
.GUID 688680b4-cb5f-433d-8cce-7ee057f9eef3
.AUTHOR MartinGC94
.TAGS Parameter Parameterset Help

    Shows parameter sets for a given command.
    Shows parameter sets for a given command.
.PARAMETER CommandName
    Name of the command(s) to lookup. Supports wildcards like Get-Command does.
.PARAMETER InputObject
    Input from Get-Command output.
.PARAMETER ParameterSetName
    The parameter set name to show parameters for. Supports wildcards.
.PARAMETER MandatoryOnly
    Show only mandatory parameters from each parameter set.
.PARAMETER IncludeCommonParameters
    Show common parameters that all Advanced functions/cmdlets get such as Verbose.
    Disables any color customization from the output.
    Get-Command | Get-Random | Show-ParameterSet
    Shows all parametersets for a random command, note that if the module hasn't been imported it will show no parameters.
    Show-ParameterSet -CommandName Remove-Item -ParameterSetName LiteralPath
    Shows the parameters for the LiteralPath parameterset of Remove-Item
    Command name strings and output from Get-Command
    Strings and format data that is not suited for anything except plaintext export.
    Information for commands from modules that hasn't been imported yet will be inaccurate.

#Requires -Version 5




        param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)

        if ($fakeBoundParameters["CommandName"])
            $FoundCommand=Get-Command -Name $fakeBoundParameters["CommandName"] -ErrorAction Ignore

        if ($FoundCommand -is [System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo])
            $ParamSets=$FoundCommand.ParameterSets | Where-Object -Property Name -Like "$wordToComplete*"
            foreach ($Item in $ParamSets)
                $CompletionText = $Item.Name
                $ListItemText   = $Item.Name
                $ResultType     = [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue
                $ToolTip        = "Default: $($Item.IsDefault)"







    if ($Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -eq $false -or $NoColors)
    if ($CommandName)
        $CommandsToShow=Get-Command -Name $CommandName
    if ($InputObject)

    foreach ($Command in $CommandsToShow)
        if ($Command -is [System.Management.Automation.AliasInfo])

        "CommandName: $CommandNameColor$($Command.Name)$ColorReset"

        foreach ($Item in ($ParameterSets | Where-Object -Property Name -Like $ParameterSetName) )
            if (!$IncludeCommonParameters)
                $ParametersToShow=$ParametersToShow | Where-Object -Property Name -NotIn $CommonParameters
            if ($MandatoryOnly)
                $ParametersToShow=$ParametersToShow | Where-Object -Property IsMandatory -EQ $true

            " ParameterSetName: $ParameterSetInfoColor$($Item.Name)$ColorReset"
            " IsDefault: $ParameterSetInfoColor$($Item.IsDefault)$ColorReset"

            $TableOutput=$ParametersToShow | Format-Table -Property @(
                @{Name="Position";           Expression={if ($_.Position -eq -2147483648) {$null} else {$_.Position} } }
                @{Name="ParameterType";      Expression={$_.ParameterType.Name} }
                @{Name="Mandatory";          Expression={$_.IsMandatory} }
                @{Name="Dynamic";            Expression={$_.IsDynamic} }
                @{Name="Pipeline";           Expression={$_.ValueFromPipeline} }
                @{Name="PropertyName";       Expression={$_.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName} }
                @{Name="RemainingArguments"; Expression={$_.ValueFromRemainingArguments} }
            foreach ($Line in $TableOutput)

                if ($FieldList)
                    #If Mandatory field is True
                    if ($FieldList[3].propertyValue -eq "True")
                        foreach ($Property in $FieldList)
                    #Right alignment for Position field

            if (!$ParametersToShow)