
Function Update-ServiceNowNumber {
    Allows for the passing of a number, instead of a sys_id, and associated table to update a ServiceNow entry.
    Allows for the passing of a number, instead of a sys_id, and associated table to update a ServiceNow entry. Output is suppressed and may be returned with a switch parameter.
    Update-ServiceNowNumber -Number $Number -Table $Table -Values @{property='value'}
    Updates a ticket number with a value providing no return output.
    Update-ServiceNowNumber -Number $Number -Table $Table -Values @{property='value'} -PassThru
    Updates a ticket number with a value providing return output.


        # Object number

        # Table containing the entry

        # Credential used to authenticate to ServiceNow
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory=$true)]

        # The URL for the ServiceNow instance being used
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory=$true)]

        # Azure Automation Connection object containing username, password, and URL for the ServiceNow instance
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='UseConnectionObject', Mandatory=$true)]

        # Hashtable of values to use as the record's properties

        # Switch to allow the results to be passed back

    begin {}
    process {
        Try {
            # Prep a splat to use the provided number to find the sys_id
            $getServiceNowTableEntry = @{
                Table         = $Table
                MatchExact    = @{number = $number}
                ErrorAction   = 'Stop'

            # Process credential steps based on parameter set name
            Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
                'SpecifyConnectionFields' {
                    $ServiceNowURL = 'https://' + $ServiceNowURL + '/api/now/v1'
                'UseConnectionObject' {
                    $SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Connection.Password -AsPlainText -Force
                    $Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Connection.Username, $SecurePassword)
                    $ServiceNowURL = 'https://' + $Connection.ServiceNowUri + '/api/now/v1'
                Default {
                    If ((Test-ServiceNowAuthIsSet)) {
                        $Credential = $Global:ServiceNowCredentials
                        $ServiceNowURL = $Global:ServiceNowRESTURL
                    Else {
                        Throw "Exception: You must do one of the following to authenticate: `n 1. Call the Set-ServiceNowAuth cmdlet `n 2. Pass in an Azure Automation connection object `n 3. Pass in an endpoint and credential"

            # Use the number and table to determine the sys_id
            $SysID = Get-ServiceNowTableEntry @getServiceNowTableEntry | Select-Object -Expand sys_id

            # Convert the values to Json and encode them to an UTF8 array to support special chars
            $Body = $Values | ConvertTo-Json
            $utf8Bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Utf8.GetBytes($Body)

            # Setup splat
            $Uri = $ServiceNowURL + "/table/$Table/$SysID"
            $invokeRestMethodSplat = @{
                Uri         = $uri
                Method      = 'Patch'
                Credential  = $Credential
                Body        = $utf8Bytes
                ContentType = 'application/json'

            If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Table/$SysID",$MyInvocation.MyCommand)) {
                # Send REST call
                $Result = (Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodSplat).Result

                # Option to return results
                If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Passthru')) {
        Catch {
            Write-Error $PSItem
    end {}