
    Update-ServiceNowChangeRequest -Values @{ 'state' = 3 } -SysId <sysid>

function Update-ServiceNowChangeRequest
        # sys_id of the caller of the incident (user Get-ServiceNowUser to retrieve this)

         # Hashtable of values to use as the record's properties

         # Credential used to authenticate to ServiceNow
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory=$true)]

        # The URL for the ServiceNow instance being used (eg:
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory=$true)]

        # Azure Automation Connection object containing username, password, and URL for the ServiceNow instance
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UseConnectionObject', Mandatory=$true)] 

    $updateServiceNowTableEntrySplat = @{
        SysId = $SysId
        Table = 'change_request'
        Values = $Values
    # Update the splat if the parameters have values
    if ($null -ne $PSBoundParameters.Connection)
    elseif ($null -ne $PSBoundParameters.ServiceNowCredential -and $null -ne $PSBoundParameters.ServiceNowURL) 
    Update-ServiceNowTableEntry @updateServiceNowTableEntrySplat   