
.VERSION 1.1703.1
.GUID bd3a1ade-420c-4ac6-8558-b4f8df963aff
.AUTHOR Peter Hahndorf
   1.0.1 - 10-Aug-2016 Fixed a bug on Version 1607 with handling registry paths
   1.1.0 - 13-Apr-2017 Added setting introducted by the Creator's Update (Vs.1703)
                       Fixed a bug enabling named features.
   1.1703.0 - 14-April-2017 Changed version number to reflect matching Windows
                            version and added more details to the readme file.
                            Removed SpyNet feature.
   1.1703.1 - 15-April-2017 Updated Icon and iconUri

    PowerShell script to batch-change privacy settings in Windows 10 and Server 2016+
    With so many different privacy settings in Windows 10, it makes sense to have a script to change them.
    Makes changes to allow for the highest privacy
    Reverts to Windows defaults
    Turns off most things but not everything.
    Updates machine settings rather than user settings, still requires Strong,Balanced or Default switches. Needs to run as elevated admin.
    If this switch is selected, no user settings are changed.
    A comma separated list of features to disable or enable. Use the Tab key to show all allowed values
    Use with -Features to disable all those features
    Use with -Features to enable all those features
    Set-Privacy -Strong
    Sets strong privacy settings for the current user
    Set-Privacy -Balanced
    Runs the script to set the balanced privacy settings
    Set-Privacy -Strong -Admin
    Runs the script to set the strong settings on the machine level. This covers Windows update and WiFi sense.
    Set-Privacy -disable -Features WifiSense,ShareUpdates,Contacts
    Disabled those three features to improve your privacy
    Requires Windows 10 or higher
    Author: Peter Hahndorf
    Created: August 4th, 2015

    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Strong")]
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Default")]
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Balanced")]
    [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Balanced")]
    [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Default")]
    [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Strong")]
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Disable")]
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Enable")]
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Enable")]
    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "Disable")]


#requires -version 3

# check for changing things manually.

    # ----------- Helper Functions -----------

    Function Test-Admin()
        if (!($userIsAdmin))
            Write-Warning "When using -admin switch or specifying a machine setting, please run this script as elevated administrator"
            Exit 102

    Function Test-RegistryValue([String]$Path,[String]$Name){

      if (!(Test-Path $Path)) { return $false }
      $Key = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path
      if ($Key.GetValue($Name, $null) -ne $null) {
          return $true
      } else {
          return $false

    Function Get-RegistryValue([String]$Path,[String]$Name){

      if (!(Test-Path $Path)) { return $null }
      $Key = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path
      if ($Key.GetValue($Name, $null) -ne $null) {
          return $Key.GetValue($Name, $null)
      } else {
          return $null

    Function Remove-RegistryValue([String]$Path,[String]$Name){

        $old = Get-RegistryValue -Path $Path -Name $Name
        if ($old -ne $null)
            Remove-ItemProperty -Path "$Path" -Name "$Name"
            Write-Host "$Path\$Name removed" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Write-Host "$Path\$Name does not exist" -ForegroundColor Green


    Function Create-RegistryKey([string]$path)
        # creates a parent key and if needed grandparent key as well
        # for this script that is good enough

        If (!(Test-Path $Path))
            $parent = "$path\.."

            $grandParent = "$parent\.."
            If (!(Test-Path $grandParent))
                New-item -Path $grandParent | Out-Null

            If (!(Test-Path $parent))
                New-item -Path $parent | Out-Null

            New-item -Path $Path | Out-Null

    Function Add-RegistryDWord([String]$Path,[String]$Name,[int32]$value){

        $old = Get-RegistryValue -Path $Path -Name $Name
        if ($old -ne $null)
            if ([int32]$old -eq $value)
                Write-Host "$Path\$Name already set to $value" -ForegroundColor Green

        If (Test-RegistryValue $Path $Name)
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -Value $value
            Create-RegistryKey -path $path
            New-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -PropertyType DWord -Value $value | Out-Null

        Write-Host "$Path\$Name changed to $value" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Function Add-RegistryString([String]$Path,[String]$Name,[string]$value){

        $old = Get-RegistryValue -Path $Path -Name $Name
        if ($old -ne $null)
            if ([string]$old -eq $value)
                Write-Host "$Path\$Name already set to $value" -ForegroundColor Green

        If (Test-RegistryValue $Path $Name)
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -Value $value
            Create-RegistryKey -path $path
            New-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -PropertyType String -Value $value |Out-Null

        Write-Host "$Path\$Name changed to $value" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    Function Get-AppSID(){

        Get-ChildItem "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Mappings" | foreach {

        $key = $_.Name -replace "HKEY_CURRENT_USER","HKCU:"

        $val = Get-RegistryValue -Path $key -Name "Moniker" 

        if ($val -ne $null)
            if ($val -match "^microsoft\.people_")
                $script:sidPeople = $_.PsChildName
            if ($val -match "^microsoft\.windows\.cortana")
                $script:sidCortana = $_.PsChildName

    Function DeviceAccess([string]$guid,[string]$value){
        Add-RegistryString -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeviceAccess\Global\{$guid}" -Name Value -Value $value

    Function DeviceAccessName([string]$name,[string]$value){
        Add-RegistryString -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeviceAccess\Global\$name" -Name Value -Value $value

    Function DeviceAccessApp([string]$app,[string]$guid,[string]$value){

        Add-RegistryString -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeviceAccess\$app\{$guid}" -Name Value -Value $value

    Function Report(){

        Write-Host "Privacy settings changed"
        Exit 0

    # ----------- User Privacy Functions -----------
    Function SmartScreen([int]$value){
        # Turn on SmartScreen Filter
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost" -Name EnableWebContentEvaluation -Value $value

    Function ImproveTyping([int]$value){

        # Send Microsoft info about how to write to help us improve typing and writing in the future
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Input\TIPC" -Name Enabled -Value $value

    Function AdvertisingId([int]$value){

       # Let apps use my advertising ID for experience across apps
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AdvertisingInfo" -Name Enabled -Value $value

    Function LanguageList([int]$value){

        # Let websites provice locally relevant content by accessing my language list
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\International\User Profile" -Name HttpAcceptLanguageOptOut -Value $value

    Function SpeachInkingTyping([bool]$enable){

        if ($enable)
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Personalization\Settings" -Name AcceptedPrivacyPolicy -Value 1
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InputPersonalization" -Name RestrictImplicitTextCollection -Value 0
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InputPersonalization" -Name RestrictImplicitInkCollection -Value 0
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InputPersonalization\TrainedDataStore" -Name HarvestContacts -Value 1
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Personalization\Settings" -Name AcceptedPrivacyPolicy -Value 0
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InputPersonalization" -Name RestrictImplicitTextCollection -Value 1
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InputPersonalization" -Name RestrictImplicitInkCollection -Value 1
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InputPersonalization\TrainedDataStore" -Name HarvestContacts -Value 0    

    Function Location([string]$value){

        DeviceAccess -guid "BFA794E4-F964-4FDB-90F6-51056BFE4B44" -value $value

    Function Camera([string]$value){

        DeviceAccess -guid "E5323777-F976-4f5b-9B55-B94699C46E44" -value $value

    Function Microphone([string]$value){
        DeviceAccess -guid "2EEF81BE-33FA-4800-9670-1CD474972C3F" -value $value

    Function CallHistory([string]$value){
        DeviceAccess -guid "8BC668CF-7728-45BD-93F8-CF2B3B41D7AB" -value $value

    Function Email([string]$value){
        DeviceAccess -guid "9231CB4C-BF57-4AF3-8C55-FDA7BFCC04C5" -value $value

    Function Tasks([string]$value){
        DeviceAccess -guid "E390DF20-07DF-446D-B962-F5C953062741" -value $value

    Function Contacts([string]$value){

        $exclude = $script:sidCortana + "|" + $script:sidPeople

        DeviceAccess -guid "7D7E8402-7C54-4821-A34E-AEEFD62DED93" -value $value

        Get-ChildItem HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeviceAccess | ForEach-Object{

            $app = $_.PSChildName

            if ($app -ne "Global")
                $key = $_.Name -replace "HKEY_CURRENT_USER","HKCU:"

                $contactsGUID = "7D7E8402-7C54-4821-A34E-AEEFD62DED93"
                $key += "\{$contactsGUID}"

                if (Test-Path "$key")
                    if ($app -notmatch $exclude)
                        DeviceAccessApp -app $app -guid $contactsGUID -value $value

    Function Calendar([string]$value){
        DeviceAccess -guid "D89823BA-7180-4B81-B50C-7E471E6121A3" -value $value

    Function AccountInfo([string]$value){
        DeviceAccess -guid "C1D23ACC-752B-43E5-8448-8D0E519CD6D6" -value $value

    Function Messaging([string]$value){

        DeviceAccess -guid "992AFA70-6F47-4148-B3E9-3003349C1548" -value $value

    Function Radios([string]$value){

        DeviceAccess -guid "A8804298-2D5F-42E3-9531-9C8C39EB29CE" -value $value

    Function OtherDevices([string]$value){

        DeviceAccessName -name "LooselyCoupled" -value $value

    Function FeedbackFrequency([int]$value){

        if ($value -lt 0)
            # remove entry
            Remove-RegistryValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Siuf\Rules" -Name NumberOfSIUFInPeriod
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Siuf\Rules" -Name NumberOfSIUFInPeriod -Value $value

    Function AppNotifications([string]$value){
        DeviceAccess -guid "52079E78-A92B-413F-B213-E8FE35712E72" -value $value

    Function AppDiagnostics([string]$value){
        DeviceAccess -guid "2297E4E2-5DBE-466D-A12B-0F8286F0D9CA" -value $value

    # ----------- Edge Browser Privacy Functions -----------

    [string]$EdgeKey = "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge"

    Function DoNotTrack([int]$value){

       # 1 adds the Do Not Track Header, 0 does not
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "$EdgeKey\Main" -Name DoNotTrack -Value $value

    Function SearchSuggestions([int]$value){
       # 0 disables search suggestions, 1 does not
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "$EdgeKey\User\Default\SearchScopes" -Name ShowSearchSuggestionsGlobal -Value $value

    Function PagePrediction([int]$value){
       # 0 disables PagePrediction, 1 enables them
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "$EdgeKey\FlipAhead" -Name FPEnabled -Value $value

    Function PhishingFilter([int]$value){
       # 0 disables PhishingFilter, 1 enables it
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "$EdgeKey\PhishingFilter" -Name EnabledV9 -Value $value

    Function StartTrackProgs([int]$value)
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" -Name Start_TrackProgs -Value $value

    Function TailoredExperiences([int]$value)
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Privacy" -Name TailoredExperiencesWithDiagnosticDataEnabled -Value $value

    # ----------- Machine Settings Functions -----------

    Function ShareUpdates([int]$value){


        # 0 = Off
        # 1 = PCs on my local network
        # 3 = PCs on my local network, and PCs on the Internet

        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeliveryOptimization\Config" -Name DODownloadMode -Value $value        

    Function WifiSense([int]$value){


        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WcmSvc\wifinetworkmanager\features" -Name WiFiSenseCredShared -Value $value        
        Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WcmSvc\wifinetworkmanager\features" -Name WiFiSenseOpen -Value $value        

    Function SpyNet([bool]$enable){

        # Access to these registry keys are not allowed for administrators
        # so this does not work until we change those,
        # we give admins full permissions and after updating the values change it back.


$definition = @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Win32Api
    public class NtDll
        [DllImport("ntdll.dll", EntryPoint="RtlAdjustPrivilege")]
        public static extern int RtlAdjustPrivilege(ulong Privilege, bool Enable, bool CurrentThread, ref bool Enabled);

        if (-not ("Win32Api.NtDll" -as [type])) 
            Add-Type -TypeDefinition $definition -PassThru | out-null
             ("Win32Api.NtDll" -as [type]) | Out-Null
        $bEnabled = $false
        # Enable SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege
        $res = [Win32Api.NtDll]::RtlAdjustPrivilege(9, $true, $false, [ref]$bEnabled)

        $adminGroupSID = "S-1-5-32-544"

        $adminGroupName = (get-wmiobject -class "win32_account" -namespace "root\cimv2" | where-object{$_.sidtype -eq 4 -and $_.Sid -eq "$adminGroupSID"}).Name 

        # we take ownership from SYSTEM and I tried to give it back but that failed. I don't think that's a problem.
        $key = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKeyPermissionCheck]::ReadWriteSubTree,[System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights]::takeownership)
        $acl = $key.GetAccessControl()

        $rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule ("$adminGroupName","FullControl","Allow")

        if ($enable)
    # Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Name "SpyNetReporting" -Value 2
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Name "SubmitSamplesConsent" -Value 1 
    # Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Name "SpyNetReporting" -Value 0
            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet" -Name "SubmitSamplesConsent" -Value 0                   

        # remove FUll Access ACE again
        $acl.RemoveAccessRule($rule) | Out-Null

    Function Telemetry ([bool]$enable){


        # this covers Diagnostic and usage data in 'Feedback and diagnostics'
        if ($enable)
            Set-service -Name DiagTrack -Status Running -StartupType Automatic
            if ((Get-Service | where Name -eq dmwappushservice).count -eq 1)
                & sc.exe config dmwappushservice start= delayed-auto | Out-Null
                Set-service -Name dmwappushservice -Status Running
            # just setting the value to zero did not do the trick.
            Remove-RegistryValue -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" -Name AllowTelemetry
            Stop-Service -Name DiagTrack -Force
            Set-service -Name DiagTrack -StartupType Disabled
            if((Get-Service | where Name -eq dmwappushservice).count -eq 1)
                Stop-Service -Name dmwappushservice -Force
                Set-service -Name dmwappushservice -StartupType Disabled

            Add-RegistryDWord -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" -Name AllowTelemetry -Value 0 

    # ----------- Grouping Functions -----------

    Function Set-StrictPrivacyFeature([bool]$enable)
        #enabled for -default, disabled for -strong and -balanced

        $AllowDeny = "Deny"
        $OnOff = 0      
        $OffOn = 1  
        if ($enable)
            $AllowDeny = "Allow"
            $OnOff = 1
            $OffOn = 0

        # General
        AdvertisingId -value $OnOff
        ImproveTyping -value $OnOff          
        # Location
        Location -value $AllowDeny
        # Camera
        Camera -value $AllowDeny
        # Microphone
        Microphone -value $AllowDeny
        # Speach, Inking, Typing
        SpeachInkingTyping -enable $enable
        # Account Info
        AccountInfo -value $AllowDeny
        # Contacts
        Contacts -value $AllowDeny
        # Calendar
        Calendar -value $AllowDeny
        # Messaging
        Messaging -value $AllowDeny
        # Radios
        Radios -value $AllowDeny
        # Other devices
        OtherDevices -value $AllowDeny
        # Let Apps Access My notifications
        AppNotifications -value $AllowDeny
        # Let apps access my call history
        CallHistory -value $AllowDeny
        # Let Apps access and send email
        Email -value $AllowDeny
        # Let apps access tasks
        Tasks -value $AllowDeny
        # Let apps access diagnostics of other apps
        AppDiagnostics -value $AllowDeny
        # Feedback & diagnostics
        if ($enable)
            FeedbackFrequency -value -1
            FeedbackFrequency -value 0

        # Edge

        DoNotTrack -value $OffOn
        SearchSuggestions -value $OnOff 
        PagePrediction -value $OnOff 
        PhishingFilter -value $OnOff 
        StartTrackProgs -value $OnOff
        TailoredExperiences -value $OnOff

    Function Set-MiscPrivacyFeature([bool]$enable)
        #enabled for -default and -balanced disabled for -strong

        if ($enable)
            SmartScreen -value 1
            LanguageList -value 0
            SmartScreen -value 0
            LanguageList -value 1
    Write-Output "Processing settings..."

    $myOS = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Namespace root/cimv2 -Verbose:$false

    if ([int]$myOS.BuildNumber -lt 10240)
        Write-Warning "Your OS version is not supported, Windows 10 or higher is required" 
        Exit 101

    $UserCurrent = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
    $userIsAdmin = $false
    $UserCurrent.Groups | ForEach-Object { if($_.value -eq "S-1-5-32-544") {$userIsAdmin = $true} }

    if ($Admin)
        if ($Strong)
            ShareUpdates -value 0
            WifiSense -value 0
            Telemetry -enable $false
            SpyNet -enable $false
        if ($Balanced)
            # allow LAN sharing of updates
            ShareUpdates -value 1
            WifiSense -value 0
            Telemetry -enable $false
            # in balanced mode, we don't disable SpyNet
            SpyNet -enable $true
        if ($Default)
            ShareUpdates -value 3
            WifiSense -value 1
            Telemetry -enable $true
            SpyNet -enable $true


    # this gets internal IDs for certain Apps like Cortana which we need in some functions

    if ($Strong)
        # turn off as much as we can
        Set-MiscPrivacyFeature -enable $false
        Set-StrictPrivacyFeature -enable $false        

    if ($Balanced)
        Set-MiscPrivacyFeature -enable $true
        Set-StrictPrivacyFeature -enable $false

    if ($Default)
        Set-MiscPrivacyFeature -enable $true
        Set-StrictPrivacyFeature -enable $true  

    # handle specific features

    $AllowDeny = "Deny"
    $OnOff = 0
    $OffOn = 1   
    $DoEnable = $false  
    if ($Enable)
        $AllowDeny = "Allow"
        $OnOff = 1
        $OffOn = 0
        $DoEnable = $true 

    $Feature | ForEach-Object {

        switch ($_) 
                "AdvertisingId" {AdvertisingId -value $OnOff;break} 
                "ImproveTyping" {ImproveTyping -value $OnOff;break} 
                "Location" {Location -value $AllowDeny;break}
                "Camera" {Camera -value $AllowDeny;break} 
                "Microphone" {Microphone -value $AllowDeny;break} 
                "SpeachInkingTyping" {SpeachInkingTyping -enable $DoEnable;break} 
                "AccountInfo" {AccountInfo -value $AllowDeny;break} 
                "Contacts" {Contacts -value $AllowDeny;break} 
                "Calendar" {Calendar -value $AllowDeny;break} 
                "Messaging" {Messaging -value $AllowDeny;break} 
                "Radios" {Radios -value $AllowDeny;break} 
                "OtherDevices" {OtherDevices -value $AllowDeny;break} 
                "AppNotifications" {AppNotifications -value $AllowDeny;break}
                "CallHistory" {CallHistory -value $AllowDeny;break}
                "Email" {Email -value $AllowDeny;break}
                "Tasks" {Tasks -value $AllowDeny;break}
                "AppDiagnostics"{AppDiagnostics -value $AllowDeny;break}
                "FeedbackFrequency" {
                        if ($Enable) {
                            FeedbackFrequency -value -1;
                            FeedbackFrequency -value 0;
                "ShareUpdates" {
                        if ($Enable) {
                            ShareUpdates -value 3;
                            ShareUpdates -value 0;
                "WifiSense" {WifiSense -value $OnOff;break}                                                                    
                "Telemetry" {Telemetry -enable $DoEnable;break} 
                "SpyNet" {SpyNet -enable $DoEnable ;break}
                "DoNotTrack" {DoNotTrack -value $OffOn;break}  
                "SearchSuggestions" {SearchSuggestions -value $OnOff;break}  
                "PagePrediction" {PagePrediction -value $OnOff;break}  
                "PhishingFilter" {PhishingFilter -value $OnOff;break}  
                "StartTrackProgs" {StartTrackProgs -value $OnOff;break}
                "TailoredExperiences"{TailoredExperiences -value $OnOff;break}
                default {"ooops, nothing selected"}

