function Change-SPServicePassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Change SharePoint Services account password. .DESCRIPTION This module allows administrator to change SharePoint Services account password easily throughout all the servers. Before executing this module, the all service account password must be already updated in Active Directory. The Administrator then create CSV files (UserName,NewPassword) - where the Change-SPServicePassword will iterate and find all relevant Managed Account, Windows Services. .PARAMETER passwordCsv Mandatory. CSV contains servicesaccount and theirs new password. The script will search all services that uses the ServiceAccounts in the list and perform password update. .PARAMETER farmAction Optional. True/False, to indicate that the function will be executed on Farm's managed account or non Farm's managed account. Default: false. .INPUTS Parameters above .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Riwut Libinuko Creation Date: 11/01/2018 Last Update: 11/03/2018 .EXAMPLE Change-SPServicePassword -passwordCsv 'D:\code\ChangePassword.csv' -farmAction $true Change-SPServicePassword -passwordCsv 'D:\code\ChangePassword.csv' Change-SPServicePassword -farmAction $rue, must be executed at least once in any of the server member. .EXAMPLE Change-SPServicePassword -passwordCsv 'D:\code\ChangePassword.csv' This command must be executed in all server members. #> Param( [string] $passwordCsv = 'D:\code\ChangePassword\ChangePassword_sample.csv', [switch] $farmAction = $false ) Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Import-Module WebAdministration $passwords = Import-Csv $passwordCsv #Excluded - will be handled by other script $excludeService = @('AppFabricCachingService', 'FabricHostSvc','Service Bus Gateway','Service Bus Message Broker','Service Bus Resource Provider','WorkflowServiceBackend') Update-ServicePassword -passwords $passwords -farmAction $farmAction Update-AppPool -passwords $passwords -farmAction $farmAction Update-ManagedAccount -passwords $passwords -farmAction $farmAction Update-ContentAccount -passwords $passwords -farmAction $farmAction } function Change-SPWorkflowPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Change WorkflowHost and ServiceBus account password. .DESCRIPTION This module allows administrator to change WorkflowHost and ServiceBus account password. Before executing this module, the all service account password must be already updated in Active Directory. The Administrator then create CSV files (UserName,NewPassword) - where the Change-SPWorkflowPassword will find password for the RunAsService. .PARAMETER passwordCsv Mandatory. CSV contains servicesaccount and theirs new password. The script will search all services that uses the ServiceAccounts in the list and perform password update. .PARAMETER service Mandatory. Workflow/ServiceBus, Select between Workflow or ServiceBus - runAsService password modification. .INPUTS Parameters above .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Riwut Libinuko Creation Date: 11/01/2018 Last Update: 11/03/2018 .EXAMPLE Change-SPWorkflowPassword -passwordCsv 'D:\code\ChangePassword.csv' -service Workflow Change WorkflowHost RunAsService account password. .EXAMPLE Change-SPWorkflowPassword -passwordCsv 'D:\code\ChangePassword.csv' -service ServiceBus Change ServiceBusHost RunAsService account password. #> Param( [ValidateSet('Workflow','ServiceBus')] [String]$service, [string] $passwordCsv = 'D:\code\ChangePassword\ChangePassword_sample.csv' ) $passwords = Import-Csv $passwordCsv if($service -eq "Workflow") { $account = (Get-WFFarm).RunAsAccount $userPassword = Find-Password -username $account -passwords $passwords if($userPassword -ne $null) { Write-Host "Updating WorkflowHost password.." -NoNewline Stop-WFHost -Verbose Update-WFHost -RunAsPassword $userPassword –Verbose Start-WFHost -Verbose Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "Can not find WorkflowHost password!" -ForegroundColor Red } } if($service -eq "ServiceBus") { $account = (Get-SBFarm).RunAsAccount $userPassword = Find-Password -username $account -passwords $passwords if($userPassword -ne $null) { Write-Host "Updating ServiceBus password.." -NoNewline Stop-SBHost -Verbose Update-SBHost -RunAsPassword $userPassword –Verbose Start-SBHost -Verbose Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "Can not find ServiceBus password!" -ForegroundColor Red } } } function Find-User{ Param( [string] $username, $passwords ) $user = $passwords |? { $_.Username -eq $username } if($user -eq $null) { Write-Host "Can not find $($user.Username)" -ForegroundColor Red return $null } return $user } function Find-Password { Param( [string] $username, $passwords ) $userPassword = Find-User -username $account -passwords $passwords if($userPassword -eq $null) { return $null } else { $newpwd1 = $userPassword.NewPassword $newpassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $newpwd1 -AsPlainText -Force return $newpassword } } #1 One time - Managed account function Update-ManagedAccount { Param( $passwords, [switch] $farmAction = $false ) if($farmAction -eq $false) { return } write-host "Update SPManaged account password..." $passwords | foreach { $username = $_.Username $newpwd1 = $_.NewPassword $newpassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $newpwd1 -AsPlainText -Force <#if ($newpasswords) { Write-Host "Updating SPManagedAccount {$username} password, to new" #Set-SPManagedAccount -Identity $username -NewPassword $newpassword -ConfirmPassword $newpassword -Confirm:$false } else {#> Write-Host "Updating SPManagedAccount $($username) password, matching AD..." -NoNewline Set-SPManagedAccount -Identity $username -ExistingPassword $newpassword -Confirm:$false -UseExistingPassword:$true Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green # } } } #2 One time - Default Content Account function Update-ContentAccount { Param( $passwords, [switch] $farmAction = $false ) if($farmAction -eq $false) { return } write-host "Update Default content search account password..." Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication |% { $spService = $_ $content = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Content -ArgumentList $spService Write-host "Updating ContentSearch $($spService.Name) $($content.DefaultGatheringAccount) password, matching AD.." -NoNewline $userExist = Find-User -username $content.DefaultGatheringAccount -passwords $passwords if($userExist -ne $null) { $username = $userExist.Username $newpwd1 = $userExist.NewPassword $newpassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $newpwd1 -AsPlainText -Force Set-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Identity $spService -DefaultContentAccessAccountName $username -DefaultContentAccessAccountPassword $newpassword Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green } } } #3 All Servers - Update AppPool password function Update-AppPool { Param( $passwords, [switch] $farmAction = $false ) if($farmAction -eq $true) { return } Write-Host "Stoping IIS. " iisreset /stop /noforce $passwords |% { $username = $_.Username $newpwd1 = $_.NewPassword $newpassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $newpwd1 -AsPlainText -Force $appPools = gci IIS:\AppPools |? { $_.processModel.userName -eq $username } $appPools |% { $pool = $_ Write-Host "Updating AppPool: $($pool.Name) $($username) password, matching AD..." -NoNewline $pool.processModel.userName = $username $pool.processModel.password = $newpwd1 $pool.processmodel.identityType = 3 $pool | Set-Item Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green } } Write-Host "Starting IIS..." iisreset /start /noforce } #4 All Servers - Update Service password function Update-ServicePassword { Param( $passwords, [switch] $farmAction = $false ) if($farmAction -eq $true) { return } Write-Host "Updating Password for Services" $passwords |% { $username = $_.Username $newpassword = $_.NewPassword Get-WmiObject win32_Service |? { $_.startname -eq $username -and $_.Name -notin $excludeService} |% { $service = $_ write-host "Updating Service: $($service.Name) $($username) password, matching AD.." -NoNewline $status = $service.Change($null,$null,$null,$null,$null,$null, $username, $newpassword) Write-Host "Status: $($status.ReturnValue)" -NoNewline Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green } Write-Host "Stopping services" Get-WmiObject win32_Service |? { $_.startname -eq $username -And $_.state -ne "Stopped" -and $_.startmode -ne "Disabled" } | Stop-Service -Force Write-Host "Starting services" Get-WmiObject win32_Service |? { $_.startname -eq $username -And $_.state -ne "Running" -and $_.startmode -ne "Disabled" } | Start-Service } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Change-SPServicePassword,Change-SPWorkflowPassword |