
enum Ensure

enum IntegratedSecurity

enum AddressingScheme

    SBBase is the base Service Bus for Windows Server resource class that provides commonly used methods.

class SBBase

        Returns the property names and values of the class object as a hashtable.

    [hashtable] ToHashtable()
        $hashtable = @{}
        Get-Member -InputObject $this |
            Where-Object MemberType -eq "Property" |
                $hashtable.Add($_.Name, $this.($_.Name))
        return $hashtable

        Allows for getting properties on the class object by name.

    [object] GetProperty([object] $name)
        $type = $this.GetType()
        $propertyInfo = $type.GetProperty($name)
        return $propertyInfo.GetValue($this)

        Allows for setting properties on the class object by name.

    [void] SetProperty([object] $name, [object] $value)
        $type = $this.GetType()
        $propertyInfo = $type.GetProperty($name)
        $propertyInfo.SetValue($this, $value)

        Gets the NotConfigurable DscProperty names and values of the class object as a hashtable.

    [hashtable] GetDscNotConfigurablePropertiesAsHashtable()
        $hashtable = @{}
        $props = $this.GetType().GetProperties() |
            Where-Object CustomAttributes -ne $null
        foreach ($prop in $props)
            $dscPropertyAttributesWithNamedArguments = $prop.CustomAttributes |
                    ($_.AttributeType.Name -eq "DscPropertyAttribute") -and ($null -ne $_.NamedArguments)
            $notConfigurables = $dscPropertyAttributesWithNamedArguments |
                    $_.NamedArguments |
                        Where-Object MemberName -eq "NotConfigurable"
            if ($notConfigurables.Count -gt 0)
                $hashtable.Add($prop.Name, $this.($prop.Name))
        return $hashtable

        Gets the configurable DscProperty names and values of the class object as a hashtable.

    [hashtable] GetDscConfigurablePropertiesAsHashtable()
        $hashtable = @{}
        $props = $this.GetType().GetProperties() |
            Where-Object CustomAttributes -ne $null
        foreach ($prop in $props)
            $dscPropertyAttributesWithNamedArguments = $prop.CustomAttributes |
                    $_.AttributeType.Name -eq "DscPropertyAttribute"
            $notConfigurables = $dscPropertyAttributesWithNamedArguments |
                    $_.NamedArguments |
                        Where-Object MemberName -eq "NotConfigurable"
            if ($notConfigurables.Count -gt 0)
                $hashtable.Add($prop.Name, $this.($prop.Name))
        return $hashtable