
class shade {

    [void] show($temp){
        write-host $this.Emails $temp

$path = "~\shade"

function Send-ShadeAlert {
    param (
        [pscredential]$login = $(Import-Clixml "$path\cred.xml"),
        [pscustomobject]$smtp_server = $(Get-Content -raw "$path\server.json" | ConvertFrom-Json),
        [hashtable]$email_info = $null


        Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtp_server.smtp_server -Verbose -UseSsl -Port $smtp_server.smtp_port -Credential $login @email_settings

        Write-Host "ERROR email" -ForegroundColor Red

function Test-Shade {

        Test user specified domains
        The Test-Shade function tests all domains in your domains.json config file

    #Define function parameters
    param (
        [array]$current = $null


    $domains = Get-Content -Raw "$path\domains.json" | ConvertFrom-Json

    #Try block for ping and HTML status then conversion to HTML

        if($(Test-Path $path) -ne $true){
                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path

    Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]{
         Write-Message "Error you don't have write permissions for $path"

    #Ping and HTML status each user domain
    foreach($i in $domains.Domains ){

        if($i.Type -eq "ping" -or $i.Type -eq "both"){
            if($(Test-Connection $i.Domain -Quiet -Count 1) -eq $true){
                $ping_status = "OK"

                $ping_status = "FAIL"

            $ping_status = $false

        if($i.Type -eq "http" -or $i.Type -eq "both"){
                $html_status = Invoke-WebRequest $i.Domain
                [pscustomobject]$html_status = @{StatusCode = "FAIL"}

            $html_status = $false

        #Create object for each domains results then store in arrary object $current
        $current += ([shade]@{Domain = $i.Domain;Ping_Status = $ping_status;Html_Status = $html_status.StatusCode;Date_Checked = $(Get-Date);Subject = $i.Subject; Emails = $i.Emails; Type = $i.Type; Send = $i.send})
        #Convert objects stored in $current to HTML
        $current | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File "$path\domains.html"


    Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]{
        Write-Message "Error you don't have the correct file system permissions for $path\domains.html" -BackgroundColor Red

    foreach($i in $current){
        if($i.Type -eq "both"){
            if($i.Ping_Status -ne "OK" -or $i.Html_Status -ne "OK"){
                $email_settings = @{To = ($i.emails).Split(",").Trim();From = $i.send;Subject = $i.subject;Body = "$($i.Domain) is currently down! Ping status is $($i.Ping_Status) HTML status is $($i.Html_Status)"}
                Send-ShadeAlert -email_info $email_settings

        elseif($i.Type -eq "ping"){
            if($i.Ping_Status -ne "OK"){
                $email_settings = @{To = ($i.emails).Split(",").Trim();From = $i.send;Subject = $i.subject;Body = "$($i.Domain) is currently down! Ping status is $($i.Ping_Status)"}
                Send-ShadeAlert -email_info $email_settings

        elseif($i.Type -eq "http"){
            if($i.Ping_Status -ne "OK"){
                $email_settings = @{To = ($i.emails).Split(",").Trim();From = $i.send;Subject = $i.subject;Body = "$($i.Domain) is currently down! HTML status is $($i.HTML_Status)"}
                Send-ShadeAlert -email_info $email_settings


function Set-ShadeEmail {
        Set user email account info
        The Set-ShadeEmail function requests user email account and server info then updates user config file

    param (
        [string]$username = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your email username"),
        [securestring]$password = $(Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Enter your email password"),
        [string]$smtp_server = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your SMTP server address without port"),
        [string]$smtp_port = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your SMTP server port")

    [pscredential]$login = $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username,$password))
    [pscustomobject]$server = @{smtp_server = $smtp_server; smtp_port = $smtp_port}
    try {
        if($(Test-Path $path) -eq $false){
            New-Item -ItemType Directory $path *> $null

        $login | Export-Clixml -Path "$path\cred.xml" -Force
        $server | Convertto-Json | Out-File "$path\server.json" -Force
        Write-Host "Your email settings have been saved!" -ForegroundColor Blue


    catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
        Write-Host "You don't have file system permissions for $path." -ForegroundColor Red

function Add-ShadeDomain {
        Adds a new domain to user domains.json config file
        The Add-ShadeDomain function asks for user input then adds a new domain to domains.json

    param (
        [string]$domain = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter one domain like"),
        [string]$send = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the address you want the alert sent from"),
        [string]$subject = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the subject for alert emails"),
        [string]$emails = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the emails you want the alert sent to. ex,"),
        [string]$type = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to test this domain via ping, HTTP status, or both? Type ping, http, or both.")

    try {
        if($(Test-Path $path) -eq $false){
            New-Item -ItemType Directory $path *> $null

    catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
        Write-Host "You don't have file system permissions for $path." -ForegroundColor Red

    if ($type -like "ping") {
        $type = "ping"
    elseif ($type -like "http") {
        $type = "http"
    elseif ($type -like "both") {
        $type = "both"
        throw "Invalid choice for test type! Try again with ping, http, or both!"

        if ($(Test-Path "$path\domains.json") -eq $true){
            $Current_Config = Get-Content -Raw "$path\domains.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            [psobject]$Current_Config = @{domains = @()}

    Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]{
        Write-Message "Error you don't have the correct file system permissions for $path\domains.json" -BackgroundColor Red


    $ += [PSCustomObject]@{Domain = $domain;send = $send ;Subject = $subject; Emails = $emails; Type = $type}

        $Current_Config | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Force "$path\domains.json"

        Write-Host "Your domain setting have been saved!" -ForegroundColor Blue

    Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]{
        Write-Message "Error you don't have the correct file system permissions for $path\domains.json" -BackgroundColor Red

function Remove-ShadeDomain {
        Removes domain from user's domains.json config file
        The Remove-ShadeDomain function asks user for input then removes a domain from domains.json

    param (
        $New_Config = $([pscustomobject]@{domains = @()}),
        $Current_Config = $(Get-Content -Raw "$path\domains.json" | ConvertFrom-Json)

    $ | Out-Host

    [string]$domain = $(Read-Host -Prompt "Enter one domain you want to remove. ex")

    foreach($i in ${
        if($i.domain -ne $domain){
            $ += $i


        $New_Config | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -Force "$path\domains.json"

        Write-Host "Your domain setting have been saved!" -ForegroundColor Blue

    Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException]{
        Write-Message "Error you don't have the correct file system permissions to $path\domains.json" -BackgroundColor Red


Function Set-ShadeTimer{

        Creates Windows task for test-shade
        The Set-Shadetimer function opens an admin shell and ask the user for input then creates a Windows task.

    $script = {
        [int]$time = $(Read-Host -Prompt "'How many minutes do you want between domain tests '")

        $trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once:$true -At $(Get-Date) -RepetitionInterval $(New-TimeSpan -Minutes $time)

        $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'Powershell.exe'`
            -Argument '-WindowStyle Hidden -command "&{Test-Shade}"'

        $principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId $env:USERNAME -LogonType S4U
            Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -Principal $principal -TaskName "Shade" 2>> $path\shadeerror.log


            Write-Host "Error making Windows task! Check ${path}\shaderror.log" -BackgroundColor Red

        Read-Host -Prompt "'Press enter to close this window!'"


        Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$script})" -verb RunAs
        Write-Host "Your Shade timer has been set!" -BackgroundColor Blue


        Write-Host "Error making Windows task! Check ${path}\shaderror.log" -BackgroundColor Red

function Remove-ShadeTimer {
        Removes Windows task for test-shade
        The Remove-Shadetimer function opens an admin shell and removes the current Shade Windows task.

    $script = {

        Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName Shade -Confirm:$false 2>> $path\shadeerror.log

        Read-Host -Prompt "'Press enter to close this window!'"



        Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command (Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {$script})" -verb RunAs
        Write-Host "Your Shade timer has been removed!" -BackgroundColor Blue


        Write-Host "Error removing Windows task! Check ${path}\shaderror.log" -BackgroundColor Red
