
function Get-ServiceNowTableEntry {
        Wraps Get-ServiceNowQuery & Get-ServiceNowTable for easier custom table queries
        Wraps Get-ServiceNowQuery & Get-ServiceNowTable for easier custom table queries. No formatting is provided on output. Every property is returned by default.
        Get-ServiceNowTableEntry -Table sc_req_item -Limit 1
        Returns one request item (RITM) from the sc_req_item table
        $Record = Get-ServiceNowTableEntry -Table u_customtable -MatchExact @{number=$Number}
        Update-ServiceNowTableEntry -SysID $Record.sys_id -Table u_customtable -Values @{comments='Ticket updated'}
        Utilize the returned object data with to provide the sys_id property required for updates and removals

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName, SupportsPaging)]
        # Table containing the entry we're deleting
        [string] $Table,

        # Machine name of the field to order by
        [string] $OrderBy = 'opened_at',

        # Direction of ordering (Desc/Asc)
        [ValidateSet('Desc', 'Asc')]
        [string] $OrderDirection = 'Desc',

        # Maximum number of records to return
        [int] $Limit,

        # Fields to return
        [string[]] $Properties,

        # Hashtable containing machine field names and values returned must match exactly (will be combined with AND)
        [hashtable] $MatchExact = @{},

        # Hashtable containing machine field names and values returned rows must contain (will be combined with AND)
        [hashtable] $MatchContains = @{},

        # Whether or not to show human readable display values instead of machine values
        [ValidateSet('true', 'false', 'all')]
        [string] $DisplayValues = 'true',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory)]
        [PSCredential] $Credential,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SpecifyConnectionFields', Mandatory)]
        [ValidateScript( { $_ | Test-ServiceNowURL })]
        [string] $ServiceNowURL,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UseConnectionObject', Mandatory)]
        [hashtable] $Connection,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Session')]
        [hashtable] $ServiceNowSession = $script:ServiceNowSession

    $newServiceNowQuerySplat = @{
        OrderBy        = $OrderBy
        MatchExact     = $MatchExact
        OrderDirection = $OrderDirection
        MatchContains  = $MatchContains
    $query = New-ServiceNowQuery @newServiceNowQuerySplat

    $paramsWithoutQuery = $PSBoundParameters
    $paramsWithoutQuery.Remove('OrderBy') | Out-Null
    $paramsWithoutQuery.Remove('MatchExact') | Out-Null
    $paramsWithoutQuery.Remove('OrderDirection') | Out-Null
    $paramsWithoutQuery.Remove('MatchContains') | Out-Null

    Invoke-ServiceNowRestMethod @paramsWithoutQuery -Query $query
    # Get-ServiceNowTable @paramsWithoutQuery -Query $query