
This resource is used to set the global antivirus settings for the local farm.
These settings will be used to control the behavior of an external anti-virus scanning tool that is able to integrate with SharePoint.
Note that this will not scan documents for viruses on it's own, an external tool still needs to be installed on the servers that integrates with SharePoint.
    SPAntivirusSettings AVSettings
        ScanOnDownload = $true
        ScanOnUpload = $true
        AllowDownloadInfected = $false
        AttemptToClean = $false
.PARAMETER ScanOnDownload
    Key - Boolean
    Should documents be scanned before being downloaded
    Write - Boolean
    Should documents be scanned on upload
.PARAMETER AllowDownloadInfected
    Write - Boolean
    Should documents that are infected be allowed to be downloaded
.PARAMETER AttemptToClean
    Write - Boolean
    Should infected documents be handed to the AV engine to attempt cleaning
.PARAMETER TimeoutDuration
    Write - Uint16
    What is the timeout for an AV scan in seconds
.PARAMETER NumberOfThreads
    Write - Uint16
    How many concurrent threads should the AV engine be able to run on a server
.PARAMETER InstallAccount
    Write - String
    POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsAccount if using PowerShell 5