
    Retrieve or update data via GraphQL - still a work in progress :)

    Retrieve or update data via GraphQL.
    Ensure you create a new session with -GraphQL.

.PARAMETER Operation
    Allowed values are 'query' or 'mutation'.
    The default is query.

.PARAMETER Application
    Application namespace for your API

    Schema namespace for your API

    Inner query string. Operation, application, and schema will be added automatically.

    Currently only supported with -Raw.
    Ensure the query includes the operation, application, and schema.

    Provide the server response as is instead of parsing out the application, schema, and service names.

.PARAMETER Connection
    Azure Automation Connection object containing username, password, and URL for the ServiceNow instance

.PARAMETER ServiceNowSession
    ServiceNow session created by New-ServiceNowSession. Will default to script-level variable $ServiceNowSession.

    Invoke-ServiceNowGraphQL -Application myapp -Schema incident -Query 'findById (id: "INC0010001") {sys_id {value} description {value}}'

    Perform a query



function Invoke-ServiceNowGraphQL {


    Param (
        [ValidateSet('query', 'mutation')]
        [string] $Operation = 'query',

        [string] $Application,

        [string] $Schema,

        [string] $Query,

        [string] $Variable,

        [switch] $Raw,

        [hashtable] $Connection,

        [hashtable] $ServiceNowSession = $script:ServiceNowSession

    begin {

        Write-Warning 'This function is in beta and subject to change. Please please feedback/enhancements at'

        if ( $Raw ) {
            $fullQuery = $Query
        } else {
            $fullQuery = ('{0} {{ {1} {{ {2} {{ {3} }}}}}}' -f $Operation, $Application, $Schema, $Query)

        $params = Get-ServiceNowAuth -C $Connection -S $ServiceNowSession

        $params.Method = 'Post'
        $params.ContentType = 'application/json'
        $params.UseBasicParsing = $true

        $body = @{
            'query' = $fullQuery

        if ( $Variable ) {
            $body.variables = $Variable

        $params.Body = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

    process {
        Write-Verbose ($params | ConvertTo-Json)
        $result = Invoke-RestMethod @params

        if ( $Raw ) {
        } else {
            $serviceName = $Query -replace '^(\w*).*', '$1'
            if ( $$Application.$Schema.$serviceName ) {