
Generates a new ServiceNow Incident

Generates a new ServiceNow Incident using predefined or other field values

    Full name or sys_id of the caller

.PARAMETER ShortDescription
    Short description

.PARAMETER Description
   Long description

.PARAMETER AssignmentGroup
    Full name or sys_id of the assignment group

    Comment to include

    Category name

.PARAMETER Subcategory
    Subcategory name

.PARAMETER ConfigurationItem
    Full name or sys_id of the configuration item to be associated with the change

    Field values which aren't one of the built in function properties

.PARAMETER ServiceNowSession
ServiceNow session created by New-ServiceNowSession. Will default to script-level variable $ServiceNowSession.

.PARAMETER Connection
    Azure Automation Connection object containing username, password, and URL for the ServiceNow instance

    If provided, the new record will be returned

Generate a basic Incident attributed to the caller "UserName" with descriptions, categories, assignment groups and CMDB items set.
    New-ServiceNowIncident -Caller "UserName" -ShortDescription = "New PS Incident" -Description = "This incident was created from Powershell" -AssignmentGroup "ServiceDesk" -Comment "Inline Comment" -Category "Office" -Subcategory "Outlook" -ConfigurationItem UserPC1

    Generate an Incident by "Splatting" all fields used in the 1st example plus some additional custom ServiceNow fields (These must exist in your ServiceNow Instance):

        $IncidentParams = @{Caller = "UserName"
            ShortDescription = "New PS Incident"
            Description = "This incident was created from Powershell"
            AssignmentGroup = "ServiceDesk"
            Comment = "Inline Comment"
            Category = "Office"
            Subcategory = "Outlook"
            ConfigurationItem = "UserPC1"
            InputData = @{u_custom1 = "Custom Field Entry"
                            u_another_custom = "Related Test"}
        New-ServiceNowIncident @IncidentParams


function New-ServiceNowIncident {



        [string] $Caller,

        [string] $ShortDescription,

        [string] $Description,

        [string] $AssignmentGroup,

        [string] $Comment,

        [string] $Category,

        [string] $Subcategory,

        [string] $ConfigurationItem,

        [hashtable] $InputData,

        [Hashtable] $Connection,

        [hashtable] $ServiceNowSession = $script:ServiceNowSession,

        [switch] $PassThru

    begin {}

    process {
        $values = @{}
        Switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
            AssignmentGroup { $values['assignment_group'] = $AssignmentGroup }
            Caller { $values['caller_id'] = $Caller }
            Category { $values['category'] = $Category }
            Comment { $values['comments'] = $Comment }
            ConfigurationItem { $values['cmdb_ci'] = $ConfigurationItem }
            Description { $values['description'] = $Description }
            ShortDescription { $values['short_description'] = $ShortDescription }
            Subcategory { $values['subcategory'] = $Subcategory }
            ModelID { $values['chg_model'] = $ModelID }
            TemplateID { $values['std_change_producer_version'] = $TemplateID; $values['type'] = 'Standard' }

        # add custom fields
        $duplicateValues = ForEach ($Key in $InputData.Keys) {
            If ( $values.ContainsKey($Key) ) {
            Else {
                $values.Add($Key, $InputData[$Key])

        # Throw an error if duplicate fields were provided
        If ( $duplicateValues ) {
            Throw ('Fields may only be used once and the following were duplicated: {0}' -f $duplicateValues -join ",")

        # Table Entry Splat
        $params = @{
            Table             = 'incident'
            Values            = $values
            Connection        = $Connection
            ServiceNowSession = $ServiceNowSession
            PassThru          = $true

        If ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ShortDescription, 'Create new Incident') ) {
            $response = New-ServiceNowRecord @params
            If ( $PassThru ) {
                $response.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "ServiceNow.Incident")