
Function Get-ServerObjectCollection
            Converts a collection of Server Name Strings into a Colection of objects
            This function will take a random list of servers, such as an array or txt file
            and convert it on the pipeline to a collection of PSObjects. This collection
            will function exactly like an imported CSV with ComputerName as the column heading.
            ('Server2','Server4') | Get-ServerObjectCollection | Test-ServerConnectionOnPipeline | ft
            Get-Content -Path .\RndListOfServers.txt | Get-ServerObjectCollection | Test-ServerConnectionOnPipeline | ft
            (Get-ADComputer -Filter *).Name | Get-ServerObjectCollection | Test-ServerConnectionOnPipeline | ft
            Active Directory!! (All Computers)
            (Get-ADComputer -SearchBase "OU=Domain Controllers,DC=coatelab,DC=com" -Filter *).Name | Get-ServerObjectCollection | Test-ServerConnectionOnPipeline | ft
            Active Directory!! (Just Domain Controllers)


    Param (
        ValueFromPipeline= $true)]

    Process {
            'ComputerName' = $ComputerName