
            but just about any collection of objects that exposes .ComputerName should work
            The output is the same type of object as the input (hopefully) so that it can be piped
            to the next function to add another column
            Get-RCServerCollection | Test-RCServerConnectionOnPipeline | Get-RCTimeZoneOnPipeline | Get-RCTotalMemoryOnPipeline | Get-RCMachineModelOnPipeline | ft


    Param (
        ValueFromPipeline= $true)]


    Process {
        $NoErrorCheck | Out-Null
        $ComputerProperties | Select-Object *, MachineModel | ForEach-Object {
            If (($NoErrorCheck) -or (($PSItem.Ping) -and ($PSItem.WMI)))
                #$PSItem.MachineModel = [string](Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $PSItem.ComputerName).Model
                $PSItem.MachineModel = [string](Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $PSItem.ComputerName).Model
            Else{$PSItem.MachineModel = 'No Try'}