
function New-ServiceNowQuery {
        Build query string for api call
        Build query string for api call
        New-ServiceNowQuery -MatchExact @{field_name=value}
        Get query string where field name exactly matches the value
        New-ServiceNowQuery -MatchContains @{field_name=value}
        Get query string where field name contains the value

    # This function doesn't change state. Doesn't justify ShouldProcess functionality


        # Machine name of the field to order by

        # Direction of ordering (Desc/Asc)
        [ValidateSet("Desc", "Asc")]

        # Hashtable containing machine field names and values returned must match exactly (will be combined with AND)

        # Hashtable containing machine field names and values returned rows must contain (will be combined with AND)

    Try {
        # Create StringBuilder
        $Query = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

        # Start the query off with a order direction
        $Order = Switch ($OrderDirection) {
            'Asc'   {'ORDERBY'; break}
            Default {'ORDERBYDESC'}

        # Add OrderBy

        # Build the exact matches into the query
        If ($MatchExact) {
            ForEach ($Field in $MatchExact.keys) {
                $ExactString = "^{0}={1}" -f $Field.ToString().ToLower(), ($MatchExact.$Field)

        # Add the values which given fields should contain
        If ($MatchContains) {
            ForEach ($Field in $MatchContains.keys) {
                $ContainsString = "^{0}LIKE{1}" -f $Field.ToString().ToLower(), ($MatchContains.$Field)

        # Output StringBuilder to string
    Catch {
        Write-Error $PSItem