
function New-ServiceNowQuery{

        # Machine name of the field to order by
        # Direction of ordering (Desc/Asc)
        [ValidateSet("Desc", "Asc")]
        # Hashtable containing machine field names and values returned must match exactly (will be combined with AND)

        # Hashtable containing machine field names and values returned rows must contain (will be combined with AND)
    # Start the query off with a order direction
    $Query = '';
    if($OrderDirection -eq 'Asc'){
        $Query += 'ORDERBY'
        $Query += 'ORDERBYDESC'
    $Query +="$OrderBy"

    # Build the exact matches into the query
        foreach($Field in $MatchExact.keys){
            $Query += "^$Field="+$MatchExact.$Field

    # Add the values which given fields should contain
        foreach($Field in $MatchContains.keys){
            $Query += "^$($Field)LIKE"+$MatchContains.$Field

    return $Query